Benedict XVI spends more time with his papal tailors than with victims of pedophile priests
When a group of survivors (sexually abused by pedophile priests) from around the world gathered for the first time in Rome last month, they were neither allowed access to the Vatican nor granted an audience with Benedict XVI, rather they were shoved away by Italian police as far away from St. Peter's Square. Benedict XVI did not bother to meet with these "least brethren of Christ" in the Catholic Church see
Yet Benedict XVI appears with more colorful papal tiara and garb every time he goes abroad or presides at St. Peter's Square. The papal fashion of Benedict XVI is unrivaled by any pope since Vatican II. John Paul II wore white in all his world travels and in all his photos with world leaders. But Benedict XVI seems to be obsessed with his looks as he has personally hired Franco Zeffirelli as his personal papal choreographer and director of papal ceremonies see See for yourself what painstaking time Benedict XVI must spend with Zeffirelli and his papal tailors to achieve this Ratzinger fashion!
When Benedict XVI went to Malta and England, he met with a handpicked number of survivors for 5 to 8 minutes see. But a premier Vaticanista says "Almost every day I'm in Rome takes me in and out of some office of the Roman Curia" see
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John Paul II sitting on papal throne

Benedict XVI - with red papal shawl- sitting on papal throne

Look at the minute details of the new white papal tiara of Benedict XVI that matches his papal white robe.

John Paul II's papal tiaras were smaller and simpler than Benedict XVI's

John Paul II debarking plane only in plain white robe, but Benedict XVI adds a red papal shawl
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