Sunday, February 02, 2014

Joseph Ratzinger [Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI] murder a little girl", Eyewitness says. It's part of blood-drinking ritual for promotion to Vatican Curia

Updated April 27, 2014  Canonization of John Paul II

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Ritual child killing and drinking of his/her blood at the Vatican Curia

The ritual of killing a child is part of the - promotion to the Vatican Curia.  Every Cardinal, Bishop or priest to be promoted to the highest level of the Vatican must first drink the blood of a child, believe it or not!. 

In this article, an eyewitness saw Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl before getting promoted as Prefect to the (CDF) Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (sweet name for tyrannical Vatican "Inquisition") by John Paul II. 

As we saw for the duration of John Paul II's 27 years papacy, Ratzinger was the right hand man who covered-up and perpetuated the JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army - as both popes satiated the Vatican Mammon Beast and strewn the Devil's Bowels that smell like roses in the Vatican Titanic that is now sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy, read our latest article: Women. Legion of Christ. OpusDei.Francis Hypocrisies...Legion of Christ feeds Vatican Mammon Beast. Opus Dei Mafia of Cardinals and Bishops. G-8 Cardinals are phony reformers recycling old Vatican Deceits

"I saw Joseph Ratzinger [Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI] murder a little girl", Eyewitness says

"I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl":
Eyewitness to a 1987 ritual sacrifice confirms account of Toos Nijenhuis of Holland

New Evidence of Vatican's guilt prompts Italian politicians to confront Pope Francis as next Common Law court case is announced - The Papacy retaliates with global "black ops" attacks against ITCCS

The agreement came after a new eyewitness confirmed the involvement of Ratzinger in a ritual child sacrifice in Holland in August of 1987.

"I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl at a French chateau in the fall of 1987" stated the witness, who was a regular participant in the cult ritual torture and killing of children.

"It was ugly and horrible, and it didn't happen just once. Ratzinger often took part. He and (Dutch Catholic Cardinal) Alfrink and (Bilderberger founder) Prince Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part."

This new witness confirms the account of Toos Nijenhuis, a Dutch woman who went public on May 8 with her eyewitness account of similar crimes involving Ratzinger, Alfrink and Bernhard.

The agreement came after a new eyewitness confirmed the involvement of Ratzinger in a ritual child sacrifice in Holland in August of 1987.

"I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl at a French chateau in the fall of 1987" stated the witness, who was a regular participant in the cult ritual torture and killing of children.

"It was ugly and horrible, and it didn't happen just once. Ratzinger often took part. He and (Dutch Catholic Cardinal) Alfrink and (Bilderberger founder) Prince Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part."

This new witness confirms the account of Toos Nijenhuis, a Dutch woman who went public on May 8 with her eyewitness account of similar crimes involving Ratzinger, Alfrink and Bernhard.

"I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl at a French chateau in the fall of 1987" stated the witness, who was a regular participant in the cult ritual torture and killing of children.

"It was ugly and horrible, and it didn't happen just once. Ratzinger often took part. He and (Dutch Catholic Cardinal) Alfrink and (Bilderberger founder) Prince Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part."

This new witness confirms the account of Toos Nijenhuis, a Dutch woman who went public on May 8 with her eyewitness account of similar crimes involving Ratzinger, Alfrink and Bernhard.

"It was ugly and horrible, and it didn't happen just once. Ratzinger often took part. He and (Dutch Catholic Cardinal) Alfrink and (Bilderberger founder) Prince Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part."

This new witness confirms the account of Toos Nijenhuis, a Dutch woman who went public on May 8 with her eyewitness account of similar crimes involving Ratzinger, Alfrink and Bernhard.

This new witness confirms the account of Toos Nijenhuis, a Dutch woman who went public on May 8 with her eyewitness account of similar crimes involving Ratzinger, Alfrink and Bernhard.

BRUSSELS - The criminal prosecution of yet another Pope came closer to reality this month as Italian politicians agreed to work with the ITCCS in a common law court action against the papacy for its haboring of a wanted fugitive from justice: deposed Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger.

Soon after his historic resignation from office last February 11, Joseph Ratzinger was convicted of Crimes against Humanity on February 25, 2013 by the Brussels-based International Common Law Court of Justice, and a global citizens arrest warrant was issued against him. Since then, he has evaded arrest within Vatican City under a decree of the present Pope Francis.

The surfacing of this new evidence of Vatican complicity in child murder has prompted a group of Italian politicians to agree to work with the ITCCS in confronting the papacy with a common law court case against the present Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, for his sheltering of Ratzinger and his own complicity in war crimes. The politicians had been in closed negotiations with ITCCS representatives since September 22.

"We are looking at revising if not abolishing our country's Lateran Treaty with the Vatican, whose actions in harboring child rapists certainly meet the definition of a Transnational Criminal Organization under international law" stated a spokesman for one of the politicians.

In response, during the same week of October 7 when these new allegations surfaced, the Vatican commenced a series of attacks against ITCCS groups in Europe involved in documenting the church's involvement in cult ritual murder.

Paid operatives sabotaged ITCCS work in Holland and Ireland during that week, and on October 14, the main ITCCS website was destroyed by the same saboteurs.

Political sources in Rome have revealed that these attacks were paid for and coordinated through the Office of the Vatican espionage agency known as the "Holy Alliance" or The Entity, and its affiliated "dirty ops" bureau, the Sodalitium Pianum, established in Rome in 1913. They also involved the agents of the Papal Nuncio to Holland, Archbishop Andre Dupuy, who made direct contact with two of the saboteurs, "Mel and Richard Ve", and with the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, who likewise paid bribes to disrupt ITCCS work in Ireland.

"Obviously the Vatican is panicking. This is a good sign" commented ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett today from New York City.

"The political tide has shifted against the church, and it's no longer possible for child killers in robes to hide behind the Lateran Treaty. And in its death throes, the church hierarchy is using its usual methods of lies and misinformation to shift the focus off its own criminal guilt."

In response to this breakthrough and to the renewed attacks on its work, the ITCCS Central Directorate in Brussels has today made the following announcement to the world media and to its affiliates in twenty six countries:

1. During November, our network will convene a global press conference in Rome with Italian politicians to announce a new phase of our campaign to disestablish the secular power of the Vatican. This campaign will include the launching of a new common law court action against the present Pope Francis and his agents for complicity in Crimes against Humanity and cult ritual murder.

2. To safeguard these efforts, our main website at has been restored and protected with new security features. In addition, henceforth, all ITCCS sections will operate under an official Charter which all members must sign and swear to. A copy of this Charter will be posted at and circulated to all our sections.

3. For information purposes, our former television site at has been compromised and seized by the paid operatives known by the aliases "Mel and Richard Ve", who are acting in deliberate opposition to the ITCCS to blacken our work and the good name of Kevin Annett, our Field Secretary. Neither "Mel and Richard Ve" nor the site are affiliated with nor in any way represent the ITCCS.

4. Jorge Bergoglio (alias Pope Francis) and other officials of the Vatican are now under criminal investigation for heinous offences involving the trafficking, torture and killing of children. We advise all persons to refrain from assisting Bergoglio and his agents under pain of summary conviction for participating in a proven criminal conspiracy emanating from the Curia and the Office of the Roman Pontiff.

Please stay alert for further announcements and actions.

This Statement has been issued on October 28, 2013 by the Central Directorate of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State in Brussels, Belgium.


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Pope Francis the CON Christ. Pretender&Impostor of Jesus. Merlin hoax CANNOT CLONE JESUS or dogs

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in AmericaVictims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders
Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto
WTC & 9/11 attacks - 3,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden
USA Priest Pedophilia - 15,736 victims - 6,100 priests - John Paul II & Benedict XVI & Opus Dei, the new Vatican Trinity

Opus Dei controlled the 27 years papacy of John Paul II and is therefore the foremost guilty party who aided and abetted and covered-up the John Paul II Pedophiles Rapists-Priests Army. Opus Dei wrote most of John Paul II’s books and writings and to ensure their perpetuity as “All things Catholic”, they want JP2 to be beatified and canonized now by Benedict XVI so as not to take any chances on other future popes. The FACE of Opus Dei is John Paul II and the PHANTOM Spirit of Opus Dei is their founder Josemaria Escriva.
Pope John Paul II: La-la-la-la-la-la — I can't hear those things you're saying about sex abuse
John Paul II knew about the existence of thousands of victims of 80 pedophile priests that Cardinal Bernard Law aided and abetted in Boston. When the laity successfully dethroned and forced Cardinal Law to resign as Archbishop of Boston, John Paul II promoted him to go to Rome and be the High Priest of the St. Mary Major and be in other high posts at the Vatican where both together would see each other very often.

Vatican Deceits use Cardinal Dziwisz to hide Maciel Billion$$

To justify his John Paul II’s papal silence on priest pedophilia – Vatican Pied Pipers now say that he did not know anything about it and therefore he did not write about it and could not apologize to the victims -- especially victims of his two evil Achilles Heels, Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston and Fr. Marcial Maciel, his beloved companion to his favorite most visited pilgrimage, the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico, read here Beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Maciel together in their journeys to Guadalupe: Both were great founders and great deceivers alike

9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day

John Paul II and his crime syndicate Part 1 

Fr. Marcial Maciel's Swiss Bank accounts: Angelo Sodano with Carlos Slim´s help has set his nephew up in business with a swiss registered company

The Legion and Opus Dei both have serious financial and credibility interests for the Beatification of John Paul II

Carlos Slim,Mexican billionaire, Legion's biggest contributor and Fr. Marcial Maciel's wealthy contributors

Diamond bride Mother Angelica’s EWTN acquires Fr. Marcial Maciel’s National Catholic Register: same God and Mammon, same hypocrisy

Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive

Vaticano Spa (Vatican Ltd): John Paul II was the CEO of the trillion dollar Vatican Bank’s murky financial dealings

No pope wanted to meet with victims of pedophile priests & SNAP
Read our related article 

Vatican Terror on Galileo, Priests and the Poor, Women and Children

Opus Dei Pope John Paul II cannot change stone into bread


But no matter how the Vatican Titanic’s religious Vatican Pied Pipers lie and lie that John Paul II “knew nothing”, secular history does not lie and secular history - especially Google -- has recordedthat John Paul II has two evil Achilles Heels, Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston and Fr. Marcial Maciel, and money cannot buy or erase this evil papal history and fact, read more

The Magic of the Eucharist and the chanting of the Rosary can be so intoxicating that Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests are heartless and cold in the face of evil and their victims.

Restore image of priests for obsolete doctrines,Vatican Concordats, narcissist “saint” John Paul II, Mass fake cloning of Christ religious spectacle?

The live true crucifix of the Holy See a.k.a. Vatican

The reason why John Paul II ignored all the bestial serial pedophile crimes of Fr. Marcial Maciel is because of the countless billions of dollars Maciel brought into the secret Vatican Swiss Banks, read here INTEGER & Vatican Swiss Banks accounts: Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ secret Vatican wealth

 That is why the Legionaries of Christ cannot be dissolved no matter how evil are their roots like a rotten tree, despite the evil crimes of their founder because they are the major stockholder of the Vatican Bank and secret Vatican Swiss Banks.

9/11 victims 3,000. JP2 Army 100,000s. May Day: both Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on May 1 on John Paul II Beatification Day B-Day

Theology and John Paul II are heartless and together they made the immoral Fr. Marcial Maciel thrive
Image of Eucharist with JP2 and confessional of Bernard Law cartoon
Vatican Catholic priests are JP2 matrix clones (not Roman)
Vatican Last Tsar Benedict XVI Resigns As Vatican Pontiff of Vatican Catholic Church. It’s Deceitful to Say “roman Pontiff” of “roman Catholic Church”
The truthful way now is to say the “Vatican Catholic Church”, not the “Roman Catholic Church”, read more reasons below.
All Vatican Catholic churches today must now have John Paul II giant statues right beside St. Therese of the Child Jesus, the patron of missions, but who also said nothing and did nothing to save and protect children from thousands of pedophile priests happening right under her holy eyes! Read our related article on All Saints Day, Oratory of Saint Joseph pedophile priests! Montreal: Second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints and Holy Cross cannot protect children!
To be bonafide Vatican Catholic member, priests must be Opus Dei puppets citing only cite John Paul II’s interpretation writings which were written by his Opus Dei ghost writers. They must preach the Bible with one hand and be Opus Dei androids parroting what saint John Paul II said”… and then at the same time pointing to his giant statues that must be inside all Vatican Catholic Churches like St. Therese of the Child Jesus, who is the patron saint of missions.
Jesus said that the Devil is the father of lies…but there is a worse liar than the Devil and that is John Paul II who is the “Holy Father of Lies” because he is still denying – from his grave - that he did not know anything about his evil Achilles Heel, the serial pedophile priest Fr. Marcial Maciel, the poster boy of his JP2 Army – the John Paul II Pedophile priests Army named aptly after him who said nothing and did nothing to protect children during 27 years papacy. That is what John Allen said in his Newsweek article about the fast-track saint, that JP2 did not know anything about pedophile priests during his papacy and news about it came out during his “twilight” age, therefore Catholics and people in the world should simply forget about this issue, read here
It’s deceitful to say “Roman Catholic Church” because the Vatican is not part of Rome, read more below. The Vatican Catholic Church is entering its worst and final era of Vatican Deceits with thecanonization of John Paul II, the apex of Vatican Deceits together with the Hoax of the Eucharist. Read our related article --- moral authority and the Vatican Titanic is already sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy, read more here
The Third Secret of Fatima revealed by Our Lady predicted the total demise of the Vatican like the Temple of Solomon, and if 1.2 billion Catholics still buy the hoax of the Eucharist and the hoax of “saint” John Paul II -- the world must not feel sorry for them when they will be making a pilgrimage to the wailing wall of the Vatican -- like the small remaining part of the wailing wall of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem
John Paul II is the Holy Father of lies and he surpasses t he Devil who is the father of lies according to Jesus. From his Vatican grave he manipulates the Vatican Deceits Media Empire where he continues to lie and lie through the same Opus Dei staff that created him like a papal ugly Frankenstein - created in the laboratory of the Vatican Saint Factory of the Opus Dei. For his canonization, only photos of the young John Paul II will be reprinted.

John Paul II’s ugly face in the last three years of his life especially after he promoted his evil Achilles Heel Cardinal Bernard Law to Boston as High Priest in St. Mary Major has been deleted from Google by the Opus Dei. Those ugly photos should be shown by CNN and other secular media out there to remind the world how ugly John Paul II became at the end of his life because he was carrying the biggest millstone attached by St. Michael the Archangel  because he refused to stop the thousands of pedophile priests under his Holy See watch especially the serial pedophile priest who sodomized even his own biological son - with whom John Paul II traveled five times to the Basilica Guadalupe in Mexico

For 27 years, John Paul II canonized and beatified 1,500 saints and blessed, more than all popes combined. Now he will join their ranks. The Vatican Saint Factory is following its agenda for “saint” John Paul II to the letter as planned.

But as the 2,000 years of Catholicism history has proven -- Saints, giant statues, holy cross, spiritual books, rosaries and sacred relics cannot protect and save children, read here Oratory of Saint Joseph pedophile priests! Montreal: Second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints and Holy Cross cannot protect children!

The epic pedophile priests modern version of Sodom and Gomorrah of Biblical Proportion during the papacy of John Paul II in the 20thcentury and first 5 years of the 21st century history have proved thatJohn Paul II never saved or protected children as the longest reigned pope and he is the same yesterday, today and forever. John Paul II is a hoax saint just like the Eucharist is the hoax flesh cloning of Christ!Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and priests cannot clone Dolly the Sheep, and therefore they cannot Christ the Shepherd either! See images below.

John Paul II wrote the most number of theology books and speeches more than all popes combined. John Paul II was the most traveled pope and met and saw millions of people more than all popes combined. He kissed babies, he was sometimes surrounded by children dressed in costumes from many countries -- but it was all for political photo-ops show, for his narcissistic parade as John Paul II “the Great”. 

The Vatican Deceits Media Empire ploy specially by John Allen, read here that John Paul II “knew nothing, absolutely nothing” about the serial pedophile priest Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, founder of the Legionaries of Christ and thousands of pedophile priests is sheer Vatican Holy Shit deception motivated by John Paul II the Holy Father of lies, lies and infinite lies worse than the Devil, the father of lies. History does not lie.

John Paul II had the longest papacy of 27 years with all photos, videos and written records to prove that he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect children from thousands of pedophile priests hence they are named aptly after him as the JP2 army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and children are best protected by praying the JP2 Army prayer, read more below. Adding two popes as saints are inutile to children, women and the poor and to the whole world. As we recently wrote on the feast of All Saints, Saints, giant statues, holy cross, rosaries and sacred relics cannot protect children, read more here : Oratory of Saint Joseph pedophile priests! Montreal: Second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints and Holy Cross cannot protect children!

In July 2002 John Paul II “heard” about the 80 pedophile priests in Boston whom Cardinal Bernard Law aided and abetted – on his last World Youth Day in Toronto and he refused to address it in public that is St. Michael the Archangel tied the gigantic millstone around his neck, read the vision of Paris Arrow here . At the end of his last World Youth Day, he flew to Mexico for his fifth (most number) pilgrimage to the Basilica of Guadalupe arranged by billionaire Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, the serial pedophile founder of the Legionaries of Christ . Two years later in 2004, John Paul II would bless and praise Maciel -- which Dziwisz now says “heknew nothing, absolutely nothing” about Maciel’s notorious pedophile famous history. As the Celestine Prophecy said:

A new book is out in time for Christmas and the canonization, Ho Vissuto con un Santo “I Lived with a Saint”, written by John Paul II’s personal secretary for 39 years, Polish Cardinal Dziwisz who says that“When the Holy Father met him, he knew nothing, absolutely nothing” referring to the serial pedophilia of Fr. Maciel in -- their now infamous photo meeting in 2004 when John Paul II praised Maciel to the highest heavens at the Vatican (see news articles below and the infamous photo here

Polish Cardinal Dziwisz was among John Paul II’s Opus Dei controllers who were like scientists in a laboratory creating the Pope Frankenstein, except they were creating JP2 as “the greatest” saint in the Vatican Saint Factory. 1.2 billion Catholics are better off reading one new important book, The LAST POPE. FRANCIS AND THE FALL OF THE VATICAN. ST MALACHY PROPHECIES that will enlighten them about the true accomplishments of all Popes and it will help them stop believing in Vatican Deceits especially on the hoax cloning in the Eucharist.Catholics must stop giving and feeding the Vatican Mammon Beastand give their money for the poor of Christ, the Red Cross, Doctors without Borders and must help liberate poor countries from the Vatican Concordats which usurp billions of dollars annually from Third World countries that are already buried in debt, read our article Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

the old ugly pope John Paul II: I am the greatest — I can't hear those things you're saying about my JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for my longest papacy of 27 years controlled by Opus Dei  

JP2 - the youngest pope in modern times obsessed with his legacy as John Paul II "the GREAT"

On 31 October 1992 John Paul II apologized to 17th century Galileo…but ten years later, in July 2002 in his last World Youth Day in Toronto, he refused to meet and apologize to 20th century victims of the 80 pedophile priests whom Cardinal Bernard Law aided and abetted and the victims of beast serial pedophile priest Fr. Marcial Maciel, the founder of the wealthiest religious congregation, the Legionaries of Christ. John Paul II apologized to Medieval Ages victims of the Catholic Crusades - but not to the victims of 20thCentury JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named aptly after him who said nothing and did nothing to save and protect children, read here Paris arrow vision

Read our related articles

 9-11 and JP2 Army 

As much as he knew of Cardinal Law, John Paul II also knew about serial bestial pedophile priest Fr. Marcial Maciel – and he also promoted Maciel to high posts in the Vatican and blessed him…in the now infamous photo of 2004 see here  Hence Law and Maciel are JP2 evil Achilles Heels that time and history have recorded and proved that John Paul II was more interested in the religious spectacle of the Eucharist hoaxcloning of Christ and the robotic chanting of the Rosary that sound like a broken record to the ears of Our Lady of Fatima – more than seeking justice for victims of his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army stabs Jesus’ Mother’s heart, read more here Ex-Jesuit Gov.Jerry Brown vetoes SB131, invokes Roman law, perpetuates cover-up of 20th Century JP2 Army who stabs the heart of Jesus’ mother

From John Paul II the Great to Benedict XVI, the Vatican last Tsar, to Pope Francis I the Last Popeno pope wanted to meet with victims of pedophile priests, especially the US - SNAP president David Clohessy who was in Rome for the last papal conclave, waiting and spending money in hotels to meet with the new pope -- because these 3 last popes are the Frankenstein creations of thefascist Opus Dei Mafia who control their agenda and the Vatican Concordats, read our related article – Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice

On 31 October 1992Pope John Paul II expressed regret for how the Galileo affair was handled, and issued a declaration acknowledging the errors committed by the Catholic Churchtribunal that judged the scientific positions of Galileo Galilei, as the result of a study conducted by the Pontifical Council for Culture. In March 2008 the head of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Nicola Cabibbo, announced a plan to honour Galileo by erecting a statue of him inside the Vatican walls. In December of the same year, during events to mark the 400th anniversary of Galileo's earliest telescopic observations, Pope Benedict XVI praised his contributions to astronomy. A month later, however, the head of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Gianfranco Ravasi, revealed that the plan to erect a statue of Galileo in the grounds of the Vatican had been suspended. CommentsJohn Paul II and Benedict XVI were more engrossed with Galileo because it was pomp and ceremony – while victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army were downtrodden victims, read our related article, Benedict refuses to meet Italian victims of JP2 Army John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army but meets with rare Cuban crocodile

Read our related article: Pope Francis Top 10 Vatican Deceits. Francis cloned @3.13.13 inside Vatican Titanic as Jesuit Mask of Vatican Evils. “Bergoglio. Basura. Vos sos la dictadura.”

John Paul II had lots of time to meet with the victims of Fr. Marcial Maciel and especially those of Boston, from 2002 until 2005, his euthanasia, but hechose to lie and lie and pretend that priest pedophilia never happened because of his narcissistic goal was becoming John Paul II “the Great”. Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston is his live evil Achilles Heel, just look at the pathetic guy, the Red Devil of St. Mary Major!

the "slimy bastardCardinal Bernard Law, those thousands of little boys and little girls who had the grave misfortune of loving and revering this human piece of filth...I’m ashamed to be of the same faith as this evil, malicious creep." But to prove that he is "the Great" John Paul II PAPAL FARTed at us Bostonians and took Cardinal Law to Rome to be the High Priest of the Mother of all Basilicas, that is why Cardinal Law is the Achilles Heel of John Paul II

The Confessional is the coldest and most unjust religious venue where criminals and sinners go in and out to be absolved of their sins and crimes while their victims suffer a “living Hell” and the Vatican Catholic go on “business as usual”.

Read our related articles

 on 9-11 and JP2 Army 
Worse than communist countries where there is no freedom of speechVatican Catholic priests today are not allowed to have their own “freedom of thought” or personal interpretations of the Bible or God’s hand in current events. If they want to remain members of the Vatican Catholic priesthood, they must not give their own interpretations or they will be executed by being “silenced” or excommunicated like the old priest excommunicated by Benedict XVI for questioning his papal book and the virginity of Mary, read here 

Okay,” he replied, “imagine yourself being alive in the year one thousand, in what we have called Middle Ages.  The first thing you must understand is that the reality of this time is being defined by the powerful churchmen of the Christian church.  Because of their position, these men hold great influence over the minds of the populace.  And the world these churchmen describe is real is, above all, spiritual. They are creating reality which places their idea about God’s plan for mankind at the very center of life.

“Visualize this,” he continued.  “You find yourself in the class of your father – essentially peasant or aristocrat – and you know that you will always be confined to this class.  But regardless of which class you’re in, or the particular work that you do, you soon realize thatsocial position is secondary to the spiritual reality of life as defined by the churchmen.  Read more here

Vatican Pied Pipers are working overtime because we have exposed the Vatican Concordats that are usurping billions of dollars in countries already buried in debts, read here =============.

In 1999, when John Paul II went to El Salvador, Jon Sobrino criticized how the poor people were simply used as props for the papal visit, we quote it again here

Witnesses to the Kingdom: The Martyrs of El Salvador and the Crucified PeoplesPage 141. Important ecclesial events, like a papal visit, are often organized in such a way that they too produce a feeling of unreality. In the Pope’s 1996 visit to El Salvador, it is true that most of the people who attended were poor. But all one could see of their reality was their religious enthusiasm, more or less effectively organized. One didn’t see their poverty, their fears, their discouragement and helplessness, not even their true faith and hope; one didn’t see their reality. As the event was organized, the poor served more as a backdrop than as the reality of the country; in the foreground were minorities that do not represent the reality: the government, legislators and politicians, the rich and powerful, and the Church beside them. The Pope’s visit neither reflected reality nor, to judge from the consequences, had any important effect on it.

On page 140. This applies to the allocutions and homilies of the Pope to the Congregation when he was an "adult-pope’. And that is still a serious problem: humanistas without sarx, factuality without reality (in the world of the poor). To give a few examples: one often gets a feeling of unreality from homilies, documents and messages that do not make central - although they may mention it - the poverty of reality, the injustice and corruption that cause it, and the cover-up that accompanies it. The feeling of unreality comes especially from the lack of commitment to get involved in the conflict, to struggle against injustice and to suffer the consequences. Words, words, words, as J. Comblin calls such messages in the article mentioned above. At another level, one gets the same feeling of unreality from a seminary formation that protects the seminarian from reality; or from the spiritualities and pastoral practices promoted or tolerated by movements that lead the human being into an a-historical transcendence with infantilizing consequences. (From Martyrs of El Salvador. By Jon Sobrino)

Links: Benedict XVI and Jon Sobrino

Benedict XVI-God's Rottweiler voracious appetite for the Jesuits

New Pope Benedict XVI's first bite: the Jesuits

Cardinal Ratzinger would later “silence” Jon Sobrino and this book would belong to the “Forbidden Books” of Opus Dei.

Now that he will be canonized in April on Divine Mercy Sunday, to coincide with his death on Divine Mercy, a euthanasia secretly orchestrated by Opus Dei and their Opus Dei doctor who happened to be also John Paul II’s press secretary, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, read more here===

It is time for 1.2 Catholics to wake up and see the HOAX of the EUCHARIST, that Popes, Cardinals and Bishops andpriests cannot clone cats and dogs and Dolly the Sheep, and therefore they cannot clone Christ either.

It is time for the United Nations to end the Vatican as a country and all 175 countries to unite for the abolition of the Vatican Concordatsthat usurp billions of dollars annually from these countries that are already buried in debt, read more here

The Vatican cannot be saved by the BLACK MAGIC of the EUCHARIST – the Pope and Cardinals and Bishops and priests CANNOT CLONE CATSand therefore they cannot CLONE CHRIST either. It is that simple. No mystical theology of transubstantiation can refute this IMPOTENCY of the Pope and priests, read here Black Magic of the Eucharist

The “Holy Father“ Pope and his copy-cat “holy fathers” priests cannot clone sheep and they cannot clone Christ either, read our related article
Restore image of priests for obsolete doctrines,Vatican Concordats, narcissist “saint” John Paul II, Mass fake cloning of Christ religious spectacle?

The Catholic Church is not the world’s moral authority. The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy

Does anyone remember the cloned sheep Dolly?  It was the cream of the crop top team of scientists who cloned her. Well, the black magic words of a team of “holy priests” cannot clone Christ the Son God either, read about the Divine Trinity

The Vatican Titanic is sinking in moral bankruptcy and there is no way to salvage it as it has been hit by huge moral icebergs around the world, read our related article here

The Vatican cannot be saved by the Sacrament of Confession which protects criminals and persecutes their victims – read our related article here

Look deeply into this image of Our Lady of Guadalupe defending and protecting children from the Serpent  ... compared to Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Cardinals, Bishops who coverd-up pedophile priests The names of the transferring or covering up Bishops and Cardinals are: Roll Call Please!

The Hague: Full text Criminal Charges against Dr. Joseph Ratzinger, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church 
The black belt means she is pregnant
The womb of the Immaculate Conception of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way


 The cloning process that produced Dolly



1-MINUTE  black magic of the cloning of Christ by sinful Vatican pope and priests 

Merlin magician Pope Francis CANNOT clone an ant or a dog - but he claim to clone Jesus Christ -- POPE FRANCIS IS THE WORST LIAR on EARTH - WORSE than the DEVIL
 Transubstantiation or the Mass is a recent development . St. Peter and St. Paul and the Apostles never celebrated Mass and never “transubstantiation” the bread into the flesh of Christ, what they did was to preach about Christ. The Mass was a slow development from the 12th century through various liturgical reforms until the 20th century. It was only in 1215 at the Fourth Council of the Lateran that the Mass began to take form and in 1551 at the Council of Trent that transubstantiation became what it is today. 


The Vatican has come to use it as its main crux of power on earth deceiving Catholics and peoples of all faiths that only Popes and men-priests have the exclusive power to transubstantiate - or clone - God’s flesh. Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. the Crusades, the Inquisition, the burning of women and witches “

For the sake of the Eucharist” and because of the shortage of priests, John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, the Opus Dei who controls the Vatican, the Cardinals and Bishops shuffled pedophile priests from one parish to another. The rest is history: the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army committed Holy ES Eucharist-and-Sodomy of Biblical proportions see the John Paul II Millstone

In the name of Hail Mary, we dare challenge and defy the Magisterium: No words pronounced by any finite-man can create an infinite-God! No words of the Pope and priests can re-create or re-incarnate Christ’s flesh. The words of sinful popes and priests are powerless and can never create God! Only Mary the Immaculate Conception deserved to bear God in her womb. No evil pope and evil priests is worthy to touch and hold God in their evil hands. The words of popes and Cardinals, Bishops and priests are mere clashing-cymbals of St. Paul see John Paul II the Great clashing cymbal of St. Paul

See Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II is “brought to nothing” by St. Paul
No matter how we look at it, finite-man cannot create an infinite-God. Man can never create God’s flesh. Not in in-vitro fertilization of the scientific laboratories. Not in the sacred altars of holy Roman Catholic churches which by the way were the same pedophile altars of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army See the John Paul II Millstone

Rome, call us heretics and we don’t care because in Boston and in America, we have freedom of speech. It was our freedom of speech that got rid of criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of our land. But only you, Rome, you the Roman Catholic Church a.k.a. Magisterium would glorify criminals like Cardinal Bernard Law and John Paul II. 

No other American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified

Benedict XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. The fact is, Benedict XVI’s words are powerless. NO POPE has ever healed anyone. As this picture shows,



They came sick and they left sick.

There is NO "Apostolic" authority or succession here,
for NO Pope has EVER been able to heal 

like Peter or Paul did.

Opus Dei Goliath-bully Bill want to propagate Catholic Medieval Doctrine that all crimes of JP2 Army of pedophile priests are already forgiven and forgotten under the Sacrament of Confession that protects criminals and persecutes their victims, read here

 BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph and Brother Andre cannot protect children from CSC pedophiles

Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror  ).  .

50 Reasons to Boycott the Catholic Church  (Note his example of women dying because they are deprived of abortion)
By Adam Lee
November 26, 2012

Last month in Ireland, Savita Halappanavar died, and she shouldn't have.Savita was a 31-year-old married woman, four months pregnant, who went to the hospital with a miscarriage in progress that developed into a blood infection. She could easily have been saved if the already doomed fetus was aborted. Instead, her doctors did nothing, explaining that "this is a Catholic country," and left her to suffer in agony for days, only intervening once it was too late.

Savita's death is just the latest in a long line of tragedies directly attributable to the doctrines and beliefs of the Roman Catholic church. I acknowledge that there are many good, progressive Catholics, but the problem is that the church isn't a democracy, and those progressives have no voice or vote in its governance. The church is a petrified oligarchy, a dictatorship like the medieval monarchies it once existed alongside, and it's run by a small circle of conservative, rigidly ideological old men who make all the decisions and choose their own successors.
This means that, whatever individual Catholics may do, the resources of the church as an institution are bent toward opposing social progress and positive change all over the worldEvery dollar you put into the church collection plate, every Sunday service you attend, every hour of time and effort you put into volunteering or working for church organizations, isinevitably a show of support for the institutional church and its abhorrent missionWhen you have no voice, there's only one thing left to do: boycott. Stop supporting the church with your money and your time. For lifelong Catholics, it's a drastic step, but it's more than justified by the wealth of reasons showing that the church as an institution is beyond reform, and the only meaningful response is to part ways with it. Here are just a few of those reasons:

1. Throughout the world, Catholic bishops have engaged in a systematic, organized effort going back decades to cover up for priests who molest children, pressuring the victims to sign confidentiality agreements and quietly assigning the predators to new parishes where they could go on molesting.Tens of thousands of children have been raped and tortured as a result of this conspiracy of silence.

2. Strike one: " What did the pope know and when did he know it? " The current pope, when he was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was personally implicated in a case from the 1970s in which at least three sets of parents reported that a priest in his diocese had sexually abused their children. In response, Ratzinger assigned the priest to therapy, without notifying law enforcement, and washed his hands of the matter. That priest was back on duty in just a few short days and went on to molest more children.

3. Strike two: In 1981, again when the current pope was Cardinal Ratzinger, he got a letter from the diocese of Oakland asking him to defrock a priest who had acknowledged molesting two children. Ratzinger ignored this letter, and several followup letters, for four years. Finally, in 1985, he wrote back saying that more time was needed, and that they had to proceed very slowly to safeguard " the good of the Universal Church " in light of "the young age of the petitioner" -- by which he meant not the victimized children, but the pedophile priest. (By contrast, when a rogue archbishop ordained married men as priests, he was laicized six days later. )

4. Strike three: In 2001, Cardinal Ratzinger wrote a letter, De Delictis Gravioribus , to all Catholic bishops advising them how to handle accusations of sex crimes by priests. There was no recommendation to contact the police, but rather an instruction for them to report such cases only to the Vatican and tell no one else: " Cases of this kind are subject to the pontifical secret. "

Read our related article: 

Vatican attacks American nuns: A compilation. USA nuns live Gospel, serve the poor and sick...while Benedict XVI lives in luxury out-of-touch-with-reality in Vatican Bank Tower

St. Joseph with candles in the Votive Chapel of the Oratory of St. Joseph
Giant Saint Joseph could NOT help young students victims! His giant statue is only a few nearby the College Notre DAme where hundreds of students were sodomized by Holy Cross Brothers of Saint brother Andre. These 2 saints SAID NOTHING and DID NOTHING TO PROTECT CHILDREN

Saint Brother Andre said nothing and did nothing 
to protect young students victims of his Holy Cross Brothers

Giant Saint Joseph could NOT help young students victims! 

Oratory candles could not stop CSC pedophiles and bestial lust for 50 years from 1950 to 2001. 

Give your money to the homeless shelters of Montreal

Stop lighting candles! God does not need candles. 

The poor need to eat. The homeless need a shelter. Homeless people NOT allowed in Oratory

It’s acts of mercy that I want, says the Lord, not material sacrifices and candles! 

God does not need your candles!

Saint Joseph does not need your candles.

People, please STOP DONATING to the ORATORY of St. Joseph and instead donate your money to Red Cross, Doctors without Borders, your local charities, and the homeless shelters of Montreal. 

 BOYCOTT Oratory of Saint Joseph! CANDLES to giant Zeus statues of St. Joseph and Brother Andre cannot protect children from CSC pedophiles

Oratory of Saint Joseph pedophile priests! Montreal: Second class-action suit targets Congrégation de Ste-Croix! Saints and Holy Cross cannot protect children!

Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. BOYCOTT the Vatican Museum and boycott ALL donations to the Vatican Catholic Church Reign of Terror  ).  .


   Vatican Bank closes thousand accounts/criminal transactions BURNT to leave no trail of crimes further/future investigations...drowned by loud Francis-maniacs at St. Peter’s Square 


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