Benedict XVI is an old God’s Rottweiler with old tricks
Well, well, Benedict XVI has been given all the chances (while he is still alive) to be a little bit different from John Paul II, but, unfortunately he fails to take the opportunity to repent and change his ways. He and his hypocritical apologies about priest pedophilia are like the little boy who cried “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! In the end, no one believed him. And now, at the wake of the Irish revelations of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, Benedict XVI is crying Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Again.
Most Catholics are outraged by Benedict‘s bland reaction to the Irish priest pedophilia scandal, but, it should not surprise us Catholics any longer. Benedict XVI directly led the cover-up of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. He is a criminal who aided and abetted the thousands of Catholic pedophile priests and he will never change. He should be sitting in jail instead of the Chair of Peter.
You cannot teach old dogs new tricks. And God’s Rottweiler, Benedict XVI is an old dog with old tricks – he’ll go on supressing the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army like "Dust in the Wind" unto his papal grave. He’ll keep on acting as the Supreme Pontiff, carrying out his pompous daily papal show at the Vatican, dealing with royalties, world leaders and wealthy investors for the sake of the Vatican Bank. But now, Italy’s government is now investigating the Vatican bank for money-laundering. Benedict XVI’s papacy will be marked by the moral scandal of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and the financial scandal of the Vatican Bank. These are the two scandals that dwell in his ugly racoon eyes.
In spite of his daily gay Zeffirelli make-up crew, Benedict XVI becomes uglier each day and he shall die ugly like his idol John Paul II.

Pope Benedict XVI from
Vatican Bank investigated over 'money laundering'
The Vatican Bank is under investigation for alleged involvement in a money-laundering scheme.
Published: 7:00AM GMT 07 Dec 2009
Officials from the Bank of Italy's Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) have identified transactions worth up to 180 million (£160 million) in accounts held at a branch of one of Italy's largest banks that allegedly violated anti-money-laundering regulations.
Panorama, the weekly investigative magazine, reported that Prosecutors in Rome, led by Nello Rossi and Stefano Rocco Fava, were working with a special unit of the Italian tax police, to investigate a branch of UniCredit bank next to St Peter's Basilica. The bank was formerly known as the Institute for Religious Works (IOR).
The investigation centres on alleged breaches of financial regulations and disclosure obligations at the branch, but could broadened to include accounts held at other Italian banks. Investigators are examining every transaction in accounts held by the IOR from 2006 to 2008, the magazine reported. Some of the funds allegedly came from the sale and purchase of real estate.
In that period, it said that more than 180 million in cheques and transfers moved through the accounts. The magazine named a manager at the branch who it claimed had a close relationship with Lelio Scaletti, a former director of the IOR, who left the Vatican Bank in October 2007.
Prosecutors told the magazine that they would in the next few days to question Unicredit's senior management over the suspect operations.
This is the most serious investigation of the Vatican Bank since the 1982 collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, in which it was the major shareholder. Ambrosiano collapsed with the Vatican held partly responsible for $1.3 billion in bad debts. If the latest allegations are proved to be correct, they would be a blow for the new directors of the IOR, appointed two months ago by Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State.
"The Vatican Bank may argue that they are outside the jurisdiction of Italian courts."
Just because you live in the Disney Land for pedophiles doesn't mean your property isn't part of the real world.
About a year I was at a dinner party in NJ where some dude mentioned that Anne Hathaway's boyfriend would be arrested soon and that the Vatican, Italian bank money laundering and Bill Clinton were all involved My eyes glazed over thinking this dude was nutso. But it turned out my dinner bore was working with the SEC, the FBI and the CIA and so far his whole story has turned out to be true.
Pope Benedict's lame response to Irish pedophile cases
By Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist
Pope Benedict XVI had the chance Friday to take aggressive action to punish Catholic archbishops and priests involved in disgusting pedophile cases in Ireland. But the Pope shamefully punted.
Oh, he apologized for the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests, and for the decades-long cover-up by the archbishops.
Benedict said he "shares the outrage, betrayal and shame felt by so many of the faithful in Ireland." And he's praying for the victims.
That's fine as far as it goes.
However, the Pope failed to take concrete steps to show these victims the Catholic Church is serious about ridding itself of pedophiles and others who have allowed the molestation of boys and girls to occur for many years.
Demanding the resignations of four archbishops at the heart of the scandal would have been a good start.
Benedict's meeting Friday in Vatican City with Ireland's top two Catholic leaders came several weeks after a report was released. It said archbishops had concealed repeated abuse by priests over the years and never told police about the crimes.
Here's one heart-wrenching passage from the AFP News Service:
"One priest admitted to sexually abusing over 100 children, while another confessed that he had abused children on a fortnightly basis over 25 years."
Vatican bank under scrutiny
June 1, 2010
VATICAN CITY - ITALIAN prosecutors are investigating the Vatican bank on suspicion of involvement in money laundering, La Repubblica daily reported on Tuesday.
The newspaper said the Institute of Religious Works (IOR) and 10 Italian banks, including major institutions such as Intesa San Saolo and Unicredit, were the target of the investigation.
'The hypothesis of the investigators is that subjects with their fiscal residence in Italy are using the IOR as a 'screen' to hide different dealings, such as fraud or tax evasion,' the paper said.
The IOR manages bank accounts for religious orders and Catholic associations and benefits from Vatican offshore status.
Investigators have uncovered transactions of around 180 million euros (S$310 million) over a two-year period in one of the accounts held at the IOR.
In September 2009 the IOR nominated a new chief executive, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, Spanish banking giant Santander's representative in Italy. US archbishop Paul Marcinkus headed up the bank in 1971-1989 during which time it was caught up in scandals including the collapse of the private Italian bank, Banco Ambrosiano in 1982 amid accusations of links to the mafia and political terrorism. -- AFP
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