Friday, February 26, 2010

Catholics can emulate Jews [who hunted down Nazi officers] by hunting down pedophile priests’ officers Benedict XVI & Bishops into the World Court

The Holocaust is the worst crime against the Jewish people and the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army is the worst crime against Catholic children in the 20th century. John Paul II does not deserve to be called a “saint” because of this hidden papal army he led for over a quarter of a century as he traveled around the World and sat the at the trillion dollar Chair of St. Peter in the Vatican see the John Paul II Millstone

Benedict XVI convened the entire Irish hierarchy in Rome for two days, and as conclusion, according to his papal infallibility and Catholic way of justice, he will write ONE papal letter to the Irish people and will perform ONE ceremony of Penance this Lent and this will finally appease the thousands of Irish victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, the most heinous crime against children in history of Christendom. Benedict XVI was Cardinal Ratzinger the Prefect, or chief officer, of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, or Inquisition, who was responsible for condoning and covering-up the crimes of pedophile priests for more than 26 years of John Paul II’s papacy in the first place. Therefore, Benedict XVI is the foremost criminal in the pedophile priests’ global web in the USA, Ireland and now in his native Germany. As chief officer Cardinal Ratzinger he ordered the absolute silence and secrecy, the transfers of pedophile priests from one parish to another, see Crimen Sollicitationis in American litigation against Benedict XVI-Cardinal Ratzinger the head of a Global Web of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Benedict XVI constantly preaches against the Secular because it has no spiritual doctrines and divine gods. But ironically, it is the Secular’s government that brought some justice to the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the USA and paid them some 2.2 billion dollars in compensation. What did the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church do for the victims? The Bishops spent millions on lawyers to defend the dioceses, prevent lawsuits, negotiate the least amount of monetary settlements and protect thousands of pedophile priests so that they can continue performing the Magic of the Mass everyday see Benedict VERSUS Holy Mary: Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary’s 9 months pregnancy& child birth

Let’s put Benedict XVI’s infallible conclusion with the Irish Bishops in the perspective of Secular layman’s justice as exemplified by the victims of the Jewish Holocaust. Would the Jews have accepted ONE apology from Hitler and ONE ceremony of Penance in Lent for the crimes of the Holocaust, committed by the same Hitler and his Nazi officers? No. Would the Jews have accepted the recitation of King David’s Psalm 51 of forgiveness at the Wailing Wall by Hitler and Nazi officers? (That is tantamount to the Sacrament of Reconciliation by Nazi officers who went to confession to the Pope and Bishops at the Vatican) No. So, why should the Irish people accept ONE pastoral letter and ONE act of Penance this Lent from Benedict XVI-the same Cardinal Ratzinger who was responsible for aiding and abetting the pedophile priests’ crimes for over a quarter of a century with Pope John Paul II?? Benedict XVI is the Hitler-Pope of history.

King David’s Psalm is always cited in the Rite of Penance during Lent

Psalm 51: 2 Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.

Psalm 51:7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

See full Psalm 51 here

What was Jewish Wiesenthal's reason for hunting down Nazi war criminals? Asked why he maintained his efforts to track down Nazis all his life, Wiesenthal said, "I believe in a world to come ... When confronted by the martyred millions ... I will be able to say ... 'I did not forget you."' ... With our 4 weblogs and efforts to prove that John Paul II must never be called ‘saint’ in American soil and by American lips and by Catholics, our weblogs also say to the countless victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, ‘we did not forget you’. We also hope to build a memorial for these Catholic children in the near future…

In 1967 Wiesenthal tracked down Franz Stengl, the commandant of two of the most notorious death camps, Treblinka and Sobibor, who was hiding in Brazil. He was extradited to West Germany for trial. Wiesenthal's efforts also helped bring to trial in 1966 in Stuttgart, West Germany, nine major SS participants in the mass murder of Jews in his native region of Lvov. (answers.encyclopedia)

Let us never forget like 9⁄11: The Holocaust is the worst crime against the Jewish people and the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army is the worst crime against Catholic children in the 20th century

Let us learn from the Jews and imitate their fearless path of justice. They hunted down Hitler‘s Nazi officers even if they have changed their identities and moved to other countries like Argentina, Brazil, Chile and the USA. The Jews went to the World Court and brought these hiding Nazi officers to justice until they were jailed. The Jews continue to receive monetary compensations up to today from Germany. WE Catholics also should hunt down criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and Cardinal Mahony and similar criminal Cardinals and Bishops until they are jailed. Most of all, we should hunt down Benedict XVI and make him pay monetary compensation for his crimes, the Irish asked him for one billion euro, and we must make him resign as Pope in disgrace.

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leader

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - John Paul II,
Benedict XVI and Opus Dei - the Vatican Trinity

What do we Catholics got to lose if Benedict XVI was brought to World Court for his crimes as the Hitler-Pope of pedophile priests?

Let us see clearly now what would we Catholic lose if the American lawyer is successful in her litigation against Benedict XVI see American litigation against Benedict XVI-Cardinal Ratzinger the head of a Global Web of Childhood Sexual Abuse

What would happen to us Catholics if Benedict XVI resigned in disgrace and was jailed? See Benedict XVI is the Hitler-Pope of history

First, we would lose the Vatican bank? (But let’s face it, we don’t get a dollar out of it anyway)

The Sacraments of Eucharist or sacrament of magic? (This is the worst magical lie worse than Harry Potter’s magic) See Benedict VERSUS Holy Mary: Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary’s 9 months pregnancy& child birth

The Catholic Catechism for children? The altar boys had all those catechism and they were sodomized up to the core of their bodies and souls…in the rectories and confessional. Those catechisms are only opium and have nothing to do with true charity.

The Catholic churches for Sunday worship? They are being closed down for low attendance anyway.

What else do we have to lose, the Catholic convents and seminaries? (We as lay people can't join these exclusive convents and seminaries anyway)?

Six former altar boys in a parish of Trier have traumatic memories of being abused by a priest. Incidents happened in the sacristy where he fondled their genitals, according to one victim who wished to remain unnamed. Some boys were forced to accompany the priest to his room. The abuse was an open secret among the altar servers, he said.

Attempts to report the abuse previously were unsuccessful. The priest was considered to be untouchable because he was charismatic and dynamic. He was considered to be very progressive. The priest also served as a religion teacher and coach. The man said they altar boys had no chance to be heard and were solely on their own in dealing with what had happened to them. (GERMANY,volksfreund;art742,2365843 Posted in abuse Tracker February 23, 2010, 7:16 PM)

What else do we Catholics got to lose if Benedict XVI resigned in disgrace? Papal encyclicals, papal books and speeches? John Paul II the Great wrote the most numbers of books and homilies and look how cold-blooded he was and he never tried to stop pedophile priests during his 26 years as pope. Reading papal books does not guarantee us Catholics a free ticket to heaven the John Paul II Millstone

See Pope Benedict NEVER defended children abused by priests during his lifetime of 82 years – proofs are in the books written by him and about him

See John Paul II did not have the charity of Mother Teresa


Excerpt from It is time the Pope came clean about the Magdalene Laundries

Belfast Telegraph
By Sharon Owens
Wednesday, 24 February 2010

I'm sure the Vatican is hoping the unmarked graves of the Magdalene slaves will soon be covered over once more. I'm sure the Vatican is hoping the innocent young children they turned into bitter alcoholics and suicidal depressives will just hurry up and die and not collect any compensation.
No doubt when the leaders of the Catholic Church pray these days, they pray for the tidal wave of abuse scandals to dry up and be forgotten. After all, the orphanages, industrial schools and laundries have all closed down now. …

What a great pity they didn't think to question the tyranny of the Catholic Church while they were about it. The church that forbade birth control, yet despised big families of starving, barefoot children. The church that encouraged education yet hated free-thinkers. The church that revered Mary the Mother of God, yet treated all mortal women as sinners and whores. The church that raved about poverty and humility, yet lined the walls of the Vatican with priceless works of art.

The church that took the pocket money off children during Lent, yet covered up the brutal rape and buggery of little boys and girls for more than 50 years.

And I wondered, looking at those grovelling bishops kissing Pope Benedict's hand, do they really understand, even now, why there is a crisis in the church? Have they any idea of how the survivors of abuse must feel?

Have they no empathy whatsoever for the unnamed Magdalene slaves who died of exhaustion or malnutrition or a broken heart and were quietly buried behind those high stone walls? I'm beginning to think only snobs, sociopaths and narcissists are drawn to religious life in the first place, for I have yet to see a flicker of shame, regret or sadness from any bishops. If Jesus were here today he would rage against the Vatican for what it has done to the people of Ireland.

He would roar and weep and pull down the wall of silence that has been built around the crimes of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Jesus would smash the headstones condemning the Magdalenes as 'penitents' even in death. He would throw open the doors of the Vatican and tell survivors of abuse to carry away any art and gold they can lay their hands on. He would demolish the grand cathedrals and say Masses in the open air. He would beg forgiveness on bended knees from the men, women, children and ghosts of Ireland. But I can't see Pope Benedict doing any of that. Can you?

Full article

Number of Church Abuse Cases Continues to Rise in Germany

Der Spiegel
The Catholic Church in Germany is under pressure as more and more cases of sexual abuse come to light. Now the government is demanding that the Church take rigorous action to investigate the incidents. By SPIEGEL staff.
For years, Jörg D. was plagued by feelings of shame, insecurity and rage. Finally, on Sept. 17, 2009, he sent the pope a four-page letter describing his plight. "I beg you for help, in whatever form possible," he wrote.
But Benedict XVI remained silent. To this day, Jörg D., now 25, has not received a response, "not even a two-liner, nothing, nothing at all."
Franz-Josef Bode, the bishop of the city of Osnabrück in northwestern Germany, hasn't been much help either. He advised D., a victim of abuse, to "forgive and forget."
Posted Abuse Tracker, February 24, 2010 at 9:50 AM

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Catholic websites & Benedict XVI's spiritual penance versus Secular government’s justice of monetary compensation & jail time

Benedict XVI always condemns "secularism" because it has no spirituality and divine Gods. But ironically, it is secular law that brought some justice to the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the United States, paid them some 2.2 billion dollars and some jailtime for a handful of pedophile priests. Cardinal Mahony continues to protect the more than 600 pedophile priests of Los Angeles...

Catholic writers and websites like these ones below are very deceitful toward victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army because they propagate forgiveness and healing and nothing about layman’s secular justice which is monetary compensation to victims and jail time for guilty pedophile priests and their chief officers which are the Pope and Cardinals and Bishops.

Benedict XVI and the Irish Bishops in their two days conference in Rome opted for mere Catholic ceremony of Penance in Lent and spiritual healing (which is a lot of empty words) and absolutely nothing about monetary compensation and jail time for the guilty pedophile priests and Bishops including the former Cardinal Ratzinger now Benedict XVI himself. What happened to the 1 billion euro the Irish victims asked Benedict XVI ?

My stomach cringes every time I see ‘The Garden of Roses: Stories of Abuse and Healing’ which incorporates psychology and a lot of smooth talking fancy words like this first one below that praises John Paul II as “wonderful”. The moment someone praises John Paul II, I know he or she does not see the truth and is a foot soldier of Opus Dei for the speedy canonization of John Paul II. See John Paul II did not have the charity of Mother Teresa As the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands in Ireland, John Paul II is elevated as ‘Venerable…Only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified

Opus Dei controlled the 26 years of John Paul II. Everything JP2 did and said was filtered through Opus Dei. The foremost controller was Joaquin Navarro-Valls, the secretary of John Paul II for 26 years. Navarro-Valls is a numerary, meaning a celibate (not a priest but like a brother) which is the highest rank in Opus Dei. (The current papal spokesman is a puppet, Jesuit Lombardi is supposed to be the Director of the Vatican Radio, but he is a farce secretary of the Pope, because Opus Dei want him out of the Vatican Radio which Opus Dei now control 100%)..

John Paul II canonized and beatified more than 1,500 dead people, including St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. Opus Dei is the ultimate controller of Crimen Sollicitationis. Nothing was pronounced to the world by John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger without the approval of Opus Dei. See our earlier posts in the John Paul II Millstone

The number one layman foot soldier of Opus Dei is John Allen Jr of ‘All Things Catholic’ in NCR. His mastery of words could only match the Devil’s mastery of words in the Garden of Eden. See our earlier posts about John Allen JR.

And below are the foremost Catholic writers who are expounding on healing and forgiveness and nothing about monetary compensation for victims and jail time for pedophile priest and their officers who perpetuate the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, Cardinal Ratzinger,. Cardinal Bernard Law, Cardinal Mahoney and company of Bishops.

Notice their cunning and their deceitful if sackclothes and spiritual healing is ENOUGH to heal the victims of the most heinous crimes against children in Christendom.

The main purpose of Catholic media-spin websites is to turn SNAP, Abuse Tracker, Bishops’ Accountability into Dust-in-the-Wind memory in the Roman Catholic Church,
John Allen Jr is the foremost Vaticanista mouthpiece deceiving Catholics with his weekly columns in NCR.

And here is a classic example of Catholic media-spin a.k.a. deception. Next time you read those feel-good Catholic articles you’ll notice how they interject and praise John Paul II and Benedict XVI and those “Holy Fathers” of the Eucharist. They will mention partly clergy sexual abuse but they really are hollow and treat them lightly like John Allen Jr treat them “like fun” and like writing about the “worst fashion blunders” .

Classic examples of Opus Dei foot-soldier that seek to eradicatre the memory of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the USA.


The Church is the People

The Garden of Roses: Stories of Abuse and Healing

Posted in Abuse Tracker January 7, 2010, 7:01 AM

Excerpt: I have much more positive things to say about Pope John Paul II, who was pope when I converted to Catholicism. He did some really good things. I think apologizing for the Church's sins such as the Inquisition and the Crusades was wonderful. On clergy abuse he made some not very smart moves such as protecting the head of a religious order -- Fr. Maciel-- who had many accusations of child sex abuse against him. I need to note that Pope Benedict removed Fr. Maciel shortly after becoming Pope because of these accusations.

Our comment: This Catholic of the Garden of Roses is seducing Catholics by posing as a ‘Catholic convert’ and is speaking with Opus Dei Latin ecstasy drug
. John Paul II apologized for the Inquisition and the Crusades “was wonderful”…ugh? How “wonderful” and trivial to hear it (like the “fun” by John Allen Jr as eh categorize “sexual abuse crisis” like some “worst fashion blunders” . As if John Paul II’s apology is enough to “forget” the crimes of the Catholic Church during the Inquisition and the Crusades and leave them as Dust-in-the-Wind in the Vatican Archives? Garden of Roses is evidently an all flowery deception by Opus Dei foot soldiers, which includes John Allen Jr, who have no moral conscience and no compunction for American victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army which we pointed out at the beginning of this article. Opus Dei web-foot-soldiers are experts with the play of words and they are first-class foxy deceivers and they will soon be thrashing (subtly) SNAP, Abuse Tracker, Bishops Accountability like “Dust in the Wind” . Let us not forget that the Opus Dei owns their own publishing companies and media empire in the USA and around the world .

This Garden of Roses media-spinner preaches that “John Paul II did some good things”, but the fact is, John Paul II was not a Good Samaritan because he was like the Levi priest who ignored the wounded man. JP2 ignored the 12,000 American victims harmed by his own priests because he was obsessed with his own glory .

Other Examples

Why Perform Penance for Abuse?

The Garden of Roses: Stories of Abuse and Healing
Virginia Jones

In late 2008 and early 2009 I contacted some Catholics prominent in the clergy abuse issue and invited them to embrace the Sackcloth Penance Patch. One was enthusiastic but found little support among his friends. Another said that he had discussed it in his Voice of the Faithful Group and had found little support for it. Still another told me that he had heard that the bishops were manipulating it.

I would beg to differ. Fr. Armando initially supported us actively advertising our Compassionate Gathering group in Ascension’s parish bulletin, but in the Fall of 2008 when Fr. Armando went a pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy, the Archdiocese of Portland forbad Compassionate Gathering from advertising our Gatherings and activities in the parish bulletin because we are not officially approved by the Archdiocese. My life would be ever so much easier if the Archdiocese approved of what I did.

If the Patch was being manipulated by the bishops, Patches would be handed out in far more parishes than the three or so where Patches are being handed out in Portland, Oregon, this Lent.

Posted Abuse Tracker, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:57 AM

Victims 'must forgive to begin healing process'

Irish Independent

By Colin Gleeson
Tuesday February 23 2010

VICTIMS of child sexual abuse must forgive their abusers, a leading theologian has claimed.

Professor Eamon Conway, the head of Theology and Religious Studies at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, and also a Catholic priest, was speaking in Dublin's Trinity College last night.

During the talk, 'Roman Catholic Church and Child Sexual Abuse -- Explaining without Excusing', Prof Conway said that forgiveness from victims of abuse for their perpetrators was "an important part" of the healing process.

Posted Abuse Tracker Feb 23, 2010 at 7:42 AM

Whatever Happened to Sackcloth and Ashes?


The Garden of Roses: Stories of Abuse and Healing
Virginia Jones

In the last two years we have handed out Sackcloth Penance Patch. In the story of Jonah in the Bible, the King of Nineva, when told by Jonah to repent of wrongdoing, listened, and told all of the people in his kingdom to wear sackcloth and ashes as a sign of atonement.

Whatever happened to sackcloth and ashes? Are we ever asked by God as His people to repent for anything? Is Lent a time when we might, as the prophet Joel states in the reading for Ash Wednesday, “fast and weep and mourn”? Is it a time to do penance as reparation for the sin of clergy abuse? No matter how long ago or recently these victims were abused, they need to know that someone is sorry for their pain. Someone is praying for them and asking God for His healing peace.

We must name evil. Abuse is evil. It is a sin that causes serious spiritual damage to individuals and communities. It is often perpetrated by people who have been abused them selves and need our prayers.

Posted Abuse Tracker, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:09 AM

Why I Wrote, “Healing the Sexually Abused Heart: A Workbook for Survivors, Thrivers, and Supporters”

Healing and Spirituality

Dr. Jaime Romo
February 23, 2010

Portia Nelson, in There’s a Hole in my Sidewalk, describes her life in five segments. In chapter one, she describes walking down a street and falling into a deep hole in the sidewalk. She’s lost and help­less, and it takes forever to find a way out. In chapter two, she walks down the same street with the same deep hole in the sidewalk. She pretends she doesn’t see it and falls in again. She is somehow surprised that she is in the same place. Again, she thinks it isn’t her fault and again it takes her a long time to get out.

In chapter three, she walks down the same street, sees the hole, and falls in anyway because it is a habit. She takes responsibility for herself and gets out immediately. In chapter four, she walks down the same street and walks around the hole in the sidewalk. In chapter five, she walks down another street.

I can imagine how I came to write this workbook in five segments. Stage one: A deep hole. I was sexually abused by my pastor as a teenager, memories of which lay buried for nearly 30 years. From the time I left seminary in 1984, I worked to bring social justice and the incarnation of God into the world through education.

Posted Abuse Tracker, Feb 23, 2010 at 8:20 AM

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leader

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - John Paul II, Benedict XVi & Opus Dei (the Vatican Trinity)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Photo of cold-blooded Benedict XVI & Bishops of Ireland: Robes of indifference & apathy

Statement from Bishop Jim Moriarty
"Obviously the gathering in Rome was a unique event. The amount of time and attention given personally by Pope Benedict was very impressive. Likewise the senior Curia members present were fully engaged and made their own contributions. The various sessions that took place over Monday and Tuesday were long and intense. It was certainly a worthwhile dialogue at the highest level."

Really? The amount of time and attention given personally by Pope Benedict was very impressive? You Irish Bishops are out-of-touch with reality. Benedict XVI condemns abuse of children by priests 3 DECADES LATE…Cardinal Ratzinger Pope B16 is a pathological liar

You wear your black Bishop robes with red sash and you think that you sit above all people. Your black Bishop robes and Benedict XVI white papal robes are uniforms of power, of indiferrence, apathy and callousness toward the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over 26 years of John Paul II the Great's papacy. See the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Because the media and lay people have forced Benedict XVI to confront the very crimes he condoned and covered-up for 26 years, you go to Rome and put on a spectacular show of papal unity and a photo of papal infallibility. A giant millstone is tied to all your necks and you shall join John Paul II who has the biggest millstone of all. See the John Paul II MIlsltone

Catholics can emulate Jews [who hunted down Nazi officers] by hunting down pedophile priests’ officers Benedict XVI & Bishops into the World Court

What do we Catholics got to lose if Benedict XVI was brought to World Court for his crimes as the Hitler-Pope of pedophile priests?

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - John Paul II,
Benedict XVI & Opus Dei (Vatican Trinity)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Things Benedict XVI must do as proofs of his penance for the Irish victims of pedophile priests

The first thing Benedict XVI should do, if he is really sincere, is to write a one billion euro check as compensation to the thousands of Irish victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. The American Catholic church paid more than 2.2 billion dollars. So it’s a fair amount what the Irish victims are asking him.

The second thing Benedict XVI should do is to retract his papal declaration that John Paul II is a Venerable, and he must stop all canonization process because John Paul II had the longest 26 years papacy and he NEVER condemned nor stop priest-pedophilia fermenting at the Vatican and all over the world. See John Paul II did not have the charity of Mother Teresa .

The third thing Benedict XVI should do is to resign as pope because he is the Hitler-Pope of the Catholic Church as proven when he was the SS General of the Third Reich who aided and abetted and ordered the direct cover-up of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland, in the USA, in Germany and around the world.

Benedict XVI is throwing all the blame on the Irish Bishops when in fact - he is the one who is ultimately to be blamed - because he ordered the absolute silence and cover-up of priest pedophilia in Crimen Sollicitationis.

The fourth thing Benedict XVI should do is to depose criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law as Archpriest of the St. Mary Major.

The fifth thing Benedict XVI should do is to fire all those Irish Bishops and the American Cardinals and Bishops like Cardinal Mahony and Cardinal George, who all aided and abetted the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. Unfortunately, 95 % of Cardinals and Bishops are corrupt to the core of their hypocritical soul.

If Benedict XVI does not do any of these, then he is like John Paul II the Great clashing cymbals of St. Paul.

To be continued…

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - Vatican Trinity:
John Paul II, Benedict XVI & Opus Dei

Benedict XVI the magician of Christ’s flesh… and magic healer for the Irish victims of pedophile priests

Let’s see now, Benedict XVI is the greatest magician on earth because of two things he alone as pope can do.

First, he can make Christ’s flesh and blood come down from Heaven within seconds in the Eucharist. As pope, he can actually transform the host, within seconds, into the real flesh and blood of God the Christ by pronouncing the formula of transubstantiation. Imagine, God the Christ is reincarnated through the words of the pope and exclusive priests. The Blessed Mary had to carry Jesus for 9 months in her womb, but Benedict XVI can reincarnate Jesus in 9 seconds in his mouth! See Magisterium Benedict VERSUS Holy Mary: Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary’s 9 months pregnancy& child birth

Second, Pope Benedict XVI is a magician of justice by making the decades of suffering of Irish victims of pedophile priests disappear via one papal letter and one ceremony of Penance this coming Lent. The Pope does not have to pay monetary compensation for the damages committed by those Irish Bishops and Irish pedophile priests. Those pedophile priests do not need to go to jail as long as they perform the magic of the Mass. All Benedict XVI has to do is maintain his daily royal ceremonies to keep investors intact at the trillion dollar Vatican Bank.

Benedict XVI was Cardinal Ratzinger who was responsible for the cover-up of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for more than 26 years during John Paul II’s glorious papacy. He is guilty [as Hitler was guilty for the Holocaust] for all these pedophile priests he is now condemning. Benedict XVI is quite a magician who can juggle both roles of Hitler and Pope at the same time see Benedict XVI is the Hitler-Pope of history.

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - Vatican Trinity:
John Paul II, Benedict XVI & Opus Dei

What happened to the 1 billion euro the Irish people asked Benedict XVI ?

What happened to the Bishop who carried the letter of the Irish victims asking for 1 billion euro from Benedict XVI? You go, Ireland! Make Benedict XVI pay 1 billion euro for his crimes as ‘ General Ratzinger of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland’

Our predictions came true, the Irish bishops went to Rome for a crocodile tears session with Benedict XVI and a guided tour by criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law

Pope convenes Irish bishops for talks in Rome the Eternal City of crocodile Popes and Bishops and the Venerable John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Why is it that no one in the main stream media is talking about the 1 billion euro which the Irish victims demanded Benedict XVI? Hush, hush money, has every AP and professional journalist sold their soul to the Devil? Did all the Irish Bishop sell their soul to the Devil and not stand for the Irish people?

Are we the only ones who can see the truth and who dare point out that like the Emperor's New Clothes, Benedict XVI is really naked of contrition and he is simply like the boy who cried Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!?

If all we did in Boston, was to accept one papal letter of apology and one act of Lenten penance, Cardinal Bernard Law would still be the Cardinal here and he wouldn’t have sold his Archbishop Palace, and the 2.2 billion dollars would not have been paid as compensation to the 12,000 American victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

Benedict XVI is the principal villain here and he is to blame for all these current eruptions of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland, now in his native country of Germany, but he continues to be the despot of the Catholic Church. Imagine, the Devil of the Catholic Church is its Holy Father at the same time! Only in the Catholic Church can both Hitler and the Pope reign in the splendor of the Vatican trillion dollar palace!!

Only God can depose Benedict XVI the Hitler-Pope and God will depose him soon. In his deathbed, Germany will be swarmed with pedophile priests and with the giant millstone tied around his neck like John Paul II had, he will also be cast into Hell by St. Michael...

Benedict XVI decided to borrow our words of “heinous crimes of pedophile priests” and he thinks he can continue to sit in his trillion dollar Chair of Peter in Rome. As an Irish Jesuit said earlier: 'Roma locuta est, causa finita est' -- 'Rome has spoken, the case is closed' -- will not apply in Pope Benedict's promised Lenten Pastoral to the Catholics of Ireland .

Benedict XVI is the Hitler-Pope of history

Benedict XVI is the Hitler-Pope of history meaning he is both [like] Hitler and Pope at the same time. Benedict XVI is guilty as [Hitler for the Holocaust] Cardinal Ratzinger who condoned and covered-up pedophile priests aptly called the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army when he was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith see his history here written by an American lawyer

At the same time Benedict XVI is also the Pope, the representative of the Saviour Christ who will “now save” the Irish victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – by writing ONE papal letter and performing ONE ceremony of Penance this coming Lent.

Imagine that, the most heinous crime against children in Catholic history will be solved by one papal letter and one papal ceremony. It is hocus-pocus again like Magisterium Benedict VERSUS Holy Mary: Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary’s 9 months pregnancy& child birth

If all we did in Boston, was to accept one papal letter and one act of penance, Cardinal Bernard Law would still be the cardinal here and the 2.2 billion dollars would not have been paid as compensation to the 12,000 American victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

If the Jews accepted one simple apology from Hitler, then there wouldn’t be any monetary compensation for the Jews and jail time for the SS Gestapo.

If the Catholics in Ireland will allow Benedict XVI to get away with this crime, then the Catholic Church has gotten away with the worst crimes of the 20th century since the Inquisition and the Crusades.

Benedict XVI condemns 'heinous crime' of Irish paedophile priests is from an Opus Dei website, St. Josemaria Escriva face is on it, and the writer make it sound as if Benedict XVI is infallible. The fact is Benedict XVI sounds as if Hitler (later) condemned the SS Gestapo crimes of the Holocaust.

Benedict XVI is the Hitler-Pope who, as Cardinal Ratzinger, was the General of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army crimes and he is at the same time considered the "Holy Father" of the tens of thousands of Catholic victims in Ireland, USA, and now Germany. The circuses of papal sins never seem to end; in each century the papal sins mutate and become more heinous.

John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified

American litigation against Benedict XVI-Cardinal Ratzinger the head of a Global Web of Childhood Sexual Abuse

As the papal media spinners try to portray Benedict XVI as the “Holy Father” and infallible pope after the Irish Bishops’ meeting in Rome, we in the United States are not fooled by them. We thought that Irish people will simply ask 1 billion euro from Benedict XVI as compensation from the Church, but this is not even mentioned in any of the news covering the Irish Bishops meeting see You go, Ireland! Make Benedict XVI pay 1 billion euro for his crimes as ‘ General Ratzinger of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland’

We thought that the Irish Bishop who carried that letter asking for 1 billion euro would speak out after the meeting, but he is mute about it. (He probably sold his soul to the Devil for less than 1 billion euro). We thought that the Irish people were smarter than us to make the Pope pay them compensation without going through the circus of judges and lawyers like we did to gain 2.2 billion dollars for victims since 2002.

If the Irish people won’t do it, then it is up to us Americans who must bring Benedict XVI and the Vatican to justice for all his crime as Head of the international ring of pedophile priests, the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

Marci Hamilton is the American lawyer in charge of the litigation against the Vatican or Holy See in the USA. Her latest article (see below), as response to the Irish Bishops meeting in Rome, gives the history and why there is an on-going litigation against the Holy See in the United States.


The Murphy Report also confirmed that Irish abusers were being shipped to the United States, where they abused American children. Some were sent back and some were permanently dumped here.

Meanwhile, at the same time that the Irish bishops were demanding accountability from the Holy See, discovery in a Wisconsin case -- as I discussed in my last column -- -- showed that the Holy See and in particular, then-Cardinal Ratzinger (who, of course, is now the Pope) were the official handlers for abusing priests in the United States. The exchanges that litigation unearthed show that there is little question that bishops operated under orders from the highest levels of the Roman Catholic hierarchy on the issue of clergy who had been caught sexually abusing children.

Thus, we have come to know with a certainty that at a minimum, Ireland, the United States, and the Holy See have been linked. And only the Holy See has transnational powers within the group.

The complete article in Find

The Pieces of the Puzzle Are Falling into Place: Catholic Officials, a Global Web of Childhood Sexual Abuse, and the Judgment of History


Thursday, February 18, 2010

In 2002, the Boston Globe broke the story of Cardinal Bernard Law's cover-up of widespread childhood sexual abuse by serial pedophiles in the Boston Archdiocese. In the wake of the coverage, United States Senator Rick Santorum, himself a Catholic, declared what many assumed to be true -- that the problem was peculiar to Boston. According to Santorum, the child sexual abuse had been caused by the lax morals of a very liberal city.

Santorum's particular theory was laughable, but his core assumption that the problem was geographically limited needs to be examined carefully – for although this claim of exceptionalism has proved completely false, it has continued to be repeated, in other contexts, all over the country and the world. And as long as the problem of Catholic clergy child sex abuse is seen as local, ending it will be elusive – because strings are being pulled from high up in the hierarchy.

Pretending Each City's – and Diocese's – Problems Were Specific to It Alone

Yet, in 2002 and after, the media still covered the Boston story as if it were distinctive to Boston. And, after the Boston scandal broke, the Bishops held an emergency meeting in Dallas and declared that the issue was behind them. Of course, today we know that was hardly the case.

After the Boston situation received publicity, victims of child sex abuse by Catholic priests started coming forward in many other American cities, with the pattern of abuse and cover-up repeating itself again and again. There is no room here to list them all, but they have included Bridgeport (Conn.), Chicago, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Portland, San Diego, and Spokane.

There were recycling bins for the abusers in New Mexico, Maryland, and Canada. A priest could abuse several children in just about any state, take a break in New Mexico (where more children could be abused), and then be sent back to either the original diocese for re-posting, or another city. A handful of honorable prosecutors made the issue a priority, documenting the problem through grand jury reports -- but only a handful. The assumption continued to be that this must be a localized problem in certain dioceses, not one that was endemic to the organization – that is, entrenched throughout the entire Catholic hierarchy and system.

The media in each city focused on the abuse in that city, and the bishops in each city said, after some abuse was finally brought to light, that it was all history now.

The Growing Realization that the Problem Was – and Is -- Greater and More General

Then the list of dioceses with sexual abuse allegations grew longer and longer -- to the point that no state was untouched. Priests started to complain that the "scandal" had started to taint all priests unfairly. Many lifelong – and especially, older -- Catholics rejected out of hand the notion that the problem was deep-seated, or that it might involve the entirety of the Church. For them, this was a short-term bump in the long history of the Catholic Church. Some, though, saw the pattern and formed the Voice of the Faithful -- a collection of devoted Catholics who see the child sex abuse scandal as having revealed an unfortunately built-in problem, not just an isolated set of criminal and tortious acts.

Editors began to treat the stories of abuse, though, as simply redundant, and often caved to the pressure from bishops not to engage in alleged "anti-Catholic bias" by covering one story after another about abuse by priests. The bishops hired public relations firms to spread the word that legislative reform in response to the knowledge of priest abuse was nothing but anti-Catholicism, and to repeat the false claim that all of the abuse had been publicly reported and was safely in the past.

However, lawsuits were filed in numerous jurisdictions, and discovery was demanded, with concomitant news coverage of the lengthening list of abuse allegations. The ambitious American bishops then began to vie among themselves as to who would be the most successful in turning back lawsuits and related legislative reform. Once again, there was an apparent pattern of behavior in response to the public revelations and the lawsuits. The very same arguments against the victims, their attorneys, and legislative reform in this area were floated in far-flung states -- from California, to Delaware, to Wisconsin, and more.

A Problem that Crossed Not Just State, But National Boundaries

Still, the media treated the cases as location-specific. Editors were driven by the need for a contemporary and local "news hook" and did not invest in investigative reporting to cover the (much) larger story. National coverage of the Holy See's 1962 document, Crimens Solicitationes, which threatens excommunication for bringing "scandal" to the Church by telling outsiders about the sexual abuse of children was – and remains -- sparse. Yet that document provides an embarrassingly obvious hint that the problem was – and is -- endemic and entrenched, and that the cover-up has been constructed from the top down. Was the media in denial over child sex abuse (which is common in our society) or over heinous behavior by the largest church in the United States -- or both? Who knows? Either way, the denial was deep-rooted and pernicious, and unless one has been watching closely, the larger story has escaped the attention of most Americans.

The stories then started to float across the Atlantic from Ireland that many priests there had sexually abused Irish children. Lots and lots of children. Irish prosecutors dug deep and produced two reports. One report detailed how the Irish Church had victimized numerous children in church-run residential schools.

Horrifying in itself, the report also served as a reminder of the many stories from Australia – stories that were never widely circulated in the United States -- of the omnipresent sexual and physical abuse of children in church-run residential schools there. The second report, which was 700 pages long and dubbed the "Murphy Report," and focused on the Dublin Archdiocese, painstakingly established that the hierarchy and the police had covered up persistent patterns of abuse. It also pointed to the Holy See as responsible in part for the perpetuation of abuse.

In the end, some Irish bishops were held accountable, with four even resigning after being shamed out of their offices. Then, the current Irish bishops demanded a meeting with the Pope, because they placed significant blame for the pattern of behavior on the Holy See. That meeting took place this week at the Holy See.

The Murphy Report also confirmed that Irish abusers were being shipped to the United States, where they abused American children. Some were sent back and some were permanently dumped here.

Meanwhile, at the same time that the Irish bishops were demanding accountability from the Holy See, discovery in a Wisconsin case -- as I discussed in my last column -- -- showed that the Holy See and in particular, then-Cardinal Ratzinger (who, of course, is now the Pope) were the official handlers for abusing priests in the United States. The exchanges that litigation unearthed show that there is little question that bishops operated under orders from the highest levels of the Roman Catholic hierarchy on the issue of clergy who had been caught sexually abusing children.

Thus, we have come to know with a certainty that at a minimum, Ireland, the United States, and the Holy See have been linked. And only the Holy See has transnational powers within the group.

Even while all of this information was developing, moreover, there was still a pervasive belief that certain clerical orders were beyond reproach on the issue, especially the widely-respected Jesuits. The lawsuits against the Jesuits for abuse in Alaska were not covered nationally in the media. Then, Germany erupted with stories of pervasive abuse in Jesuit-run schools. The sex-abuse victims are still coming forward, but one rector was recently quoted as saying that he expected that, in the end, they would identify over 100 victims of a single Jesuit perpetrator. And abuse is not limited to this one perpetrator; once again, it is pervasive. In other words, the situation in Germany is a mirror image of that depicted in the first Irish report and of the Australian experience with church-run residential schools. There is an undeniable pattern and web of connections, even for those who would do all that they can to deny child sex abuse and deny wrongdoing by the Roman Catholic Church. That pattern has led to suffering that is beyond human imagination.

Let's face it: there are only two options here: Either the repeated pattern of abuse and cover-up around the world constitutes a giant set of uncanny coincidences, or there is a single source of power directly responsible for the global pattern. The answer is obvious and that is why there are lawsuits currently pending against the Holy See in the United States. History will judge all of us if we do not bring this institution to account for the suffering of children. The Church officials' current behavior makes the selling of indulgences in the fifteenth century almost look quaint.
Marci Hamilton, a FindLaw columnist, is the Paul R. Verkuil Chair in Public Law at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and author of Justice Denied: What America Must Do to Protect Its Children (Cambridge 2008). A review of Justice Denied appeared on this site on June 25, 2008. Her previous book is God vs. the Gavel: Religion and the Rule of Law (Cambridge University Press 2005), now available in paperback. Her email is In the interest of full disclosure, she represents clergy abuse victims and other victims of childhood sexual abuse on constitutional and federal statutory issues, including one who is currently in litigation against the Holy See..

Opus Dei website in Ireland portrays Benedict XVI as infallible pope with his image and tiara . You can tell it is an Opus dei website because they advertise articles about Opus Dei and the image of their St. Josemaria Escriva. This is the truth about Opus Dei ==========

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leader

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - John Paul II,
Benedict XVI & Opus Dei

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What planet are you from, David Quinn: Time to commend Pope for response to abuse is baloney -- Benedict XVI condoned & covered-up priests pedophiles

David Quinn’s defence of Benedict XVI is one of the most superficial, nonsensical and ludicrous thus far. David Quinn and John Allen Jr are two of the most pathetic defenders of Benedict XVI. Catholics who read and buy into their professional journalism defending Benedict XVI are pathetic as well.

Wake up, Catholics. Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II “is brought to nothing” by St. Paul David Quinn and John Allen Jr, AP writers and Catholic writers (which we’ll include in the near future) are like John Paul II the Great clashing cymbals of St. Paul

On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, we posted several important news about the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army that are erupting in Germany and Ireland, and we demand the resignation of Cardinal Bernard Law as Archpriest in Rome. On the eve of the Irish bishops meeting in Rome and a (one) letter from survivors asking for 1 billion euros as compensation from Benedict XVI -- the Catholic media spinners, like David Quinn and John Allen Jr, are now in full force.

Let us analyse David Quinn’s defence, which are pathetic lies like Benedict XVI condemns abuse of children by priests 3 DECADES LATE…Cardinal Ratzinger Pope B16 is a pathological liar

David Quinn’s first sentence and paragraph is already a complete lie. He says: “We are led to believe that the Pope has said and done practically nothing about child abuse by priests. In actual fact, he has said and done quite a lot.”
“We are led to believe” by whom, by what? We do not need to be “led to believe” about anything, Benedict XVI has proven everything, all by himself, by his own deeds and words see Pope Benedict NEVER defended children abused by priests during his lifetime of 82 years – proofs are in the books written by him and about him

“In actual fact, he has said and done quite a lot.” This is the worst lie of David Quinn. We have been pointing all the concrete steps Benedict XVI has taken in this weblog and Benedict XVI is nothing but an old dog with old tricks and like the little boy who cried, “Wolf, wolf, wolf”, no one believes him anymore. His 3 decades of inaction and cover-up make his now “condemnation” a hypocrite’s crocodile tears. So these professional journalists and newspapers have to come in his defence and make his pathological lies appear like truth.

Yeah, David Quinn points out that Benedict XVI “spoke about child abuse while on the plane to America.” That’s right; it was ‘over coffee’ with John Allen Jr. Allen who trivializes clergy abuse like “worst fashion blunders” see our earlier posts in The John Paul II Millstone

It is pathetic how these professional journalists are defending the pathological LIAR-POPE Benedict XVI hence they themselves are pathological liars. They are all made of the same white cloth, the dark pope dressed in white, and these writers are also dark demons dressed in words of white to deceive the 1.2 billion Catholics.

We put our comments in bracket in David Quinn: Time to comment Pope for response to abuse. Notice that like John Allen Jr, Quinn does not say “pedophile priests” but rather uses vague terms like “clerical sex abusers” and he meticulously choose when to put the general word “priests”. Protestants and other faiths have clerics. Only Catholics have “priests”. But of course the Opus Dei want to glorify priests and the pope, especially John Paul II, so whenever you see, writers like David Quinn and John Allen Jr using vague terms to discuss the most heinous Catholic Pedophile priests criminals, you can be sure they are there to deceive you.

Our comments are in brackets.

David Quinn: Time to commend Pope for response to abuse

We are led to believe (What planet are you from, David Quinn, nobody need to be led, and no one can lead people about the truth of 12,000 American victims in the USA harmed by the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, we simply have to look at the history and facts of 2.2 billion dollars paid to the these victims who are living witnesses to these priestly crimes. What do you mean by “We are led to believe” by whom exactly? By SNAP? By Abuse Tracker? By Bishops Accountability? By Martians? You use vague cluster of words typical of a professional deceiver like John Allen Jr.) that the Pope has said and done practically nothing about child abuse by priests (He did absolutely nothing for 82 years see Pope Benedict NEVER defended children abused by priests during his lifetime of 82 years – proofs are in the books written by him and about him

The truth is Pope Benedict XVI covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army during the 26 years papacy of JP2). In actual fact, he has said and done quite a lot. (This is the biggest lie in this whole article -- because Benedict XVI condemns abuse of children by priests 3 DECADES LATE…Cardinal Ratzinger Pope B16 is a pathological liar )

It is important to put this on the record ahead of the meeting between the Irish Catholic hierarchy and Pope Benedict XVI next week, because perceptions matter so much. (Right, you are trying to manipulate people’s perception of Benedict XVI. Your purpose is to media-spin for Benedict XVI whose back is now against the wall. See the entire article from John Cooney: Scandals, splits and a battle for the Pope's ear Tuesday February 02 2010 that says: THE famous Latin saying, 'Roma locuta est, causa finita est' -- 'Rome has spoken, the case is closed' -- will not apply in Pope Benedict's promised Lenten Pastoral to the Catholics of Ireland on clerical child sex abuse and the cover-ups of paedophile priests by church authorities

For example, in 2006 the Pope met with all of the Irish bishops in Rome, condemned the "egregious crime" of child abuse and told the bishops "to take whatever steps are necessary to prevent it occurring again, to ensure principles of justice are fully respected, and above all to bring healing". (You are lying again, Benedict XVI is all empty talk, so what if he ‘condemned’ in 2006, fact is, he did nothing after that brief speech, until today 2010. Fact is Benedict XVI could not prevent and stop Ireland’s Ryan and Murphy reports, and now his back is against the wall).

In 2008, he visited both the US and Australia. He spoke about child abuse while on the plane to America. He spoke about it in New York and Washington. (“Spoke” is all he does, empty cheap papal talk). He held a 25-minute meeting with abuse victims. (25 minutes is nothing compared to the 26 years of cover-up he did during John Paul II’s papacy) He was praised in 'Time' magazine, and in lots of other media, for his "forthrightness on sexual abuse". (‘Time’ magazine is owned by Opus Dei, so of course they will praise him. "Forthrightness on sexual abuse" is a pathological lie because B16 acted on the contrary. “On sexual abuse” is vague, by whom? Sexual abuse by aliens? Why don’t you say “pedophile priests”? Did you know that there were protests by SNAP everywhere he went and ‘Time’ magazine and the media-owned Opus Dei barely mentioned them? In New York, SNAP asked the United Nations NOT to allow Benedict XVI to speak before the UN. SNAP was suing Benedict XVI for violation against children’s human rights before the UN court. You don’t know American history, David Quinn. See our earlier posts and coverage of B16’s American trip)

In Australia, he also condemned child abuse and met with more victims. (“Condemned” is Benedict XVI way of crying Wolf, wolf, wolf”. No one believes his pathological lies and speeches anymore.)

In 2008, he had a group of Canadian victims flown to Rome to meet with him. (These were native Indians who were naïve and were manipulated and paid by the Opus Dei who gave them a nice free trip and free tour to Rome, the first time they left Canada and first time they went to Europe).

The Pope met with Cardinal Sean Brady and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin to discuss child abuse following the publication of the Ryan report last summer. (Of course he had to be shown the report of Irish crimes which he already knew so well because he covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland, in USA, in Germany and around the world as Prefect of the Inquisition or CDF Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Benedict XVI possess lots of faith but he has ZERO CHAIRITY for the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army just like John Paul II did not have the charity of Mother Teresa see the John Paul II MIllstone)

He told them again to do everything possible to ensure that justice was done and said that the abuse could not reoccur. (Wolf, wolf, wolf. The justice the Irish victims are seeking is not empty papal cheap talk see our earlier post)

Following the publication of the Murphy report, he again met Dr Brady and Dr Martin and again condemned clerical sex abusers for their betrayal of children. (David Duinn, you are really a pathological liar for repeating that Benedict XVI “condemned clerical sex abusers for their betrayal of children”. You use the word “clerical” a vague term and does not specifically refer to Catholic priests. Benedict XVI did NOT condemned but ordered the Crimen Sollicitationis and absolute silence to cover-up these pedophile priests. Benedict XVI ordered the absolute silence and the transfer of pedophile priests from one parish to another as long as they performed the black magic of the Eucharist see )

Only this week, in a speech on the family, he said: "The church does not cease to condemn and will not cease to deplore and condemn" those who violate children. (Benedict XVI is a pathological liar. His speech about priest pedophiles are all lies, lies, lies. What Benedict XVI did is explained well in John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army erupts in Berlin, Germany

Before becoming Pope, Benedict was responsible for releasing 'Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela'. Far from it ordering the 'cover-up' of abuse cases as some have alleged, this instruction fast-tracked the defrocking of priests found guilty of child abuse. (So what, he never implemented this, instead he imposed Crimen Sollicitationis - See the videos wherein Benedict XVI ordered the covered-up of pedophile priests all over the world and threatened every priest and bishop with excommunication if they spoke about it to the press or the police.)

Hundreds of priests have now been 'defrocked', or laicised, because of it -- eight in the Ferns Diocese alone. Two more cases involving Ferns priests are pending. (Oh, really, hundreds of priests? Pathological lie, again. Fact is, Benedict XVI was more busy reading and reading the books of Jesuits Jon Sobrino, Roger Haight and Jacques Dupuis so he can “silence” them see our earlier posts on Jon sobrino)

All 10 of these cases are known to the civil authorities. The church procedure for laicising priests works in parallel to investigations by the civil authorities, not in opposition. (Baloney, the Catholic Bishops, per order of Benedict XVI, spend hundreds of millions of dollars on lawyers so that the victims and survivors cannot sue the dioceses, keep the documents sealed and not public, and make sure the victims will get the least amount of settlements possible)

Ahead of the Rome meeting, something else needs to be put on the record -- namely that from around the mid-1990s, the Dublin Diocese began to deal with abuse allegations in a far better fashion than it had previously. (Baloney, see Bishops Accountability for their true stories of cover-up)

For this piece of information we can be thankful for the analysis of the Murphy report offered by Fr Padraig McCarthy in the current issue of 'The Furrow'. (He is in the service of the pope to find fault in the Murphy report. See other analyses in the full article by John Cooney: Scandals, splits and a battle for the Pope's ear Tuesday February 02 2010

His analysis shows "that of the 45 cases in which the report gives an assessment, handling by the church in 25 cases receives some sort of approval from the commission; 20 cases receive varying degrees of criticism". (Wolf, wolf, wolf)
Those 25 cases date from roughly the mid-1990s. Most people wrongly assume it is only in the last four or five years, not the last 14 or 15, that the diocese has begun to get things right. (Wolf, wolf, wolf)

We, and Rome, also need to be reminded of one of the key findings of the Murphy report, which is that one of the reasons abuse cases were so badly handled is that canon law had fallen into disuse in Ireland from around the 1960s. (Blame the canon law, not the bishops like Cardinal Law and Mahony who covered-up hundreds of pedophile priests. Blame the victims and not the pedophile priests. Typical of Vatican media-spinners)

If canon law had been properly used, offending clerics would have been removed from ministry in many cases instead of being sent off for therapy. (Since when was one single pedophile priests removed because of canon law? A priest was removed because of the uproar of the media and victims, or by organizations like SNAP. Now we are discovering that Ireland even sent those priests to Boston, that is how the Church with its canon law dealt with pedophile priests – by transfers from one parish to another, from one country - this proves that Benedict XVI did absolutely NOTHING to condemn or remove any member of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army)

Let us also remind ourselves of who it was that threw canon law in the bin. It was liberal clergy who deemed it too 'legalistic' and who, even now, are presenting themselves as the saviours of the church. (Baloney, now you are starting to blame “liberal clergy”? A new media spin! The only one to blame here is Cardinal Ratzinger who reinforced Crimen sollicitationis)

What will come out of next week's meeting with the bishops? Hopefully, a sort of Marshall Plan for the church in Ireland. (Too late, no Marhall Plan can save the sinking ship of the Vatican see the John Paul II Millstone)

The abuse scandals are only one part -- the worst part, obviously -- of a general crisis of faith and leadership in the Irish church. (The crisis started with the leadership of Cardinal Ratzinger now Benedict XVI in Rome)

The Vatican can help to address this by appointing stronger, more capable bishops, something the current selection process in this country is failing to do. (The Vatican’s days are numbered because it has become the pedophiliac altar of Venerable John Paul II and Benedict XVI and the Vatican will fall into rubbles like the Temple of Solomon see the predictions in the John Paul II Millstone

This process is overly reliant on the advice of other Irish bishops and priests and too often it has thrown up precisely the sort of men who stood by while canon law was thrown in the bin, and who then, hypocritically, hid behind it when their actions vis-a-vis the scandals were criticised. (Empty clashing cymbals about canon law; see the countless books about canon law and doctrine by Benedict XVI who did not have the time of day to read SNAP, Abuse Tracker and Bishops Accountability Pope Benedict NEVER defended children abused by priests during his lifetime of 82 years – proofs are in the books written by him and about him )

Six dioceses in Ireland are either vacant or about to fall vacant. The present nuncio needs to be given a mission to put the right men in those dioceses. (So what if they are vacant, the churches and seminaries are almost vacant - see photos in the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

By all means consult with the priests or the bishops, but if this consultation process is not producing names that will offer strong leadership on the national and diocesan stage, then either the nuncio or Rome need to come up with their own names. (“Producing names” for “strong leadership” from priests who perform the black magic of the Eucharist The leadership of Benedict XVI and the 4 Irish Bishops who just resigned, Cardinal Mahony, Cardinal Bernard Law and Cardinal George, unfortunately, 95 percent of Bishops are all criminal leaders of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.)

This is the best thing the Pope can do for the beleaguered church in Ireland. (The best thing that Benedict XVI can do is to resign and quit sitting on the trillion dollar Chair of Peter because he is guilty as hell as the General Commander of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over 26 years

- David Quinn, Irish Independent,

'Benedict XVI in Rome has spoken, the case is closed' will not apply for the Irish victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army

We are quoting this entire article because it contains a balanced critique of the Ryan and Murphy Reports.

The first paragraph says: THE famous Latin saying, 'Roma locuta est, causa finita est' -- 'Rome has spoken, the case is closed' -- will not apply in Pope Benedict's promised Lenten Pastoral to the Catholics of Ireland on clerical child sex abuse and the cover-ups of paedophile priests by church authorities.

The last paragraph says: Whatever the Pontiff has to say will be far from being the last word on the scandals if priests and laity demand a national forum. If this right is not granted or exercised, they will not even listen to the Pope and the bishops.

Thank God, there are some Jesuits left who have not sold their soul to the Pope and Opus Dei like John Allen Jr. has see the John Paul II Millstone earlier post Remember John Allen Jr former posts in Rome? It was called “the Word from Rome” referring to 'Rome has spoken, the case is closed'. Now he has moved to New York and changed his column in NCR into “All things Catholic” which means everything he writes must be out of absolute obedience and service to Opus Dei and the Pope as he is now in their $120,000 payroll plus his speaking engagements in the USA! John Allen Jr. sold his soul to St. Josemaria Escriva since he was given the one and only free access when he wrote his book “Opus Dei”.


Scandals, splits and a battle for the Pope's ear

Jesuit Centre for Faith & Justice, Ireland

THE famous Latin saying, 'Roma locuta est, causa finita est' -- 'Rome has spoken, the case is closed' -- will not apply in Pope Benedict's promised Lenten Pastoral to the Catholics of Ireland on clerical child sex abuse and the cover-ups of paedophile priests by church authorities.

With less than a fortnight to go before the heralded Rome summit of Pope Benedict with the Irish bishops, preparations for its agenda appear to be in complete confusion, certainly as far as the unconsulted clergy and laity are concerned.

So far, the main focus of public attention has centred on growing indications of a split among the bishops, with the battle lines being drawn-up in a power struggle for the Pontiff's ear between Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin and the rest, with Cardinal Sean Brady trying to hold both warring factions into some semblance of unity in the interests of best child protection procedures for a 'One Church' policy.

Indeed, a lay Catholic activist has warned of the danger of a systematic move being under way inside the Irish hierarchy "to oust" the Archbishop of Dublin.

Brendan Butler, who has campaigned to secure the resignation of the Bishop of Galway, Martin Drennan, for being named in the damning Murphy report, has warned that it would be "the final nail in the coffin" of the Irish church if Archbishop Martin was forced to resign.

Mr Butler issued his comment after being dismayed at the personal appeal made to priests, published by the 'Irish Catholic' last week, by retired Dublin auxiliary bishop, Dr Dermot O'Mahony, urging them to question the findings of the Murphy report of cover-ups of paedophile priests.

"It seems there is now a systematic move within the hierarchy to oust Archbishop Martin because he wholeheartedly accepted the findings of the Murphy report," Mr Butler told the Irish Independent.

Mr Butler, who organised a protest last month in Maynooth during an extraordinary meeting of the Irish Bishops' Conference convened to prepare for their summit meeting in Rome on February 15 and 16, was shocked to observe deep divisions between Archbishop Martin and other bishops who have been slower to accept fully accountable child protection procedures in their dioceses than the ones operating in Dublin.

"There is a definite split within the hierarchy and within the ranks of the clergy over Archbishop Martin's response to the Murphy report," said Mr Butler, who also noted that the same 'Martin versus the rest' split had first surfaced visibly last May when the religious orders reacted sullenly to the Ryan report on systematic institutional abuse of children.

In no uncertain terms, Archbishop Martin reminded the religious of their moral obligation to provide more financial compensation to victims.

Meanwhile, as if on cue with Bishop O'Mahony, Fr Padraig McCarthy, a retired Dublin priest with 42 years' experience in the ministry, has expressed his strong reservations about key findings in the Murphy report in an article published in the February issue of 'The Furrow', the monthly journal for clergy.

Pointedly, Fr McCarthy writes that Archbishop Martin was under great pressure in the days and weeks after the publication of the Murphy report on November 26. But implying that Dr Martin is remote from his clergy, Fr McCarthy adds: "What was and still is missing, however, is a considered diocesan response."

The considered response offered by Fr McCarthy includes questioning the report's conclusion that "the vast majority of priests simply chose to turn a blind eye" to instances of abuse and were thus complicit in concealment of paedophile clerics. He also questions the concept of collective responsibility among those who exercised authority in the diocese, wryly noting that, in 42 years of service, "it has been more conspicuous by its absence".

The enigmatic Archbishop Martin, who has established an image in the public mind of being 'the White Knight' of the hierarchy also finds himself under fire in the same issue of 'The Furrow' from a former head of the Jesuits in Ireland. Fr Gerry O'Hanlon SJ, a distinguished theologian, criticises the archbishop for expressing his reluctance to convene a national synod or assembly of bishops, priests and laity to address both the fallout from the Murphy report and to chart the way forward for "a People's Church".

Fr O'Hanlon suggests that "the decisive leadership that is required is precisely the facilitation of a much wider consultative process, like that which would culminate in a national synod or assembly". Capturing the angry mood of the laity against the authoritarian clericalist structures that continue to dominate Maynooth and the Vatican, the Jesuit scholar also questions the secrecy which has clouded the approach to the Rome summit.

"It will not do any more for priests, bishops, cardinals, the Pope to simply tell us what to think, what to do," he chides. "People, rightly, want to have a say."
However, the big question is how can people have their right to speak guaranteed in a church that continues to operate like a closed clericalist society -- not even the Vatican press office will say what is on the agenda when each bishop has his seven-minute say with Pope Benedict?

Whatever the Pontiff has to say will be far from being the last word on the scandals if priests and laity demand a national forum. If this right is not granted or exercised, they will not even listen to the Pope and the bishops.
John Cooney

© Irish Independent, February 2 2010

Leading Jesuit calls for synod to address Murphy report
THE FORMER Jesuit provincial Fr Gerry O’Hanlon has called for a national synod of the Catholic Church in Ireland in the context of fallout from the Murphy report.
"It will not do any more for priests, bishops, cardinals, the pope to simply tell us what to think, what to do. People rightly want to have a say," he has written in the current edition of the Furrow magazine.

"Now would also seem to be a good time to call into question the reality that certain narrow grounds of orthodoxy are a sine qua non of episcopal appointments at present, and to call for more transparent, representative and accountable local, including lay, participation in the appointment of bishops.

"It’s instructive to note that as recently as 1829, of 646 diocesan bishops in the Latin Church, only 24 had been appointed by the pope: often we forget how new many of our ‘traditions’ are.

"It would seem that we need in Ireland to renew our own understanding of church, along the more participative lines envisaged by Vatican II, and, in particular, with a greater role for women and without any veto on the kinds of issues that might emerge in the consultative process that will be required.

"Why not, then, envisage going down the road of the oft-proposed national synod or assembly, well prepared in each diocese, touching into the experience of believers and disaffected alike?"

More generally, he observed, "one gets the sense that we are at a watershed moment in Irish Catholicism, with repercussions for Catholicism worldwide. There is an institutional dysfunctionality at the heart of our church which goes beyond any simple notion of governance or management reform and which needs to be tackled."

In the same issue retired Dublin priest Fr Pádraig McCarthy challenged the findings of the Murphy report, how the media has dealt with it and how Dublin’s Catholic archdiocese has responded to it.

"Media coverage of the report may have given the impression that the report is a catalogue of unrelieved disaster. It is good to be aware, therefore, that of the 45 cases in which the report gives an assessment, handling by the church in 25 cases receives some sort of approval from the commission; 20 cases receive varying degrees of criticism."

He found it "extraordinary that I have found not one journalist or commentator who has done the kind of review of the report which would otherwise be normal. The commission, I am sure, would not wish to be burdened with any claim to infallibility; nor do I. We must not make the report the final and absolute word."

Among the Murphy report findings, each of which he disputes in detail, is "that child sexual abuse by clerics was widespread throughout the period under review".

That, he said, "does not accord with the facts". He also criticises the report’s lack of "precision" in saying that while "some priests were aware that particular instances of abuse had occurred . . . the vast majority simply chose to turn a blind eye".

He pointed out that "the report does not specify what ‘some’ means" and that "vast majority" seemed to imply a very large number.
"What was (and still is) missing . . . is a considered diocesan response" to the report, he added.

PATSY McGARRY Religious Affairs Correspondent
© Irish Times, February 9, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

You go, Ireland! Make Benedict XVI pay 1 billion euro for his crimes as ‘ General Ratzinger of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland’

Talk is cheap. Papal talk is even cheaper. But the Irish are done with cheap papal talk. This time, they are not going for to Rome for some crocodile tears session with Benedict XVI and a tour guided by Boston’s criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law the glorious Archpriest of St. Mary Major Basilica see John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland & John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified

We Bostonians got rid of Cardinal Bernard Law in 2002 who ended up selling his Archbishop Palace. But John Paul II, to spite us and prove that he is more powerful than us, promoted him as Archpriest of St. Mary Major Basilica. A bitter ending for us…(but now a group is demanding Cardinal Bernard Law’s resignation or firing, Then, the American church paid more than 2.2 billion dollars in compensation, Los Angeles paid the most, 660 million dollars but Cardinal Mahony continues to sit in glory because he sends 1 billion dollars revenue to the Vatican each year, and none of his priests demanded his resignation, unlike our brave Bostonian priests who demanded Cardinal Bernard Law’s immediate resignation. Then, there is the ongoing law suit against the Vatican, a Texan lawyer tried to sue the Vatican but had to fork 40,000 dollars of his own money to translate documents into Latin. SNAP tried to sue Benedict XVI through the United Nations during his trip to New York. Well, the Irish people have seen all that American legal juggle and circus, and how, going through the proper legal channels of the law, is futile because Benedict XVI and the Vatican have diplomatic immunity. So they are going to meet Benedict XVI for 2 days in Rome, but they are not going there for mere “papal infallibility” cheap talk and chit-chat. They are demanding 1 billion euro before the whole world to see. The world will be both their court and their judge! Not through ten-thousand dollar lawyers or “proper legal channels” but simply, through one personal letter, hand delivered directly to Benedict XVI. Way to go, Ireland! You go, girl! You go, Ireland!

Not only are they demanding financial compensation, the Irish have already signed their names denouncing their baptism and their faith…that saves Benedict XVI from witch-hunting who to excommunicate. Those Irish have voluntarily excommunicated themselves from the “One true Catholic apostolic Church”. Way to go, Ireland! The Opus Dei has not completely conquered you after all. Ireland’s legal system is controlled by Opus Dei lawyers and all its media is also controlled by Opus Dei. Those victims have seen all these and they know it would be a total waste of time going through those Opus Dei judges for some bread crumbs compensation. The Vatican Bank is controlled by Opus Dei. The papacy is controlled by Opus Dei since the 26 years papacy of John Paul II

Compare the CRIMES and their VICTIMS in America

Victims - Attackers - Responsible Leaders

Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto

WTC & 9/11 attacks - 5,000 victims - 19 Muslims - Osama bin Laden

USA Priest Pedophilia - 12,000 victims - 6,000 priests - Vatican Trinity:
John Paul II, Benedict XVI & Opus Dei


Victims ask Pope for €1bn

Brady to hand deliver letter requesting abuse payout
By John Cooney and Breda Heffernan
Tuesday February 09 2010

A LETTER calling on the Vatican to provide a €1bn compensation package for survivors of clerical child abuse in Ireland is to be hand delivered to Pope Benedict by Cardinal Sean Brady, when the Irish bishops hold summit talks with the Pontiff.

The letter from Irish survivors will also contain a request for a meeting with the Holy Father during his visit to England in September.

The breakthrough came at private talks in St Patrick's College, Maynooth, yesterday involving four survivors' groups, Cardinal Brady and bishops.

Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin, who on Sunday told the Irish Independent that he was engaged in his own consultations with survivors abused by diocesan priests, did not attend the Maynooth meeting because of other engagements.

But Dr Martin was present at the first meeting last December in Maynooth between the four groups representing survivors of abuse in residential institutions run by religious orders, and has voiced his support for a bigger compensation deal.

A statement after yesterday's meeting said that four bishops -- Colm O'Reilly of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise, John McAreavey of Dromore, John Buckley of Cork and John Fleming of Killala -- would liaise with the survivors' representatives.
Attending the Maynooth talks were representatives of the Alliance Support Group, Irish SOCA, and the Right to Peace and Right of Place groups.


The statement added that the talks were part of a process of informing the bishops of the views of survivors in their preparations for their summit in the Vatican next Monday and Tuesday with Pope Benedict.

Bishop McAreavey said the meeting was constructive and focused on the ongoing concerns of survivors.

"We intend to relay these concerns to Pope Benedict, both verbally and in the form of written submissions, which were presented to us by survivors and which directly represent their views," added Bishop McAreavey, a former professor of Canon Law.

Michael O'Brien, of the Right to Peace support group, said it was now time for the Vatican and the religious orders to match the money paid by the Irish State. The orders paid just €128m of the total compensation bill of €1.2bn.

"He (the Pope) must come up with a substantial amount of money to help the victims of the institutions," added Mr O'Brien. "The Vatican is as much to blame because the religious orders were under their auspices."

Tom Hayes, secretary of the Alliance Support Group and a former inmate of St Joseph's Industrial School in Glin, Co Limerick, said survivors wanted a face-to-face meeting with the Pope in September.

"We will be pointing out that when he visited America, he met with some of the victims," Mr Hayes added. "Although he met them in private, it was a gesture universally well received and we hope he will do the same when he visits England."

Ireland Headlines

Abuse survivors group demands €1bn from Vatican
09/02/2010 - 08:03:10

Groups representing survivors of clerical sex abuse want the Vatican to provide €1bn compensation for victims.

They have written a letter to Pope Benedict also urging him to act on the findings of the Murphy report into child abuse in the Dublin Archdiocese.

It is being sent ahead of a two-day synod between the Pontiff and bishops from all 26 dioceses, which will take place in Rome next Monday and Tuesday.

Victims also want to meet with the Pope during his visit to England in September.


6,007 people complete website form to defect from Catholic Church

The Irish Times
Patsy McGarry

CHURCH DEFECTIONS: A TOTAL of 6,007 people have completed a ‘‘declaration of defection’’ from the Catholic Church in Ireland according to the website

It was set up last July, following publication of the Ryan report on May 20th, and within a month over 2,000 people had completed such declarations of defection.
The website provides a three-step online process that makes it easier for disaffected Catholics to leave the church.

Paul Dunbar, who founded the website with Cormac Flynn and Grainne O’Sullivan, said that on publication of the Murphy report “almost to the hour” there was “a huge surge of interest” on the part of people e-mailing the site seeking information on how they could leave the Catholic Church.

On the afternoon of November 26th last, when the Murphy report was published, there had been “a tenfold increase in traffic”, he said.

On average, 10 – 20 people download the declaration to defect every day, he said, but that this increased with further clerical child sex abuse allegations.
He said they had set up the website because they had found it very difficult to get information when they wished to defect.

The website also highlights the consequences of defecting. It points out that formally leaving the Catholic Church excludes you from Catholic ceremonies, but not from attending such ceremonies.

It could affect your child’s chances of attending the local Catholic-run school, if he or she has not been baptised. Catholic schools have the right to refuse the enrolment of children who are not Catholics.

The efficiency with which the various dioceses handled the decisions by people to leave, varied, with the Dublin archdiocese one of the best. This he attributed to the work of Fr Fintan Gavin in Dublin.

February 10, 2010
Irish Sex Abuse Victims Ask Church for $1 billion
Wednesday February 10, 2010

VATICAN CITY (RNS) Irish victims of clerical sex abuse have asked Pope Benedict XVI for over $1.37 billion in compensation, in a letter that the head of Ireland's Catholic Church will hand-deliver to the pope next week.

Cardinal Sean Brady received the letter from representatives of sex abuse victims on Monday (Feb. 8), according to a report in the Irish Independent.
The letter also requests a meeting with Benedict during his forthcoming visit to Britain, expected to take place in September.

Posted by Abuse Tracker at 9:15 PM

Bishops' meeting with Pope

The Irish Times
Madam, – Next week the Irish bishops are going to Rome for a crucial meeting with Pope Benedict XVI and senior members of the Curia. They must not allow the Roman Curia to present clerical child sexual abuse as an “Irish” problem.

The bishops must have the courage to remind Rome that it has a lamentable record in the area of dealing with clerical child sexual abuse. In a letter to this paper (December 22nd, 2009), I pointed out that Rome had got it wrong at both ends of the abuse spectrum. On the one hand, it promoted Cardinal Bernard Law to the office of archpriest of St Mary Major even though there was extensive abuse of children by priests while he was archbishop of Boston. On the other hand, it failed to pursue credible accusations of sexual abuse against Fr Marcial Marciel, the founder of the Legionaries of Christ who had powerful allies in Rome.
Posted at Abuse Tracker, February 10, 2010 at 9:13 PM

Why is Pope Benedict like a Toyota?
Irish Central
Father Tim
My friends:

As everybody knows by now, Toyota and their sticky gas pedals has become an even stickier mess for the giant automaker.

The company -- at first -- tried to manage their recall nightmare through the press, which, of course, was a complete disaster. They were eaten alive. A one-minute TV interview with some poor soul whose accelerator had stuck made a bigger impression on the public than their forest of press releases.

That the problem existed at all was bad enough. Their attempts to manage the intertwined, massive publicity problem made it look like their brains were stuck, too. ...

The Pope has a major problem, too: the Irish Catholic Church, which is enmeshed in a child sex-abuse scandal and coverup that is a monstrous nightmare -- and one entirely of its own making. And with the recent but unsurprising news that "problem priests" may have been transferred a step ahead of the law from Ireland to the United States, the problem is growing. Fast.

The Pope and the Vatican have tried -- and sincerely tried -- to manage the problem after years of hoping it would "just go away." Benedict has repeatedly apologized for this terrible crime. He has publicly addressed the issue with humility and empathy for the abused. He has been contrite, and is not attempting to avoid the problem. He has given the Dublin Archdiocese considerable authority to rid itself of bishops named in government reports on the abuse. He has met on many occasions, face-to-face, with abuse victims, who have, almost to a one, found him to be sincere and deeply remorseful.

Posted at Abuse Tracker, February 10, 2010 at 4:05 PM

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