Benedict XVI sleeps during Mass in Malta
To celebrate his 83rd birthday and the 5th year of his papacy in Malta, Benedict XVI goes on and on with his Papal lies and Papal parody of "protecting the young" and "bringing the guilty cleric to justice". How long will he hold on to his Papal charade? The media and the peoples of the world are not as stupid as he thinks. He should know the idiom: 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'. Well, this time the shame in on him. Benedict promises “CHEAP JUSTICE”. But costly justice means: Fire Cardinals Law, Mahony & guilty Bishops! Expose John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/2010/04/benedict-promised-cheap-justice-costly.html. Unless he do these costly justice, his promises are meaningless. From Malta, Benedict XVI is preparing for his historic trip to Fatima for the anniversary of the apparition on May 13, 2010. As if he has the time of day for the "cheap gossip" and issues of pedophile priests. All he is doing now is planning his (deceptive) speech, trying on his new papal wardrobe with his special papal couturiers, fidgeting on what papal gifts to bring to the leaders of Fatima and those handpicked pilgrim.
In Malta, 8 victims of pedophile priests were handpicked for a special meeting for 20 minutes with Benedict XVI and the Vatican Bank paid journalists wrote their Vatican agenda filled essays to glorify infallible Pope Benedict XVI. Here we show you the
archetype victim that Benedict XVI would like the world to believe, to see and to hear. It is up to the peoples of the world on who and what to believe. The 1.1 billion Catholics are now given a chance to purify and get rid of the papacy of its despotism (of infallibility) once and for all. If they want to save their church, they must act, but with costly justice. True purification and true justice will not be achieved by a quick Hail Mary Rosary chanting or the fairy tale ceremony of the Eucharist, or by deceptive Catholic journalists (paid by the Vatican Bank) . See our earlier article on Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary’s 9 months pregnancy& child birth
http://stella0maris.blogspot.com/Benedict's lies and propaganda: Vatican's archetype victim of pedophile priestsAs we have predicted during the USA trip of Benedict XVI, a few handpicked victims of pedophile priests will meet with Benedict XVI, have a special papal ceremony to mark – once and for all – the end of the story of priest pedophilia. This papal ceremony attempt is beginning.
In Malta, Benedict gave a “white rosary” to a victim, Joseph Magro, 38, who said to the media that
he “felt at peace after emerging from a private meeting with His Holiness”, that he “will be using daily to say the rosary”, that “the meeting had helped him heal”, and that
"After so many years, today I am at peace with the Church. I am a different person." This is the
archetype victim the Pope and the Vatican would like that
all victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
to imitate, to do, to be and to say.But
a white rosary blessed by Benedict XVI will NOT heal years of sodomy by a holy priest who, in principle,
can continue to commit ES Eucharist & Sodomy in Biblical proportion because
he is not in jail but in church. As we have repeatedly pointed out, those who are ready to heal with a quick Hail Mary Rosary are not real victims but actors paid by the trillion dollar Vatican Bank to save the face of the pope. Real victims tell their stories in a more agonizing way like victims of Holocaust who will not trivialize times spent in a Nazi camp - see victims personal stories in our earlier article Biggest Vatican stories of the decade: John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions
http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2010/01/biggest-vatican-stories-of-decade-john.htmlIn Malta, true to its deceitful plan to fool the world, the Vatican then released its well-planned media spin statement: the Pope was "deeply moved" by the victims' stories. He expressed "shame and sorrow" for the suffering they and their families endured and assured them that "the Church is doing, and will continue to do, all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse and to implement effective measures designed to safeguard young people in the future".
Then at the farewell ceremony at the airport, the
President of Malta praised the pope: President George Abela thanked him for finding the time to personally address this delicate issue. "We were all moved today to learn you personally met victims who allege abuse who requested to see you and they found comfort in your words. I am sure this will relieve some of the pain they have suffered for many years." This is also the
Vatican prototype for all leaders of countries in the world to say and do for Benedict XVI.
(News excertps from :
http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20100419/local/abuse-victims-in-healing-encounter-with-pope. This is a classic Vatican orchestrated news article, the comments are even chosen to match the news)
More Vatican propaganda for Benedict XVI (
How much was this victim paid to say this?)
Abuse victim in Malta: Pope Benedict XVI is a 'saint'MALTA
Catholic News Agency
Rome, Italy, Apr 22, 2010 / 01:46 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Vatican analyst Andrea Tornielli spoke with Joseph Magro, 38, one of eight victims of clerical abuse who met with Pope Benedict XVI during his recent visit to Malta. Magro said the meeting “was truly a most beautiful gift, after all this suffering, we all cried, even the Pope.”
In the interview published by the Italian daily Il Giornale, Magro, who proudly showed the rosary he was given by the Holy Father in Malta, shared details about his meeting with the Pope.
“I did not have any faith in priests. Now, after this moving experience, I have hope again. You people in Italy have a saint. Do you realize that? You have a saint,” he said, referring to Pope Benedict XVI.
Later, explaining his discussion with the Holy Father, Magro said, “When I told him my name was Joseph, the Pope’s eyes grew wide and he said, ‘Joseph, like me!’ Then I asked him: ‘Why did the priest do this to me, why did he abuse me?’ He replied that he prays for me and we then prayed together.”
Magro said he could see that the Pope “felt great sorrow. I could see he was suffering with me. I didn’t want to make him suffer, I didn’t tell him about the abuse that I suffered, but he wept with me, even though he had no fault in what happened.”
After admitting that he did not expect to have this emotional encounter with the Holy Father, Magro said, “This was a great gift for me, to be welcomed in this way and to be listened to by him. I heard his speech at the airport, on Saturday afternoon. He did not say anything about the problem of abuse. But this morning (Sunday, April 18), at 9:00 a.m., I received a call: I was to go to the bishop’s house because I was going to see the Pope.”
“I finally have a little bit of peace thanks to this encounter. He gave me a rosary which I now wear around my neck,” Magro said.
Authentic victims were not fooled by Vatican media spin But
true victims of pedophile priests were not fooled by the Vatican media-spin and “white rosary” ceremony. SNAP immediately reminded Benedict XVI that he “has been
Pope for five years. Under his rule, the Vatican has disciplined two predator priests.” Two predator priests, imagine that, and they were disciplined because their victims became well-learned professionals and knew how to pound at Vatican’s door and get Benedict’s attention, for years, not just for 5 minutes like these alleged victims in Malta (see our earlier articles on the
Fr. Marcial Maciel in the John Paul II Millstone
http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2010/03/zenitorg-should-shut-down-its-operated.html and
Fr. Gino Burresi in the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
http://jp2army.blogspot.com/2010/04/john-allen-of-ncr-pied-piper-of.html )
Barbara Dorris of SNAP said: “However, the Pope's professions of" sorrow" don't keep one child molesting cleric away from kids, expose one corrupt bishop or make one child more secure. That is where the Pope's focus should be. »
Statement by Peter Isely of SNAP (414 429 7259)
It’s astonishing that the Vatican is now claiming that Benedict “is doing, and will continue to do, all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse.” On its face, that’s just wrong.
Benedict has been Pope for five years. Under his rule, the Vatican has disciplined two predator priests. In a one sentence change of policy, bishops have been told to avoid breaking the law and report abuse when required to by secular authority.
That's all that he's done to protect kids. To portray that as “all in (his) power. . .” is ludicrous.It hurts and endangers kids when adults confuse inaction with action and recklessness with effectiveness.
It’s wrong, when thousands are being molested, to just make vague promises.” (See SNAP full respond below)
See our earlier article on Penance is not justice; penitence is inequality to the lifetime suffering of victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/2010/04/penance-is-not-justice-penitence-is.htmlInternational lawsuits
It's quite a coincidence, as his 83rd birthday and 5th year of papacy gifts, international lawsuits are arising everywhere. As secular governments in Germany and Europe, investigate the decades of crimes of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, the Irish government is asking €680 million from Catholic religious orders for abuse victims. The overall costs of programs to help abuse victims will be €1,360 million; the Irish Prime Minister is asking Church officials to pay half of that cost. SNAP is doing their part in protecting and defending victims and now they are expanding into Europe. And SNAP just filed a lawsuit against Benedict XVI and the Vatican from Milwaukee. See updates: international lawsuits against Benedict XVI and the Vatican
http://pope-ratz.blogspot.com/2010/04/updates-world-lawsuits-against-benedict.htmlSee our sister weblogs
The John Paul II Millstone
http://jp2m.blogspot.com/The John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army
http://jp2army.blogspot.com/From Fatima, Jacinta would throw the first stone at John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army to defend her little brothers and sisters
http://jp2m.blogspot.com/2010/04/from-fatima-jacinta-would-throw-first.htmlSee full article below "What New York owes victims of sex abuse: The Pope's regret is not enough to protect children" By Marge Markey and Marci Hamilton
Pope: church will protect young from abuse; SNAP respondsStatement by Barbara Dorris (314 503 0003)
We are sure these brave men deserve anything that can help their healing and we hope they feel better. Since their pain has been validated. However, the Pope's professions of" sorrow" don't keep one child molesting cleric away from kids, expose one corrupt bishop or make one child more secure. That is where the Pope's focus should be.
Statement by Peter Isely (414 429 7259)
It’s astonishing that the Vatican is now claiming that Benedict “is doing, and will continue to do, all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse.” On its face, that’s just wrong.
Benedict has been Pope for five years. Under his rule, the Vatican has disciplined two predator priests. In a one sentence change of policy, bishops have been told to avoid breaking the law and report abuse when required to by secular authority. That's all that he's done to protect kids.
To portray that as “all in (his) power. . .” is ludicrous.It hurts and endangers kids when adults confuse inaction with action and recklessness with effectiveness. It’s wrong, when thousands are being molested, to just make vague promises.
Just days ago, the Associated Press found 30 proven, admitted and credibly accused predator priests who had been sent to other nations and now live or work among unsuspecting families and neighbors. In 2006, the Dallas Morning News found 200 child molesting clerics in the same situation. More recently, a week ago, Fr. Joseph Jeyapaul and his bishop promised to sent the fugitive back to the US to face criminal charges.
The Vatican has taken no action on any of this.
It’s easy to promise, it’s hard to deliver, especially in a rigid, ancient, secretive, all-male monarchy. Not a single adult should feel relieved until strong steps are actually taken, not promised, that will prevent future child sex crimes and cover ups.
Pope: church will protect young from abuse
VALLETTA, Malta — Pope Benedict XVI met Sunday with a group of clerical sex-abuse victims and promised them with tears in his eyes that the Catholic Church would seek justice for pedophile priests and implement "effective measures" to protect young people from abuse, the Vatican and a victim said.
Benedict expressed his "shame and sorrow" at the pain the men and their families suffered and prayed with them during the meeting at the Vatican's embassy in Malta, the Vatican said.
It was the first time Benedict had met with abuse victims since the worldwide clerical abuse scandal engulfed the Vatican earlier this year, and it marked his most personal and forceful statement on the spiraling abuse scandal since a letter to Irish faithful a month ago.
"He prayed with them and assured them that the Church is doing, and will continue to do, all in its power to investigate allegations, to bring to justice those responsible for abuse and to implement effective measures designed to safeguard young people in the future," the Vatican statement said.
The Vatican offered no further details of what measures would be implemented.
Victims' advocacy groups have demanded that the Vatican take concrete steps to protect children and remove abusive priests, saying the pope's expressions to date of solidarity and shame were meaningless unless actual action is taken.
The Vatican said the group of eight men, in their 30s and 40s, met with Benedict in the chapel of the Vatican embassy.
"Everybody was crying," one of the men, Joseph Magro, 38, told Associated Press Television News after the meeting. "I told him my name was Joseph, and he had tears in his eyes."
He said the men received a call Sunday morning to come to the embassy and that the pope spent a few minutes with each one of them. He said the overall encounter, which lasted about 35 minutes, was "fantastic."
"The climate was intense but very serene," said Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi.
At the end, they prayed together and the pope gave his blessing, the Vatican said.
Benedict's overnight trip to Malta — originally scheduled to commemorate the 1,950th anniversary of St. Paul's shipwreck — has been overshadowed by expectations that he would make a strong gesture to repair the damage of the scandal.
Benedict has been accused by victims groups and their lawyers of being part of systematic practice of cover-up by church hierarchy for pedophile priests, in his earlier roles as an archbishop in Germany and later at the helm of the Vatican morals office.
Ten Maltese men came forward earlier this month saying they wanted to meet with the pope to tell him their stories and to request an apology. They say they were abused by four priests at a Catholic orphanage.
Benedict made no direct reference to the scandals during a Mass Sunday morning. He told Maltese to cling to their faith despite the temptations of modern society.
"Many voices try to persuade us to put aside our faith in God and his church," he warned.
Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
What New York owes victims of sex abuse: The Pope's regret is not enough to protect childrenNEW YORK
New York Daily News
By Marge Markey and Marci Hamilton
Tuesday, April 20th 2010
'The Pope, on his first international trip since the scandal over his alleged complicity in priest-abuse scandals began dominating headlines, is meeting with victims and expressing "shame and sorrow" about their plight.
His statements are welcome - but, with all due respect, they don't mean much to the many victims of priest sex abuse who have yet to experience anything approaching justice. Victims of these heinous crimes, including many right here in New York, have suffered for years in silence.
The childhood sexual abuse scandal is epidemic, with Germany, Brazil, Britain, the Netherlands and Norway being added to the already lengthy list of countries where there is evidence of such abuse by clergy. Since the Vatican's responses continue to lag well behind the world's demands for accountability, it is up to governments to take action. Already in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel launched an in-depth investigation into the abuse of her country's children.
The U.S. is uniquely positioned to take more aggressive steps. One promising path: amending the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) laws to include institutionally facilitated child sex abuse. These laws could then be used against any organization, religious or otherwise, that has knowingly allowed children to come into harm.
But more importantly and more immediately, states should reform their statutes of limitations for child sex abuse so that arbitrary time barriers no longer keep child predators in business and victims from pursuing justice in the courtroom. It is estimated that one in four girls and one in five boys are sexually abused - a stunning number. Yet only 10% of victims ever go to authorities. It is also fact that survivors typically need decades to come forward and the legal system offers the only viable means of identifying child predators who are operating under the radar against our children.
Lengthening or even eliminating statutes of limitation is a costless way for the states to do right by victims. Alaska, Maine and Delaware simply got rid of their time requirements. In California, lengthening the statute of limitations yielded the identities of more than 300 previously secret predators.
New York has yet to act - and it must correct this oversight now. The Child Victims Act would extend statutes of limitation for childhood sex abuse by five years, so that victims will not have to file charges before they are 23 or civil claims before they are 28. The bill also sets an age cap on victims, so those older than 58 will not be able to bring a claim.
Even more important, the bill would create a brand-new window of opportunity of one year for victims who previously have had their statutes of limitations expire, enabling them to file claims in court against those who caused their abuse. That's an approach that has worked in other states - in exposing not just abusers in the priesthood, but perpetrators in other religions and nonreligious groups as well.
Since the coverup of the Catholic Church's secret handling of child sexual abuse by its priests first broke eight years ago, thousands of victims here in New York and across the U.S. have demanded accountability. Before yet another year passes without justice, our state needs to stand up for child abuse victims. Silence and inaction are simply not an option.
Markey, a Democratic assemblywoman from Queens, is the founding sponsor of the New York State Child Victims Act. Hamilton is a professor at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law of Yeshiva University and the author of "Justice Denied: What America Must Do to Protect Its Children."
http://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/all-silent-bishops-should-resign-abuse-survivor-collins-454929.htmlAll 'silent' bishops should resign: Abuse survivor CollinsRead more: http://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/all-silent-bishops-should-resign-abuse-survivor-collins-454929.html#ixzz0lsP6ebuU
22/04/2010 - 18:29:06
All bishops who failed to challenge the culture of cover-up over child abuse should resign if the Church has any hope of moving forward, an abuse survivor said tonight.
Marie Collins, who was abused by Father Edmondus in a children’s hospital almost 50 years ago, said it was undignified for senior clerics implicated in the scandals to cling to power.
“I think any bishop who didn’t challenge the cover-up or who actually worked that policy of cover-up should go before the Church in Ireland has any chance of moving forward and getting any sort of trust or respect back,” Ms Collins said.
“Hanging on to power and positions is just undignified. It’s not doing the Church any good.”
Ms Collins welcomed the resignation of Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin James Moriarty but said Pope Benedict must also accept similar requests from Bishop Eamonn Walsh, auxiliary Bishop in Dublin since 1990, and Bishop Ray Field, based in the Dublin Diocese since 1997.
Both clerics announced their resignations in late December.
Ms Collins also urged Primate of all Ireland Cardinal Sean Brady to consider his position, pointing to Bishop Moriarty’s assertion that responsibility must be accepted for the past.
He has been under intense pressure in the last month after admitting holding secret interviews with two young victims of one of the Church’s most heinous sex abusers, the late Brendan Smyth, in the 1970s.
“I think Cardinal Brady hasn’t yet accepted responsibility for the past, particularly his own past,” Ms Collins said.
“I hope he will read that and it will give him some pause for thought in his deliberations and whether he should resign or not.”