Monday, August 23, 2010

The Vatican is not a Country as other European Countries. It’s an artificial State created by Mussolini in 1929. It now wants power in European Union

The Vatican is not a Country as other European Countries. It’s an artificial State created by Mussolini in 1929. With its wealth, its diplomatic service, its influence on political parties, its willingness to exploit its treaties and privileges, the Vatican seems determined to consolidate its position in the corridors of power of the European Union. Hence, the visit of the Pope to England is one of the first step to this consolidation with the EU.

The Vatican is an artificial State created by the fascist dictator Mussolini on the 11th of February 1929 and that consolidated its power with a Concordat with Hitler, subsequently signing Concordats with many other Countries and adversely affecting the lives of millions of people wherever the influence of the Vatican is strong enough to push their sectarian agenda, which is not even shared by lay catholics or other christian denominations.

Why it is important to join the “Protest the Pope” Campaign in this large-scale march against the State Visit of Pope Ratzinger in the UK.

The protest march will assemble at 1pm at Hyde Park Corner (full details will be made available nearer the time). It will then proceed through central London and arrive in the vicinity of the Parliament (details currently being discussed with New Scotland Yard).

Please put this date in your diary and make every effort to be there.

Spread the news of this event as far as you can. Local groups might consider getting a coach party to come and if you’re coming from outside London and could offer a lift to someone in your area, please let us know and we’ll put you in touch.

The final Rally will be held in the proximity of the Parliament to highlight our opposition to the State Visit as opposed to a Pastoral Visit like the one of the previous Pope.

As a Head of State, Joseph Ratzinger will be allowed to address the Parliament.

In his role as a religious leader, it is highly likely that the Pope will abuse this occasion to promote his harsh intolerant views, criticising our democratically agreed legislation, as with his attack to British Equality Laws when this visit was announced.

With its wealth, its diplomatic service, its influence on political parties, its willingness to exploit its treaties and privileges, the Vatican seems determined to consolidate its position in the corridors of power of the European Union.

The EU is getting more important by the day. It’s no longer just about markets and trade and tariffs. Its significance is increasing in many other areas: HUMAN RIGHTS, MEDICAL RESEARCH, FAMILY LAW, EDUCATION.

With privileged access to the very top levels of the EU, the Vatican is able to influence legislation at the early stages, before any proposal reaches public consultation.

Education Policies will be affected with directives that entrench subsidies for Catholic Schools and Universities.

When the EU begins to influence Research Policy, the Vatican will use its influence for funding to be cut off for genetic research. And when it comes to Family Law, the Vatican will promote its pernicious policies on gays and on abortion.

Not to mention the ban on condoms for family planning and AIDS protection, especially as the Vatican urges the cutting of funding by Western governments to Developing Countries when “abstinence” programmes aren’t prioritised over condom education and distribution, so causing 1.5 million deaths a year, with 12 million orphans.

The Vatican is not a Country as the other European Countries. It’s an artificial State created by the fascist dictator Mussolini on the 11th of February 1929 and that consolidated its power with a Concordat with Hitler, subsequently signing Concordats with many other Countries and adversely affecting the lives of millions of people wherever the influence of the Vatican is strong enough to push their sectarian agenda, which is not even shared by lay catholics or other christian denominations.

We protest against honouring the Head of the Vatican with a State Visit and therefore we will march towards the British Parliament in support to our Democracy, rejecting strongly the undemocratic interference of the Vatican.

1pm – Assembly at Hyde Park Corner

2pm – 3pm – March: through central London (details currently being discussed with New Scotland Yard)

3pm – Rally at the arrival point, in the proximity of the Parliament (details currently being discussed with New Scotland Yard)

See the Facebook event for more information on groups joining the march and to tell us you’re coming!

Local humanist and secularist groups:



Protest the Pope at Pride London


At Saturday, August 28, 2010, Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

When you protest the Pope, confront him with information that will finally make the Vatican fearful of impending justice for an age of evil.

Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols

If you really want to end the Vatican's lies and help the people they have duped and oppressed, then take a little time to grasp the truth about the core lies they use to gain and keep wealth and power. To help others, by exposing the Vatican's most important deceptions, requires that you start talking about me.

Peace and Wisdom,



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