Benedict XVI’s Consecration to Mary cannot protect children from pedophile priests
Words and gestures of Benedict XVI as magnified by his Vatican paid media-spinners , and all his prayers in Fatima, including his papal Mass (fairy tale of Christ’s reincarnation) and Consecration to Mary cannot protect children from pedophile priests. Remember John Paul II had constant Totus Tuus Marie in his mouth and in all of his homilies and books, until his death and burial when Mary was inscribed in his papal coat of arm and casket, but he had the most callous heart because he did not do anything to defend and protect children during his entire 26 years of his papacy. That is why the tens of thousands of pedophile priests are named after him as John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. So no matter what consecration to Mary Benedict XVI makes in Fatima, it is all empty clashing cymbals of St. Paul because Benedict XVI cannot protect children as long as he keeps the files of pedophile priests confidential and locked in the Vatican archives vault.
Just when we publish that “Sins and crimes are not the same. Sinners and criminals are not one and the same”, Benedict XVI started preaching in Fatima telling priest not to fall into the temptation of the Devil (see French news below).
Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles spent tens of millions of dollars to keep the files of the more than 600 pedophile priests in Los Angeles confidential. SNAP could not win it, the money of Mahony bought the judges. So 600 pedophile priests are free to sodomize children in Los Angeles.
And Cardinal Bernard Law sits as Archpriest at the St. Mary Major in Rome mocking us here in Boston who forced him to resign in disgrace, the only American Cardinal to resign out of all the 3 billion dollars worth of American pedophile priests. Benedict XVI is an actor and he plays the game to keep the trillion dollar Vatican Bank running, which is all he cares. Benedict XVI has a callous heart just like John Paul II and Catholic children are not safe from pedophile priests yesterday, today and tomorrow because they will always be covered-up by the Pope and the Vatican. It is all for show and the Mass is all for show, the reincarnation of Christ’s flesh see our article that explains why Benedict XVI cannot say “Let there be light” and neither can he say “Let there be God”
From Fatima, Jacinta would throw the first stone at John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army to defend her little brothers and sisters
Benedict XVI & Bertone, liars of Fatima?
Sins and crimes are not synonymous. Sinners and criminals are not one and the same
Sins and crimes are not synonymous. “Sins” is a Roman Catholic Church's word and theological concept while “crimes” is a secular word and society's reality. Sins are blamed on the Devil or Satan who tempted the Catholics’ first parents Adam and Eve to commit Original Sin while crimes are blamed on the criminals.
John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. Paul
John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified
Benedict XVI’s phony sorrow, superficial shame & crocodile tears in Malta; how long will he continue his Papal lies and Papal parody?
Penance is not justice; penitence is inequality to the lifetime suffering of victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Compare these Catholic sinners and secular criminals
Sinners & criminals - Victims - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 pedophile priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity
Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive
Spiritual healing, the Eucharist and the Rosary bring NEITHER JUSTICE NOR SAFETY FOR CHILDREN, the preys of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
The French Revolution at the Vatican might start in England with the arrest of Benedict XVI led by the British Dawkins and Hitchens
Opus Dei female symbol for John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
John L. Allen Jr of NCR is the Pied Piper of Benedict XVI toots “Will Ratzinger's past trump Benedict's present?”
Penance is not justice; penitence is inequality to the lifetime suffering of victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
Le pape exhorte les prêtres à éviter les "tentations du diable"
En pèlerinage au sanctuaire marial de Fatima, le pape Benoît XVI, évoquant indirectement les scandales de pédophilie qui frappent l'Eglise catholique, a prié pour que les prêtres évitent les pièges du monde et rejettent les tentations du diable. Lire la suite l'article
Les pèlerins venus par dizaines milliers accueillir le pape au sanctuaire étaient divisés sur l'impact des scandales dans l'Eglise.
"Je crois que les scandales ont un impact sur la foi des gens, en particulier sur la confiance dans les enseignants", confiait ainsi Domingos Silva, un pêcheur de 43 ans.
"Je pense que la réaction du pape Benoît face à ces crimes monstrueux a été trop modeste et n'a pas réussi à empêcher la crise d'atteindre l'ampleur qu'elle a pris", dit-il.
Une religieuse portugaise de 70 ans estime pour sa part que les scandales "ne devraient pas avoir d'impact sur la foi des gens" mais qu'ils peuvent porter atteinte à la réputation de l'Eglise si le problème n'est pas traité comme il convient.
Dans l'avion qui le conduisait mardi au Portugal pour un voyage de quatre jours, le pape a évoqué le scandale qui affecte l'Eglise.
Il a déclaré que les dirigeants de l'Eglise devaient reconnaître la "terrifiante vérité", à savoir que ce scandale est le résultat du "péché au sein de l'Eglise" et que l'Eglise doit se repentir et se purifier.
Philip Pullella et Vitor Moreira; Nicole Dupont pour le service français

Le pape Benoît XVI vendredi à son arrivéedans la ville de Fatima, au Portugal. Crédits photo : REUTERS
À Fatima, Benoît XVI prône la «saine» tradition
Un «authentique renouveau catholique» accompagné d'«un changement de vie incisif et évangélique». Mercredi, à Fatima, étape essentielle de son voyage au Portugal, Benoît XVI a exhorté l'Église à un nouveau départ. Un tel renouveau passe, à ses yeux, par celui des prêtres catholiques, dont l'image est affectée par la crise , déclenchée par des actes de pédophilie , que traverse l'Église à cause de moins de 1 % d'entre eux.
Dans une bouleversante prière à la Vierge - dont les apparitions reconnues par l'Église remontent à 1917 -, le Pape a procédé à un «acte de consécration des prêtres». Une façon, pour lui, de «confier» à Dieu les 400 000 prêtres et religieux catholiques dans le monde. Mais surtout de repartir sur une nouvelle base que le Pape a définie dans sa supplication : «Que l'Église puisse être renouvelée par de saints prêtres.»
Cette prière d'une rare intensité en dit long sur l'exigence de la vie sacerdotale : «Aide-nous, a dit le Pape, par ta puissante intercession, à ne jamais trahir cette sublime vocation, à ne pas céder à nos égoïsmes, aux séductions du monde et aux suggestions du Malin (le diable, NDLR) ». Ou encore, «nous prêtres, nous voulons être des pasteurs qui ne paissent pas pour eux-mêmes, mais qui se donnent à Dieu pour leurs frères, trouvant en cela leur bonheur. » D'où cette conclusion : «Notre Mère depuis toujours, ne te lasse pas de nous consoler, de nous soutenir. ( ) Que ta présence fasse refleurir le désert de nos solitudes et briller le soleil sur nos obscurités, qu'elle fasse revenir le calme après la tempête. »
Même souci pour les prêtres, exprimé lors de la cérémonie des Vêpres : «Permettez-moi de vous ouvrir mon cur, a confié Benoît XVI, pour vous dire que la principale préoccupation de tout chrétien, particulièrement de la personne consacrée et du ministre de l'Autel (le prêtre, NDLR), doit être la fidélité, la loyauté à sa propre vocation ( ) La fidélité dans le temps est le nom de l'amour ; d'un amour cohérent, vrai et profond, au Christ prêtre. »
Un engagement qui passe par des conditions précises dont deux, particulièrement soulignées par le Pape : le soutien fraternel entre prêtres et la sélection rigoureuse des candidats au sacerdoce. Sachez «unir vos forces», a-t-il ainsi lancé aux prêtres, et soutenir celui qui flancherait : «Réserver une attention particulière aux situations d'affaiblissement des idéaux sacerdotaux ou bien au fait de se consacrer à des activités qui ne s'accordent pas complètement avec ce qui est le propre d'un ministre de Jésus-Christ.» Quant aux séminaristes, il leur a donné ce conseil : «Vérifiez bien vos intentions et vos motivations.» Le but de la vie sacerdotale étant d'être «libres pour être saints ; libres pour être pauvres, chastes et obéissants, libres pour tous parce que détachés de tout ; libres de nous-mêmes afin qu'en chacun grandisse le Christ».
Souvenir de Jean-Paul II
Benoît XVI ne pouvait pas non plus aller pour la première fois en tant que Pape à Fatima sans évoquer son prédécesseur, qui s'y est rendu à trois reprises. Et qui a voulu que soit sertie dans la couronne de la statue de la Vierge l'une des balles qui avaient été extraites de son corps après l'attentat du 13 mai 1981. Car Jean-Paul II a toujours été persuadé d'avoir été sauvé par la Vierge de Fatima, justement fêtée chaque 13 mai en souvenir de sa première apparition, le 13 mai 1917. Souvenir qui a donné lieu à une méditation très particulière de Benoît XVI : «Jean-Paul II t'a rendu trois fois visite, ici à Fatima, et a remercié cette “main invisible” qui l'a délivré de la mort lors de l'attentat du 13 mai (…). C'est une profonde consolation pour nous de savoir que tu es couronnée non seulement avec l'argent et l'or de nos joies et de nos espérances mais aussi avec le projectile qui symbolise nos préoccupations et nos souffrances.»
SNAP Press Statement
For immediate release: Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Pope Issues His Most Direct Words to Date on Abuse; SNAP responds
Statement by Peter Isely, SNAP Midwestern Director 414 429 7259
Today, according to the New York Times, the Pope made his “most direct” comments about the church’s abuse and cover up crisis.
As we’ve said before, however, nothing changes. More words, more direct words, more 'humble' words - they're still just words, and words protect no one. Across the globe there are hundreds of predator priests in parishes and thousands who have been suspended but are unsupervised. Kids are being molested right now. Adults are in pain right now. Pedophiles are applying to seminaries right now. Words alone are an irresponsible response to these facts. We do a huge disservice to kids by setting our expectations of the world's most powerful prelate so incredibly low.
The Pope can travel to the most heavily Catholic nations, one after another, and utter two or three sentences, time and again, avoiding tough questions and mischaracterizing the crisis, and nothing will change.
He must understand, admit, and act on the simple fact that it's children who are suffering most, not the church. It's about kids, not the church.
We're grateful he says that justice is as or more important than forgiveness. But again, his words are meaningless because across the planet, his managers and lawyers are fighting tooth and nail to prevent justice.
This spring, for example, church defense lawyers and lobbyists blocked reform of child sex abuse laws in Wisconsin, Arizona and other US states.
And right now, in St. Louis MO, church officials admit in court there’s evidence that a predator abused, that church officials were warned about him earlier, that they could have prevented his crimes. But since he abused a boy OFF of church property, the archdiocese claims it’s not responsible for his devastating crimes. Can anyone, much less a spiritual figure or institution, claim this is “just?”
Justice must, indeed, be done. But now, as it has been for decades, it’s being blocked by church officials, here and abroad.
(SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the world’s oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We’ve been around for 22 years and have more than 9,000 members across the globe. Despite the word “priest” in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is
Contacts: David Clohessy (314 566 9790 cell, 314 645 5915 home), Barbara Blaine (312 399 4747), Mark Serrano (703 727 4940), Peter Isely (414 429 7259), Barbara Dorris (314 503 0003)
Finally, the following portion of a 5.3.10 statement by SNAP leader Mark Serrano, SNAP spokesman (703 727 4940) bears repeating:
The kind of action we want, and know will be effective, unfortunately won't be part of any Vatican policy:
- the firing, not resignations, of corrupt bishops,
- on line data bases of child molesting clerics,
- more reforms of predatory-friendly secular laws, and
- more state probes of diocesan cover ups.
The latter two steps must be taken by secular authorities. The Pope should push hard for such legislative reforms and independent investigations. But he won't. He'll insist on doing what Catholic officials have always insisted on: trying to handle horrific crimes internally, which is inherently problematic.
He'll announce a "zero tolerance" policy which will sound reassuring but change little. But he either won't spell out penalties for violators or won't actually impose those penalties, and the long-standing, deeply-rooted culture of child endangerment and self-serving secrecy will remain intact.
Finally, just yesterday, we asked the Pope to take immediate action to deter future wrongdoing in the church. We asked him to forbid Cardinal Darion Castrillon-Hoyos from leading a mass in Washington DC this weekend. He's a prelate who advocates the always-reckless and often-illegal action (refusing to call police about known and suspected abuse), as evidence by his 2001 letter praising a French bishop who was found guilty of not reporting child sex crimes. When wrong-doers like Castrillon-Hoyos get rewarded by the Catholic hierarchy, church employees everywhere see that wrongdoing is sanctioned. No new policy or procedures are needed to stop this unjust and hurtful action. All it takes is courage and compassion on the part of the Pope and Washington DC church officials.
Well said. All this 'mea culpa' is nauseating. The Pope continues to appoint Bishops with dubious pasts and keep others in office. It is all a show and the sad thing is so many Catholics buy it. If he were really so sorry he would have done something about it years ago instead of insisting on its secrecy and would do something concrete now. He does not care about clergy abuse victims. He cares only for himself and the other power hungry cardinals around him
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