Saturday, October 11, 2008

Benedict XVI and Obama are totalitarians: Associated Press dictates that “Nobody can every say anything bad about Benedict XVI and Barrack Obama”

Benedict XVI attacks Jesuit Jon Sobrino and Opus Dei owned media attack Palin

Benedict XVI is a totalitarian and Obama is a totalitarian that even controls Kenya …already…imagine what will happen to America if he becomes President, God forbid. Obama has raised half Billion dollars for his campaign and can therefore dish out millions to buy the votes and smear campaigns of movie stars, famous rock singers, media writers who’ll sell their soul to the Devil for millions of dollars. Even Brigitte Bardot has sold her soul to Obama by smearing Sarah Palin. The sex-kitten Brigitte Bardot living with hundreds of cats versus the heroic Sarah Palin mother of 5 children with a baby with Down Syndrome: who is more Christian between these two women?

The mainstream media treats Obama as “the Messiah” like the Opus Dei treats John Paul II as “the 2nd Christ”, see article by Ann Coultier in this weblog.

Think about that for a second - let it sink in. According the the AP, NOBODY CAN EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT BARACK OBAMA – see full article below “Sarahcuda versus the Associated Press”


Opus Dei media are pathological liars

Benedict XVI is dubbed the flying pope simply because his papal cape is blown like wings of this photo. Benedict XVI cannot change water into wine and therefore he cannot change flour into the flesh of God in the Mass or Eucharist. The media lies of Opus Dei to give “godly powers” to the Pope show Opus Dei’s capacities as pathological liars….Octopus Dei liars.

In the World Youth Day in Australia tons of flours and 1 million Host were turned into the Body of Christ by Benedict XVI yet he would not even dare celebrate ONE Mass with the Jesuits from around the world gathered in Rome last January to March for their 35th General Congregation. All Benedict XVI cared about was his “power over the Jesuits” and the Opus Dei’s control over the new Superior General Alfonso Nicolas.

The mainstream media treats Obama as “the Messiah” like the Opus Dei treats John Paul II as “the 2nd Christ”, see article by Ann Coultier in this weblog.

OC says:

Sarah Louise Palin
8 years at an ELECTED Executive level position
1992 to 2008 = 15+ years elected Politics

2 terms City Council
2 terms Mayor
1 (short term Oil Administrator) ok, appointed
1 term Governor

Barack Hussein Obama
0 (ZERO) years at an elected executive level position
1997 to 2008 = 10+ years elected Politics

7 years elected to Illinois Senate
3 years U.S. Senate


AP: Nothing bad can be said about Obama…and Benedict XVI

Think about that for a second - let it sink in. According the the AP, NOBODY CAN EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT BARACK OBAMA – see full article below “Sarahcuda versus the Associated Press”

SarahCuda vs. The Associated Press

If anything is dropping faster than the stock market, it's the media's level of integrity. Yesterday, the Associated Press dove further into the gutter by accusing Governor Palin of racism. I'm not particularly surprised by the claim, as the Obamaphiles in press seem to be fond of using racism claims to dispute any argument that they can't legitimately refute. However, I am appalled at the reasoning behind this claim, as it seems to be the first time the media has admitted that any criticism of Obama (including legitimate, totally non-racial remarks) can and will be labeled as racism.

Here's the breakdown: The AP has declared Palin a racist for associating Senator Obama with Bill Ayers, an admitted and unrepentant terrorist who once bombed the U.S. Capitol. Here's the problem: Ayers is white; most of his "Weather Underground" colleagues were white; and he is often referenced as an archetype of the (predominantly white) pseudo-intelligentsia of 1960s radicals masquerading as intellectuals on America's college campuses. Mr. Ayers has no connection to anything that would be considered "black", let alone "stereotypically black". In fact, associating Obama with Ayers is more of an attempt to associate him with the snobbish (and, again, mostly white) class of leftover-hippies-turned-radical-professors. So, basically, the AP has declared Palin racist because she associated Sen. Obama with a bunch of elitist Caucasians.

This bizarre feat of intellectual gymnastics was justified by the AP as follows:

Palin's words avoid repulsing voters with overt racism. But is there another subtext for creating the false image of a black presidential nominee "palling around" with terrorists while assuring a predominantly white audience that he doesn't see their America?

Read that again very carefully. Essentially, they said that she did nothing racial at all, but merely that she dared to suggest that Senator Obama is anything less than a divine gift to America. If this paradigm were applied across the board, EVERY criticism of Obama would be labeled racism. Using that definition, it is literally impossible to say anything negative about the Senator from Illinois without committing a racist act.

Think about that for a second - let it sink in. According the the AP, NOBODY CAN EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT BARACK OBAMA.

Friends, that's not just's downright Orwellian.

Sarah Palin is not a racist. She never has been; She never will be; and it is an understatement to say that the AP owes her an apology. It is appalling to me that Barack Obama's association will Bill Ayers, an admitted and unrepentant terrorist, would be considered anything less than "fair game". Until such time as Sen. Obama admits that he showed bad judgement by ever associating with Mr. Ayers, this should remain an open issue, and we should regard any media attempt to bury the story as censorship.

Apologies if this sounds a little radical of me, but this is genuinely how I see it, and I challenge the AP to prove to me that I am wrong.

Posted by Adam Brickley, aka "ElephantMan" at 10/06/2008



How 2008 presidential election demolished credibility of 'mainstream' press

Posted: October 02, 2008
11:31 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

The mask is off. The pretense over.

After decades of pretending they're not biased leftward – even though everyone else knew it – America's "mainstream media" have finally, during 2008, dropped the façade of fairness and impartiality.

The big media openly worship Barack Obama. MSNBC's Chris Matthews, upon listening to Obama speak, says almost mystically, "I felt this thrill going up my leg." Rolling Stone magazine rhapsodizes, "There is a sense of dignity, even majesty, about him …

For its October cover, The Atlantic magazine hires a photographer who intentionally photographs John McCain to look ugly and threatening. ("I left his eyes red and his skin looking bad," she later admits, adding, "maybe it was somewhat irresponsible for [the Atlantic] to hire me."

The New York Times publishes Barack Obama's op-ed on Iraq policy, but refuses to run McCain's op-ed. At the same time, all three network's news anchors tag along with Obama like groupies on his overseas stump tour, while McCain receives scant media coverage.

The pregnancy of Sarah Palin's teen daughter is national news, as is the presence in the Alaska governor's mansion of a tanning bed (which Palin paid for herself). But Obama being mentored and nurtured for years by terrorists (William Ayers), communists (Frank Marshall Davis) and America-hating racists (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), which helped shape him into the most left-wing, America-blaming, radically pro-abortion and tyrant-appeasing presidential candidate in U.S. history, is not news.
Yes, the media have long been biased to the left. But this year it's different. This year, the mask has come off and the real face of the mainstream media – or MSM as they're popularly called – has been revealed for all to see. And it ain't pretty.

Documenting this stunning transformation of the American news media – and pointing to amazingly positive changes now occurring in the evolution of the free press – is the October edition of WND's elite monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled "THE YEAR THE MEDIA DIED."

"It doesn't matter how dangerous the reality of Obama is – a hardcore leftist whose intended tax-and-spend policies would, experts say, plunge American into a full-bore depression," said WND Managing Editor and best-selling author David Kupelian. "It doesn't matter how surreal and creepy his campaign gets – enlisting sheriffs and prosecutors to intimidate voters, exploiting children into singing 'Obama's gonna lead us' songs stunningly reminiscent of Chinese Maoist indoctrination. The mainstream press ignores it all, because, very simply, they just really want Obama to be president."

However, adds Kupelian, regardless of who wins the election, the "mainstream press" will never be the same.

"This is, as Sean Hannity has been saying for months, 'the year journalism died.' By pushing so unashamedly and openly for Obama, the Old Media are throwing away what little is left of their credibility. Maybe they sense the era when they could fool most Americans is coming to an end, and thus are going all-out to get Obama elected as their last desperate mission."

The good news, says Whistleblower, is that while the Old Media are rapidly waning (the New York Times Company is worth only half of what it was a year ago), the New Media – talk radio, Internet news, bloggers, cable news (well, some cable news) and more – are growing exponentially in readership and influence.

Highlights of "THE YEAR THE MEDIA DIED" include:

"The sad state of the media" by Joseph Farah

"Study: ABC, NBC, CBS strongly support Obama" by Bob Unruh, concluding that "mainstream" media covered has "bordered on giddy celebration of a political rock star"

"Magazine photographer shoots McCain to look like monster," documenting how a self-described 'hard-core Democrat' boasted how she tricked Republican presidential candidate into participating in horror pic

"Stunning proof of mainstream bias" by Chelsea Schilling, on how the weekly celebrity magazine "Us" smeared Sarah Palin while unabashedly praising Obama

"Gingrich verbally incinerates MSNBC reporter"

"CNN reporter falsely claims Palin posed in bikini with rifle" – just one in a string of sensational but untrue claims against Alaska governor

"McCain rumors big news, Edwards adultery no news" – a stunning contrast between media coverage of the two candidates' alleged "scandals"

"Is the press evil?" by David Kupelian, who surveys the death throes of the Old Media – and the birth pangs of the New Media

"The Old Gray Lady's mind-numbing bias" by David Limbaugh, show how the New York Times "arrogance and unprofessionalism" have hit a new low

New York Times worth half what it was last year

"New York Times vs. Helms, part 529,876" by Ann Coulter, who excoriates the Times' journalistic spitting on the grave of a great statesman

"He's one of them – she's one of us" by Patrick J. Buchanan, on what the media firestorm over Sarah Palin is really all about

… and much more.
"I've often said that no group in America is more responsible for making evil look good and good look evil than the news media," said Kupelian. "This issue of Whistleblower documents something truly astounding – the death of the Old Media before our very eyes, and the rapid growth of the New. In my view, it's the single most positive trend in America today. Without a truly free press, it's really hard to have a free country."

SPECIAL DISCOUNT OFFER! For a limited time, subscribe to Whistleblower, renew your subscription or give a gift subscription for one year for only $39.95 – a $10 discount off the normal $49.95 price! In addition, with your one-year subscription or renewal we'll send you a FREE copy of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's authorized biography, "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down" by author Kaylene Johnson. Drawing on personal interviews with Palin, her family and other highly placed sources – and featuring dozens of family and political photos – "Sarah" explores Palin's family life, her upbringing in a devout Christian home, her political rise, her values and beliefs, and how she went from being a long-shot candidate to – very possibly – one of the world's most powerful women and political figures.

Or, subscribe to Whistleblower, renew your subscription or give a gift subscription for two years and you'll pay only $74.95 – that's a $10 discount off the already discounted two-year rate! Plus with your two-year subscription or renewal, you'll get a FREE copy of "The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values," by Brad O'Leary, just published by WND Books.

Other books, such as the No. 1 best-seller "The Obama Nation" by WND's Jerome Corsi, have focused on Obama's past; but in "The Audacity of Deceit" O'Leary looks to Obama's proposed future, detailing what America would look like if Obama were elected president and actually made good on his campaign promises.

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