Sunday, November 30, 2008

Benedict XVI is the Bad Pastor

Benedict XVI is the Bad Pastor and the Opus Dei priests who control him and the Vatican are bad shepherds first because they covered-up the tens of thousands pedophiles of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army and now all they do is cover-up the filthy wealth of the Vatican…like the money changers in the Temple of Solomon except it is today in billions of Euros scale….so as Christ cursed the Temple of Solomon, Our Lady of Fatima cursed the Vatican in the Third Secret of Fatima that is why they are afraid to release it.

We have been pointing out the - self-love or narcissism - of John Paul II in and Benedict XVI in this weblog.

This book describes well Benedict XVI as the Bad Pastor and the Opus Dei priests and Opus Dei selected Bishops and Cardinals as Bad Shepherds !


Discernment, Clericalism, & Ecclesial Authority
pp 18-21, “The Great Catholic Reformers: from Gregory the Great to Dorothy Day”, © 2007

“How is discernment related to ecclesial reform? Reform presupposes that someone has found the actions, teachings, or directives of an ecclesial authority to stand in need of reform. Reformers in the early Church understood discernment as the means for measuring their institutional leaders with their teachings. Since discernment is rooted in the scriptures as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, it provided reformers with an ironclad justification for questioning their leaders. This notion of testing is consonant with the parable of the good shepherd, where Christ warns his followers to distinguish between His voice and the voices of thieves and hired hands (Jn 10:1-21).34

For the medieval Church, the thieves and mercenaries were frequently seen as the scriptural symbols or types for bad clerics. The applications of these types to ecclesial leaders was warranted by the pastoral epistles, which make it clear that it is every Christian’s duty to distinguish between true and false teachers in the Church. Gregory crafted his own justification for questioning ecclesial leaders from the materials he found in scripture concerning discernment.35

However, one must be careful not to confuse discernment with distrust. Discernment implies a critical openness that measures or tests what is being said or done. St Paul tells us to test everything, but it would be absurd to interpret such a statement in terms of distrust. Should we distrust scripture or Christ? A distrustful person does not discern because he or she has already made an assessment; therefore, the distrustful person is not open to hearing or receiving anything.

Gregory was concerned that bad bishops and pastors would lead people astray. He asked people to consider the implications of the prophet Hosea’s words for their own lives: “Bad priests are a snare of ruin for my people” (Hosea 5:1; 9:8). Bad priests and bishops are called a “stumbling block of iniquity” (Ezekiel 44:12), he continued, because no one does more harm than the man who has the title of holiness though he is actually evil. Bad clerics either lead people to imitate their sins or cause people to fall away from the Church. If the people have been armed with the sword of discernment, however, Gregory believed they could avoid being spiritually destroyed by bad pastors.36

In one of his early homilies, Gregory explained that in a discerning community these bad pastors are like the waters of baptism, which washes away the sins of the people and then flows down the drain into hell. Those who are discerning enter their heavenly reward purified by the work of even bad priests and bishops, in part by remaining steadfast as they see how priestly negligence is leading the clergy to perdition. In this situation, the bad clerics give an excellent illustration for the discerning Christian of what it means to “hasten to the torment of hell by their wicked lives.”37

Gregory’s works are suffused with points of discernment when it comes to the bishops, but there are three that were particularly important for reform movements aimed at the clergy. The three points can be framed in the form of the following questions: (1) Does the bishop exhibit purity of heart and exemplary conduct? (2) Does the bishop prefer the love and praise of the church to that of his Redeemer? (3) Does the bishop act like a servant or like a lord? As we shall see, these three questions could be reduced to one: Is the bishop humble?

What does it mean for the bishop to have purity of heart and what should be considered exemplary conduct? Purity of heart can be described as moving beyond self-interest. Gregory says this is important for a bishop because the office requires him “not to seek anything for himself, but to regard the good of his neighbors as his own advantage.” The ancient Church held that the route to purity of heart is through self-denial or asceticism. They believed asceticism is the athletic training Christians need in order to win the race and take our crowns of glory(1 Cor 9:24-25).38

Purity of heart is more commonly expressed in terms of holiness today. In addition to self-denial, Gregory believed holiness requires meditating on the lives of the saints and taking time to contemplatively read scripture. Because these practices and disciplines are concrete actions that people can see, asceticism was seen as a sign of the probability of holiness. If the bishop trains himself through ascetic and contemplative disciplines, he will not make self-interested decisions based on favoritism or concerns over prosperity and adversity. Such decisions, whether they are for material gain or advancement, can be legitimately criticized and opposed by the people of the diocese.39

Concerns over adversity and prosperity flow into Gregory’s second point of discernment, whether the bishop prefers the love of the church to the love of his Lord. Gregory wrote, “Often, indeed, incautious pastors, being afraid of losing human favor, fear to speak freely what is right, and, in the words of the Truth, do not exercise the zeal of shepherds, caring for the flock, but serve the role of mercenaries.” He explained that such men are not shepherds; instead, “they are dumb dogs who do not bark (Is 56:10).” These mercenaries do not stand up to defend their flocks from worldly and oppressive powers.40

Gregory describes this type of bishop or pastor as an adulterous servant of the bridegroom who wishes to take the bride as a spouse for himself. Because they fall into self-love or narcissism, they fail to correct the people who are important to them. One clear indication the bishop suffers from this form of rebellion is how he treats people whom he believes are powerless to act against him. Gregory wrote, “Indeed, persons who in their estimation can do nothing against them, they constantly hound with bitter and harsh reproof. They never admonish them gently, but, forgetful of pastoral meekness, terrify them in the exercise of their right to govern.” He said these men love themselves more than they love God and, worse, they brag about their merciless actions against those they despise. “They have no thought for what they should do,” Gregory continued, “but only for the power that is theirs. They do not fear the judgment to come.”41

Bishops who act like this and want people to remain silent about their leadership are witnesses against themselves, for they wish to be loved more than the truth. A good bishop, according to Gregory, takes the free and sincere criticism of his people as respectful recognition of his humility. An evil bishop, on the other hand, reveals himself to be a rebel against God, who put him in office for the purpose of service instead of tyranny.42

The third and final point of discernment, whether the bishop acts like a lord or a servant, is arguably the most significant of these measuring points. All bishops should avoid the trap of seeing the power of their rank in themselves; instead, Gregory said they should focus on the equality of their nature with those under their care. Bishops should find their joy in helping people, not in ruling over them. If a bishop focuses on his rank, Gregory said he would become conceited. This conceit will lead him to believe the praise of those who are under his authority rather than to inwardly judge himself. Gregory warned that such a bishop would eventually come to despise his people.43

Because of his ecclesiastical power, a bishop who falls into the trap of conceit, Gregory argued, assumes he has more merit and wisdom than those without power. The consequences for such a pastor are, according to Gregory, quite severe:

He thus brings himself to be the likeness of him about whom scripture says: “He beholds every high thing, and he is the king over all the children of pride.” He who aspired to singular eminence and disdained life in common with the angels, said: “I will place my seat in the North, I will be like the Most High.” By a wonderful decree, therefore, he finds within himself the pit of his downfall, while outwardly exalting himself on the pinnacle of power. A man is made like the apostate angel when he disdains, though a man, to be like other people.

In other words, the bishop who acts like a lord is a reflection of Satan and cannot therefore be considered a true hierarch, though he can still validly perform the sacraments. To follow such a bishop’s example leads to damnation. Gregory charged such bishops with ignoring Christ’s command: “Whosoever will be the greater among you, let him be your minister; and he that will be first among you shall be your servant. Just as the Son of Man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister”(Matt 20:25-28)”

Benedict XVI's Church Age is dead

Benedict XVI and Opus Dei are concocting themselves as HOLY and PERFECT like John Paul II and God the Father - but actually they are all deceivers in the obsession of St. Josemaria Escriva for WORLD DOMINATION. So as they control justices with their judges and lawyers and politicians, they will try to crush and delete the memory of the 12,000 victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

But Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei’s Church Age is dead and it will be completely demised in the disappearance of the Vatican building by the Act of God…that is by NATURE…and not by mankind.

Benedict XVI and Opus Dei members are all CLONES of St. Josemaria Escriva and John Paul II...

Discernment: Is RCC Inc seriously disordered and full of BS from top to bottom? Yes. Response: leave and speak out about the disorder inherent down to its most fundamental roots at every opportunity.

November 26, 2008 at 2:24 pm
clevelandgirl Says:

I think frankly that the Holy Spirit is moving away from all the churches. The RCC is an easy target because of its age, its size and its readily discernable dysfunction but this problem of the Holy Spirit being kidnapped by the various leadership cliques within the many Christian congregations and groups is there for all to see, and see plainly. The Church Age is dead as one prominent American preacher has written in his books (Harold Camping). He is a strict fundamentalist and a strong believer in predestination but that is off the point. He has spent his long life in Christian theology and preaching and he believes all churches are now demonic, in the sense that they no longer serve God but serve themselves. I think we need to take a cue from him.

To state this simply, in this regard our fundamentalist brother is almost certainly spot on. The Church Age is dead. The Holy Spirit dwells in the desert among those who have been caste off by the churches as “too progressive” or “unruly” or simply “non theological”.

In my view, discernment is all about quietly, prayerfully determining the will of the Holy Spirit in the life of each and every Christian. Can any of the churches assist in that? I don’t think so. We are beyond that now.

The Church Age is dead.

Thomas Michael Barnes Says:
November 26, 2008 at 7:56 pm


What do ya mean “no longer serve God?”, I do think anything has changed in over 2,000 yrs. It has always been that way, and nothing will stop it, but the ALMIGHTY HIM/HER self.

As long as the same “school of thought” (theology of God) is taught nothing will change.

All of the Doctors of the church came up with a distorted truth about God and in seeking their perfection aka “holiness” continue to teach/preach “the followers” sheep & future clergy the distorted truth.

They have produced “clones” and these clones produce more “clones” and so on. (it’s global history).

How can anything change when clergy are taught that they are vicars of Christ, and believe that they are.

They are taught that they are suffering for mankind? so, if they are taught to believe that they are truly Vicars of Christ…who can tell them anything right? they are Christ and Christ is perfect right? well, this is what is taught and breeds future clones.

Man’s dignity is robbed from him because his uniqueness is constantly trying to bend to the distorted truth through the workings of the Iron Clad staff of the so-called sheppard.

and yet, the sheppards can preach and teach till the cows come home and never heed his won words.

all I know is that I have been tested and tested by them, and yet who tests them?
I am done with “their” church.

Thomas Michael Barnes Says:
November 26, 2008 at 7:56 pm

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Court approves lawsuit against Benedict XVI and Vatican to face sex abuse case in USA

It's about time that the justice system in the USA out-power the corrupt injustice of the Pope and the Vatican and the Opus Dei in their WORLD DOMINATION Agenda.

The 12,000 American victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army is more than double that of the 5,000 victims of the 9-11 Wordl trade Center attacks. Wake up America! NEVER call John Paul II a 'saint' in American soil. John Paul II was the worst pope in modern times but Opus Dei want to make him a half-god because they wrote all his books for him...but now they are nothing but clanging cymbals.

Appeals court lets Vatican sex abuse case proceedNovember 24, 2008

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - A federal appeals court has ruled that part a class-action sex abuse lawsuit against the Vatican can proceed.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati said on Monday that three men may pursue their claim that top church officials should have warned the public or local authorities of known or suspected sexual abuse of children by priests in the Archdiocese of Louisville.

The ruling upholds a similar decision by U.S. District Judge John Heyburn II of Louisville in May 2007.

The ruling also upholds Heyburn's decision to dismiss claims that the Holy See was negligent in failing to provide safe care to the children entrusted to the clergy.


SNAP Press Statement
For immediate release:
Monday, November 24, 2008

Sex abuse case vs. Vatican can proceed, judge rules; victims respond

Statement by Barbara Dorris of St. Louis, Outreach Director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (314 862 7688 home, 314 503 0003 cell)

We're thrilled by this ruling. We're one step closer toward protecting more kids, exposing more predators, and detering future recklessness, and holding top Catholic officials accountable for the rape of hundreds of thousands of kids. Employers everywhere - religious and secular - must learn that endangering children and enabling predators is wrong and will be punished.

The legal process drags on slowly and church bureaucrats fight justice vigorously, so we caution victims and Catholics against prematurely getting their hopes up. But this is a very encouraging sign and very long overdue step in the long march toward justice, prevention and healing.

(SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, is the nation's oldest and largest support group for clergy abuse victims. We've been around for 17 years and have more than 8,000 members across the country. Despite the word "priest" in our title, we have members who were molested by religious figures of all denominations, including nuns, rabbis, bishops, and Protestant ministers. Our website is

Contact David Clohessy (314-566-9790 cell, 314-645-5915 home), Peter Isely (414-429-7259) Barbara Blaine (312-399-4747), Barbara Dorris (314-862-7688), Mary Grant (626-419-2930), Mark Serrano (703-727-4940)


Court: Alleged Ky. abuse victims can sue Vatican
Ruling limited to actions on U.S. soil

By Peter Smith • • November 25, 2008

Three Kentucky natives can pursue a lawsuit against the Vatican alleging it covered up sexual abuse by priests -- but only if those decisions were carried out on U.S. soil.

That was the ruling of a federal appeals court yesterday that upheld a similar ruling by U.S. District Judge John Heyburn II of Louisville in May 2007.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit agreed with Heyburn that the Vatican -- as a sovereign state recognized by the U.S. government -- is largely protected from lawsuits.

But the court ruled that the Vatican could be sued over claims that bishops and others covered up sexual abuse as part of their role as Roman Catholic Church employees, as long as that cover-up occurred in the United States.

Attorney Jeffrey Lena, representing the Vatican, said he's "gratified by the court's work and that it has in our view significantly narrowed the prospects of the plaintiffs' claims."

He declined to say whether he'd appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The three men are represented by Louisville attorney William McMurry, who sued the Vatican in 2004, a year after he negotiated a then-near-record $25.7 million settlement with the Archdiocese of Louisville.

McMurry has said the Vatican itself, and not just local dioceses, needs to account for sexual abuse by clergy.

The three plaintiffs -- Michael Turner, James O'Bryan and Donald Poppe -- have alleged they were abused as boys by priests in the Louisville archdiocese between the 1920s and 1970s.

They are seeking class-action status on behalf of all U.S. abuse victims, contending that the Vatican for generations has orchestrated a policy of covering up sexual abuse by its priests, ordering bishops not to report abusers to police or warn parishioners.

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the plaintiffs could not challenge actions abroad taking place in Rome or elsewhere -- including the creation of a 1962 Vatican document calling for strict secrecy in handling priests accused of sexual offenses.

"The actual promulgation of the 1962 policy … occurred abroad," said the appellate court decision.

But the Vatican can be sued over church officials who carried out the policy in the United States, the court said.

The appeals court denied McMurry's bid to sue the Vatican -- the world's tiniest nation -- in its capacity as a private international religious organization, rather than as a sovereign state.

The United States itself filed a supporting brief, arguing that U.S. recognition of the Vatican as a sovereign state needed to be respected and that, if the lawsuit was to proceed at all, it should only do so under one of the exceptions to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

McMurry was also denied in his efforts to sue under some of those exceptions -- such as an exception covering foreign governments involved in commercial activities.

The appeals-court ruling is "careful and seems relatively comprehensive going through all the machinations" of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, said Carl Tobias, a professor at the University of Richmond School of Law who regularly tracks Sixth Circuit cases. "It doesn't really tell you what might happen ultimately on the merits, but it leaves the case alive to proceed."

McMurry did not return phone messages as of early yesterday evening.

Unless either side appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court, the case now returns to the U.S. District Court for Western Kentucky for evidence gathering and other pretrial activities.

A nationwide survey by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice found that 10,667 people alleged abuse by 4,392 priests between 1950 and 2002.

More than 300 people sued the Archdiocese of Louisville and two local religious orders, alleging abuse by priests and other church workers.

In a related matter, Judge Heyburn last month denied McMurry's motion to take the deposition of Pope Benedict XVI, saying McMurry had not made a strong enough case that such a step was needed.

McMurry contended that the testimony was urgent because the aging pope is the only living witness to the establishment of the 1962 policy.


Federal appeals court lets Louisville sex-abuse case against Vatican continue

By Brett Barrouquere

Associated Press Writer

2:18 PM CST, November 24, 2008

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) _ A lawsuit can continue against the Vatican alleging that top church officials should have warned the public or authorities of known or suspected sexual abuse of children by priests in the Archdiocese of Louisville, a federal appeals court ruled Monday.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals gave the go-ahead for the lawsuit filed by three men who claim priests abused them as children. They allege the Vatican orchestrated a decades-long coverup of priests sexually abusing children throughout the U.S.

Louisville attorney William McMurry is seeking class-action status, saying there are thousands of victims nationally in the scandal that haunts the Roman Catholic Church. He is seeking unspecified damages from the Vatican.

“This is an enormously huge moment,” McMurry said. “We’re finally going to get to the root of the problem.”

Jeffrey Lena, a Berkeley, Calif.-based attorney for the Vatican, said the appeals court’s decision narrows the plaintiffs’ case because the court upheld dismissing several issues.

“It’s gratifying to see the hard work the judges put into the opinion,” Lena said.

Lena declined to say if he would appeal the decision. McMurry said he expects the case to wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Several lawsuits around the country have sought damages against the Vatican, but many have been bounced around in lower courts. Attorneys for both sides say the Louisville case is unique.

It centers on a 1962 directive from the Vatican telling church officials to keep under wraps sex-abuse complaints against clergy. The document became public in 2003. McMurry claims that document makes the Vatican liable for the acts of clergy whose crimes were kept secret because of the directive.

U.S. District Judge John Heyburn II ruled in January 2007 that the men may pursue their claim that church officials should have sent out warnings about abusive clergy. But the judge also dismissed a large chunk of the lawsuit.

The appeals court upheld Heyburn’s decision to dismiss claims that the Holy See was negligent in failing to provide safe care to the children entrusted to the clergy, along with claims of deceit and misrepresentation by the Vatican.

McMurry also sought to depose Pope Benedict XVI, but Heyburn rejected the request. With Monday’s ruling, McMurry said, he would seek documents and possibly renew efforts to depose the pontiff.

“We will get to the bottom of this,” said McMurry, who represented 243 sex abuse victims that settled with the Archdiocese of Louisville in 2003 for $25.3 million.

Appeals Judge Julia Smith Gibbons, who authored the 20-page opinion, rejected part of the lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of the U.S. Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, which generally gives immunity to foreign countries from most civil actions. McMurry contended that the Vatican as a country and the religious institution were separate, but Gibbons said they are legally the same.

“Consequently, we reject plaintiffs’ contention that they are not suing the Holy See that has been recognized by the United States government, but a parallel non-sovereign entity conjured up by the plaintiffs,” Gibbons wrote.

The decision makes it tougher for plaintiffs to sue the Vatican as a religious institution without first overcoming the restrictions under the foreign immunity law.

Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Benedict XVI & Vatican Cardinals call Oabma win "Apocolyptic"

Obama is part of the Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION Agenda so Benedict XVI will now have an American ally.


By Newswires
Nov 18, 2008

Washington, D.C. – Two weeks after 54 percent of Catholics elected the most virulently pro-abortion candidate in history, the head of the Vatican's Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Penitentiary has joined the chorus of leading Catholic voices to decry the election of President-elect Barack Obama.

Cardinal James Francis Stafford, speaking Nov. 13 at Catholic University of America on "Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II: Being True in Body and Soul," described Obama's victory as "aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic." Obama ran on an "extremist anti-life platform," he added.

"We thank Cardinal Stafford for addressing the disaster our country is grappling with," said Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League, "The fact is, Obama did not run alone. Our new pro-abortion administration includes Vice President-elect Joseph Biden – a self-proclaimed Catholic. Biden's presence in the administration calls out for the Catholic leadership to enforce canon law – specifically Canon 915."

Cardinal Stafford spoke only days after Fr. Jay Scott Newman issued a pastoral letter to his parishioners at St. Mary's Church in Greenville, S.C. instructing parishioners who voted for the Obama/Biden ticket to confess their vote as a grave sin and do penance before presenting themselves for Holy Communion.

Fr. Newman's action sparked national controversy, as have Cardinal Stafford's comments on the 40th anniversary of the encyclical Humanae Vitae.

Cardinal Stafford's lecture contains some of the strongest language to date used by Catholic officials to describe the Obama presidency. His remarks echo the sentiments of many of the U.S. bishops at their annual fall assembly last week in Baltimore.

But despite the barrage of condemnation for abortion support, the bishops have stopped short of enforcing Canon 915 which states:

"Those… obstinately persevering in grave and manifest sin are not to be admitted to holy communion."

"The church officials who have spoken out have done a wonderful job exposing our country's lack of respect for God and truth. But they are ignoring one of the causes," Sedlak said, "in failing to enforce Canon 915 and giving pro-abortion politicians, like Biden, access to our most sacred Sacrament, the Holy Eucharist, bishops are propagating the mentality that abortion is a valid Catholic prerogative."

Copyright© All Rights Reserved.

500,000 Starlings shit over Benedict XVI and the Vatican Video

The autumn skies of Rome at dusk belong to the starlings.

God has enough of the GAY voice of Benedict XVI. God no longer want to hear the “holy” hypocrisy of the Opus Dei in their WORLD DOMINATION Agenda. So God sends 500,000 starlings which represent the victims of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army whose blood are crying out to Heaven for vengeance. These starlings voice drowns out the GAY voice of Benedict XVI who lives with his handsome GAY private secretary Msgr. Georg – see our blog for his photos.

The Vatican was predicted in the Third Secret of Fatima to sink into a black hole and not one of its pillars will remain standing – like the Temple of Solomon.

So those 5 BILLION Euros annual deposit of the Bank of the Pope will all disappear like smoke because God ahs no use for the wealth of the Opus Dei on this planet because they covered-up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for over 26 years...and worshipped on the pedophilia-altar at the Vatican.

========= VIDEO

The Sky-High Mob Over Rome

Starlings Have Been Arriving in Rome Since the 1920s, With Current Estimates at 500,000

ROME, Nov. 17, 2008

The autumn skies of Rome at dusk belong to the starlings. Lifting off from their plane tree roosts...

The autumn skies of Rome at dusk belong to the starlings. Lifting off from their plane tree roosts along the Tiber river, it is a slow gathering. A small flock flies about and is joined by another small flock. Yet another joins them, and then another and they are a sky-high mob.

Seen from a roof terrace in central Rome, they resemble circus acrobats warming up for their finale with somersaults and arching pirouettes. They are their own amusement park ride, dipping and soaring with switchbacks and loop de loops.

Hundreds and then gusts of thousands glide over the domes and antennaed rooftops. Sometimes, when the birds fly low enough, you can hear the whoosh and a faint murmuring as they pass overhead. They seem to be heading for a certain somewhere until they veer off in another direction entirely.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Benedict XVI-God's Rottweiler now a "dog-bites-man" pope

When a dog attack and bite a human being, it is always put down and put to sleep but Benedict XVI Ratzinger God's Rottweiler who has bitten Jesuit Jon Sobrino and other Jesuits and women and children is still on the loose and roam and reign as God's living Rottweiler. Here are the human beings that Benedict XVI God's Rottweiler has bitten since he became pope.

His Own Pope Yet?

April 23, 2007

With little fanfare, Benedict XVI will tomorrow mark the second anniversary of his formal installation as pope, a threshold at which his immediate predecessors had established themselves in the public mind. Yet he remains an enigma to many who thought they knew him well, and something of a blank slate to a world curious to see what this new pontiff would be like.
(Brad Holland)

Polls show Benedict ­ formerly known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger ­ in the middle of the pack among respected world leaders, and a survey last year in Germany had the Dalai Lama and even the losing World Cup coach Jürgen Klinsmann outpacing the first German pope as “a role model and admirable person.” It wasn’t that Benedict wasn’t liked as much as he wasn’t known, or understood.

Much of this puzzlement can be chalked up to the blessing of low expectations. Not only was Benedict following the supersized pontificate of John Paul II, but as John Paul’s doctrinal “bad cop” in Rome for more than two decades, he had diligently cemented his reputation as a conservative hardliner while continuing his own career as a polemical theologian who wrote dozens of books and engaged in frequent debates. All that made Cardinal Ratzinger the most prominent and controversial head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in memory.

Given that pre-election platform, when his fellow cardinals elected him pope on April 19, 2005, in a 24-hour conclave that was the shortest in modern times, many feared, or hoped, that the church was now headed by a higher-ranking version of Benedict’s old self.

Yet the new pope was too astute to fall into that trap. For one thing, Benedict understood that being pope would demand a pastoral touch instead of a combative edge. As he told dinner companions last fall: “It was easy to know the doctrine. It’s much harder to help a billion people live it.” Also, befitting his age and temperament ­ an academic with no parish experience, Benedict turned 80 on April 16 ­ he moved deliberately in making changes. He has traveled little (his visit to Brazil next month will be his first to the Western Hemisphere) and he tried to tone down the emphasis on the person of the pope ­ a motif of his predecessor’s style ­ and put it back on the basics of the faith.

Above all, in his pronouncements and writings, he carefully accentuated the positive. His first encyclical was titled “God Is Love,” and charity has become the recurring byword of his apparently irenic pontificate. “Christianity, Catholicism, isn’t a collection of prohibitions: it’s a positive option,” as Benedict said last year.

By and large, the pontiff’s approach has worked. Liberal Catholics were so relieved that Benedict was not issuing daily bulls of excommunication that they took a kind word as a hopeful omen. Indeed, the loudest complaints about Benedict’s record have come from his erstwhile allies on the right who are miffed that he has not cracked down hard and fast on those they consider dissenters.

But the Catholic right ought to have more patience, just as the Catholic left ­ and everyone else ­ might want to pay closer attention. The reality is that during these two years, even as he has preached the boundless grace of Christian charity, Benedict has also made it clear that divine love does not allow for compromise on matters of truth as the pope sees it, and that he will not brook anything that smacks of change in church teachings or traditions. Nor is he a caretaker pope who is willing to stand pat.

In one of Benedict’s first moves, he issued a long-awaited policy stating that homosexual men cannot be ordained priests, even if they are able to live a chaste life. The action was cast as a response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis, based on the argument that the abuse was largely inflicted by a growing number of gay men in the priesthood. That was an empty rationale, most obviously because the number of abuse cases was dropping sharply in recent decades even as the percentage of gay priests was rising. Above all, the decision unjustly denigrated a group of people simply for who they are. And it was akin to hoisting the ladder after one is safely aboard ship given that there are already plenty of gay priests and bishops serving the church faithfully, many in the Vatican itself.

In other moves, Benedict restricted the role of lay people at Mass in order to reinforce the separate, Christ-like action of the priest, and he is expected to announce soon that he will allow widespread use of the pre-Vatican II Latin Mass, in which the priest faces away from the congregation. That would come despite the strong opposition of many bishops in Europe, the United States, even inside the Roman curia ­ and even though there are hardly any priests who can celebrate the old rite or worshipers who would understand what is happening.

Predictably, Benedict has also renewed church stands against married clergy and the ban on divorced and remarried Catholics receiving communion. Changes in the role of women in the church or teachings on sexual behavior are of course out of the question. And Benedict has reinforced the primacy of the pope ­ an issue his predecessor had opened for debate.

Then, last month, the Vatican censured a renowned Jesuit proponent of liberation theology, the Rev. Jon Sobrino. A Spanish priest who has spent his life working with the poor in El Salvador, Father Sobrino narrowly escaped death in 1989 when six of his confreres were murdered by Salvadoran death squads. Such experiences helped hone the priest’s theology, which focuses on the poor as the primary recipients of Christ’s message.

Despite that personal story, Benedict went ahead with the rebuke of Father Sobrino, whom the Vatican, with minimal explanation, accused of not sufficiently emphasizing the divinity of Jesus. It was a questionable judgment theologically, and smacked of piling on. Cardinal Ratzinger had fought a long and by all accounts successful campaign against liberation theology, and while Sobrino remains popular, Benedict, as pope, could well have sat back and enjoyed the pax Romana that he helped to secure. Although Rome did not directly silence the priest, it declared his teachings “not in keeping with the Catholic faith,” which invited bishops to act against him, as some have done.

The censure was a sorrowful blow to Father Sobrino, who has health problems and is semi-retired, and above all to his many supporters in Latin America who believe that justice goes hand in hand with charity. And it demonstrated that while Benedict’s style may be different as pope, the substance remains the same. As he told German television interviewers last year, “Let’s say that my basic personality and even my basic vision have grown, but in everything that is essential I have remained identical.”

Perhaps that is why Benedict’s harsher actions have received little notice. Benedict is a “dog-bites-man” pope, notable largely for what he was not expected to do, or for actions that produce unnerving reactions, like his speech critiquing Islam last September that enraged many Muslims. The pope actually devoted the bulk of that lecture to questioning non-Catholic Christians and secular Westerners who he said were in thrall to modern rationalism.

Certainly, Benedict has in two years preached many striking and even lyrical meditations on the beauty of the faith that is at the heart of Christianity. But in the United States, as elsewhere, the challenge is not so much a crisis of faith as a “crisis of church.” It is not a question of why believe as much as why be Catholic. People are convinced by deeds that match rhetoric, and a closer look at the actions behind Benedict’s words shows that the two are still far apart.

David Gibson is the author of

The Rule of Benedict: Pope Benedict XVI and His Battle with the Modern World

Price: $24.95
On Sale: 9/19/2006
Formats: Hardcover

Publisher's Notes:

There was no neutral response to the announcement that the "enforcer"­Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger­ had been elected Benedict XVI, the next pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Conservatives saw it as the final triumph of their agenda. Liberals were aghast. Everyone else wondered what to expect. Award-winning religion journalist David Gibson explores the "war of ideas" that will be a defining feature of this new papacy.

Gibson persuasively argues that by tackling the modern world head-on Benedict XVI is gambling that he can make traditional, orthodox Catholicism the savior of contemporary society. But if the elderly Benedict fails in his battle with modernity, will Catholicism wind up as a "smaller-but-purer church"­the new kind of fortress Catholicism that some conservatives want? Such fears haunt millions of American Catholics pressing for change. Gibson points to the early warning signs of a papacy hyperfocused on "right belief" and shows how the key decisions of this surprising papacy will profoundly impact the future of Catholicism.


When Benedict XVI came to America, Time magazine put him on the cover and titled it “Why America loves the Pope” which was of course a lie because SNAP Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests held non-stop protests and asked the United Nations in new York to investigate and charge him with the abuse of children – because for over 26 years he covered up the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army.

The mainstream-media are mostly owned by the Opus Dei and these tactics show that their “holiness” combines well with Satan the wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. Here is an classic example of mainstream media lies.


MSM lie: "Cloistered for weeks, Palin is now everywhere"
Here is the headline of the news which shows how voracious (typical) the MSM main-stream media LIARS are in attacking Sarah Palin hoping she would give up after being bullied by media sharks.

"Cloistered for weeks, Palin is now everywhere"

"Cloistered for weeks" is the main lie and MSM used this kind of lie in all their titles to brainwash people throughout the campaign. Sarah Palin was never cloistered - not even for one single day - and most of all not "for weeks". Today is November 13 and the election was November 4, 9 days ago, so where do these professional journalists get their numbers?

9 days = weeks ???

After the election was over Sarah has been giving interviews and resuming her job as Governor of Alaska. The article also contains other subtle lies (like carbons in a diamond) which only honest godly people can detect. The MSM are a group of pathological liars-journalists...and God will vindicate Sarah Palin.. for God said : "Do not seek revenge for Justice is mine..."


"Cloistered for weeks, Palin is now everywhere"

By Steve Holland

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Suddenly, Sarah Palin is everywhere. Palin, U.S. Republican nominee John McCain's vice presidential running mate, was kept cloistered for weeks during the heat of their losing campaign against Democrat Barack Obama.

The McCain campaign largely kept her under wraps out of fear that she might make more verbal missteps as she did in high-profile television interviews shortly after she was picked as McCain's No. 2.

But now that she is no longer under the watchful eyes of McCain campaign officials, the Alaska governor is talking, and talking and talking.

She will talk some more in Miami on Thursday when she holds a news conference and addresses a Republican governors meeting.

On Wednesday night, she was talking to CNN's "Larry King Live," where she was pressed on whether she had cost McCain the election.

"I personally don't think that I, Sarah Palin from Alaska, the VP pick, I don't believe that I caused the outcome to be what it was," she said. "I think the economy tanking a couple of months ago had a lot more to do with it than the VP pick."

This was just hours after CNN had her talking to anchor Wolf Blitzer, who wanted to know whether she might run for Alaska Republican Sen. Ted Stevens' seat should Stevens have to step down because of a conviction for corruption.

Maybe, she said, while noting that she wants to serve the people of Alaska the best way she can and "at this point it is as governor."

"Now if something shifted dramatically and if it were, if it were acknowledged up there that I could be put to better use for my state in the U.S. Senate, I would certainly consider that but that would take a special election and everything else," she said.

"I am not one to appoint myself or a member of my family to take the place of any vacancy."


What about Palin running for president in 2012, Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren wanted to know the other day.

Palin did not rule it out.

"If there is an open door in (20)12 or four years later, and if it is something that is going to be good for my family, for my state, for my nation, an opportunity for me, then I'll plow through that door," she said.

Palin generated a lot of emotion on the campaign trail. Her supporters, many of them social conservatives, were ecstatic about having her on the ticket. Her detractors did not think she was qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Now the issue is 2012, and some serious jockeying is already going on among Republicans. One possible Republican presidential aspirant, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, said on Wednesday he was glad Palin was being vocal.

"I think it's a good thing that Sarah Palin is going to be speaking out," Jindal told MSNBC. "I hope all of our governors will talk about what they're doing in their states, learning from each other."

Jindal and another possible candidate, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, will all be in Miami along with Palin.

(Editing by Chris Wilson)

Beware America, for you are now ruled by MSM pathological LIARS attacking Sarah Palin a woman of God!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Withhold Financial Donations on First Withholding Sunday, November 16, 2008 -- to Benedict XVI and the Vatican

The American Catholics are finally waking up to the reality that the Vatican and the Catholic Church is the wealthiest institution on the earth. Benedict XVI dresses up each day to welcome diplomats with diplomatic immunity to get their 5 BILLION EUROS deposit each year. Benedict XVI and Opus Dei do not "hold the key to Heaven" -- Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei are powerless and so they create their own power and make Catholics the most stupid followers on the planet -- especially believing that the host-is-turned-into-the-real-flesh-of-Christ at Mass.

If God did not want Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil -- would he let man eat his - only begotten son's flesh??? Cannibals in Africa are pagan and so eat their own brothers and relatives and prominent men's flesh to get their powers.

Likewise, the Pope and Opus Dei make hocus pocus of the flesh of Christ to eat him to get God's powers. And they act like gods on this earth!!!

Benedict XVI and Opus Dei priests are cannibals with theological and Latin flavors!

Benedict XVI and Opus Dei priests mocks the 9-month pregnancy of Mary -- by stem-celling the flesh of God through their sinful words.

That is why the priest-pedophilia thrived under the reign of John Paul II because he was the "Source and Summit" of the papacy, yeah right, "John Paul II the Great" as Peggy Noonan wrote in her book, she is a puppet of the Opus Dei...and all she did was thrash Sarah Palin, the real Godly woman of the Bible...


From the Send the Bishops a Message website.

Withhold Donations on November 16th

New Group Urges Catholics to Withhold Financial Donations on First Withholding

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tucson, AZ - Nov 10, 2008 -

"Send the Bishops a Message" is a group of reform-minded Roman Catholics who are disappointed, saddened, and exasperated enough with unaccountable and secretive Catholic bishops to take targeted action.

The group plans to get its message across by advocating that all Catholics withhold financial donations (cash, check, and credit card) on designated "Withholding Sundays."

The ongoing failure of Catholic Church officials to protect children from dangerous clerical predators and to provide acceptable levels of stewardship for Catholics' hard-earned donations compels us to take this action. These officials have adamantly refused to accept responsibility for their grave moral failures in the clergy sex abuse crisis. They repeatedly "apologize," but neither admit to covering up sex crimes against children nor accept their part in the horrendous scandal brought down upon Catholics everywhere.

More than 6 years after the Dallas Charter of 2002, high-level Church officials still protect both clerical sexual predators and those who shield these predators. Boston's Cardinal Bernard Law enjoys a high-profile, comfortable job in Rome even though he habitually transferred serial pedophile priests from parish to parish without notifying parents their children were at risk. Los Angeles's Cardinal Roger Mahony approved a $660 million settlement with clergy sex abuse victims, yet still uses every legal maneuver at his disposal to maintain the secrecy of Church files he agreed to hand over to victims' attorneys as part of the settlement. Chicago's Cardinal Francis George, the current head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), refused to follow his own sex abuse review board's recommendation that he, George, suspend a priest who had been arrested for sexual abuse of a minor. Three months after Cardinal George's refusal to act against the priest, the priest molested at least three more boys in Chicago's inner city. One of the children, prosecutors say, had been assaulted "on an almost daily" basis.

The emotional, physical, and spiritual destruction of so many lives must stop. The compassion and justice that Scripture teaches must be restored. The hierarchy has cost the Catholic people billions of dollars in legal fees and settlements, yet there seems to be no end in sight. Why? Because bishops and other high-level Church officials still believe it is their duty to shield perpetrator priests, even though they are a criminal and financial ticking time bomb. If Church officials don't change their ways, more children's lives will be ruined, the financial hemorrhaging will continue resulting in more parish closings, and the people of the Church will continue to bear the burden of this madness.

We Catholics have no elections, recall procedures, or impeachment processes that allow us to replace those who have cost us so much. Withholding donations is the best way for a disenfranchised laity to send, with one voice, a message to church officials in the only language they understand-MONEY!

The bishops have squandered our trust. Now is the time to send them a strong message. We urge all Catholics to Send the Bishops a Message by withholding cash, check, and credit card donations on designated "Withholding Sundays."

The first Withholding Sunday is November 16, 2008.

We understand that many Catholics will find it culturally and psychologically difficult to withhold their donations. However, if we fail to use the only power bishops listen to, the power of money, we will have more abuse, more scandal, and more financial mismanagement. Ask yourself, can we afford to put more children at risk? Can we afford to bear the brunt of more sexual abuse settlements? Can we afford to have more parishes close because of financial mismanagement? Can we afford a secretive, unresponsive, unjust system of governance any longer? Clearly, we cannot.

Therefore we urge you to exercise the power of the purse on Withholding Sundays, starting on November 16th , to send a unified message to the Church hierarchy:
Business as usual will no longer be tolerated.

We want to be clear: we are not opposing any Catholic doctrine or dogma. We want our children safe. We want our parishes intact. We want our donations to be managed openly according to the principles of good stewardship, accountability, and transparency.

Our Goals

Make Catholics aware that they have the power to change Church governance policies by selectively withholding financial donations

Give Catholics an opportunity to speak with a strong united voice

Send a message to the bishops that business as usual-abusing our children, covering up these crimes, putting children at risk by shielding criminal priests, and mismanaging financial resources-will no longer be tolerated

* * *

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this message to a colleague, friend, or family member.


Note on Sarah Palin the Godly woman that Opus Dei and main-stream media attacked like a pack of wolves.

Moving Forward


The dust has settled. Barack Obama is the President-Elect, Joe Biden is moving into the Naval Observatory, John McCain is headed back to the Senate, and Sarah is going back to Alaska...hopefully to continue the dramatic progress she has made in upsetting the political establishment and making government work for the people.

Meanwhile, those of us who supported Sarah in her run for Vice President get to begin the process of moving forward. So, as we launch a new phase in our movement, I think it's time to start talking about what we want to see in the future from the Republican Party, Sarah Palin, and our own movement. I have a few thoughts on each. Some of this is stuff I've already read, some of it isn't.


Forget about the 2012 presidential race for two years. We're never going to unseat Obama if we don't unite the party and build a solid foundation. Instead of lining up behind our respective horses for the next round of primaries, we need to focus on getting good leadership in place in Congress and the Republican National Committee (RNC). In Congress, I think this means turning the House Leadership over the the "Young Turks" of the party. More than likely, this will involve the eventual installation of a new Minority Leader from a younger generation (likely Eric Cantor of Virginia). For the time being, John Boehner has indicated his desire to remain Leader, and Cantor is probably going to run for Minority Whip. However, in the next few years, there should be moves to eventually replace Boehner with Cantor and trade the aging leadership team in for dynamic new faces like Paul Ryan (Wisconsin), Thad McCotter (Michigan), and Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Washington). They will be able to produce and market 21st Century conservative alternatives to President Obama's proposals.

At the RNC, there needs to be a new Chairman who can rev up the party faithful, rebuild the GOP fundraising machine, and help new Republicans win election. The Democrats figured out how to find such a person in 2005 when they elected Howard Dean, a charismatic former presidential candidate who could barnstorm the country. We could replicate that phenomenon by turning to Fred Thompson or Rudy Giuliani.


1. Don't pay much attention to 2012 speculation and focus on being Governor. Cement yourself as a presence on the national scene, but top priority is getting that gasline built (thereby giving yourself another major accomplishment as Governor and potentially lowering energy prices down here in the lower can run on that in 2012)

2. Launch "SarahPAC" as soon as possible. You are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to fundraising potential, and lots of people will be happy to give you lots of cash to distribute to candidates around the country (this also gives you an excuse to occasionally go on campaign trips). You can use SarahPAC (or whatever you decide to call it) to establish a reputation for helping other Republicans win, and gain some loyalty from the Congressmen that you want to endorse your eventual candidacy.

3. Write a bestseller. The subject is irrelevant, though including a good deal of policy talk would probably be helpful. The American public needs to know that you are an intelligent and capable leader, so show them how smart you are. Plus, it never hurts to have to do a bunch of interviews to promote your new book, and if you wrote on energy policy, you could establish yourself as a "preeminent authority" on the subject.

4. DO NOT RUN FOR THE U.S. SENATE. You need to stay far away from Washington and continue to build your resume (and ensure that you get the credit for that shiny new gasline). If you want to run for something, run for re-election.


Sarah cannot start openly tooting her 2012 horn for at least two years, and frankly neither can any other high level GOP operative or major media personality. On the other hand, we "internet nuts" are bound by no such standards of propriety. Our job moving forward is to wave pom-poms and yell "Sa-rah! Sa-rah!" at the top of our lungs for the next few years. We're the ones who will be making sure that Sarah's accomplishments in Alaska continue to be highlighted (need I mention the gasline again?) and that she stays at the top of any and all lists of potential 2012 candidates. This is what we do best, and we need to get back to that sort of operation.

We also need to pursue two objectives from an operational standpoint: institutionalization and decentralization. Institutionalization means putting in place mechanisms to ensure that the Palin Movement remains intact and cannot be broken up. Decentralization means making sure that there are multiple sources of pro-Palin chatter. We've already done well at decentralizing, with a plethora of Palin sites popping up earlier this year (,,, etc.), but we need to continue to build stronger networks and more sites. This will ensure that we cannot be shut down by the departure of one or two bloggers. I'll be honest here, I have no clue what I will be doing in four years or whether my career path will allow me to continue an independent partisan blog. We need to make sure that NO ONE can kill this movement or this site, not even me. Hence, I will be looking to build a stronger network of Pro-Palin blogs and re-networking with some of the connections that I have not been able to keep up during the recent frenzy. I will probably also be looking to add new bloggers the team here at

If we take these steps, we should be able to set up a sustainable movement that, God willing, will help propel Sarah to the Presidency in four years.

God bless America.

Attention Chicago and Los Angeles : WITHHOLD giving money to Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church

Notice of Chicago Sidewalk News Conference on November 10th

Chicago - Nov 7, 2008 -

New Catholic group urges parishioners "Stop Donating"

It decries continuing protection of pedophile priests by bishops

Lay people must use "power of the purse" to "force real reform"

Ongoing secrecy in Church finances is basically "taxation without representation"

Nov. 16th is first international "Withholding Sunday"


Holding signs at a sidewalk news conference, Catholics will prod fellow parishioners to withhold financial donations on November 16th which will be the first nationwide, indeed worldwide Withholding Sunday, to send the bishops a message that irresponsibility and secrecy will no longer be tolerated


Monday, Nov 10, 11:00 a.m.


Outside Chicago archdiocesan headquarters, 155 East Superior, in downtown Chicago


Three-four members of a new organization called "Send the Bishops a Message" ( and supporters from SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( ; the Catholic reform group Voice of the Faithful (; We Are Catholics (; and the Coalition of Concerned Catholics.


Reasons we are taking this action:

· The ongoing failure of Catholic Church officials to protect our children from dangerous clerical predators

· The bishops' failure to provide acceptable levels of stewardship for our hard-earned donations

· The refusal of Church officials to accept responsibility for their grave moral failures in the clergy sex abuse crisis. They repeatedly "apologize," but neither admit to covering up sex crimes against children nor accept their part in the grave scandal brought down upon Catholics everywhere.

· After almost 6 years since the Dallas Charter of 2002, we are still witnessing high-level Church officials protecting both clerical sexual predators and those who shield these predators

· Chicago's Cardinal Francis George, the current head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), refused to follow his own sex abuse review board's recommendation that he, George, suspend a priest, Fr, Dan Mc Cormack, who had been arrested for sexual abuse of a minor. Three months after Cardinal George's refusal to act against Fr. McCormack, this priest molested at least three more boys in Chicago's inner city. One of the children, prosecutors say, had been assaulted "on an almost daily" basis.

· Catholics have no elections, recall procedures, or impeachment processes that allow them to replace those who have cost parishioners so much. Withholding donations is the best way for a disenfranchised laity to send, with one voice, a message to church officials in the only language they understand-MONEY!

CONTACT - Frank Douglas, national director of Send the Bishops a Message, 520 404 2489 (cell) or 520 579 9575 (home); Rick Springer 773 485 2447; Matt McCormick 847 361 3633; Therese Albrecht 708 263 3050

* * *
Notice of Los Angeles Sidewalk News Conference on November 10th
Los Angeles - Nov 7, 2008 -

New Catholic group urges parishioners "Stop Donating"

It decries continuing protection of pedophile priests by bishops

Lay people must use "power of the purse" to "force real reform"

Ongoing secrecy in Church finances is basically "taxation without representation"

Nov. 16th is first international "Withholding Sunday"


Holding signs at a sidewalk news conference, Catholics will prod fellow parishioners to withhold financial donations on November 16th . This first nationwide, indeed worldwide Withholding Sunday, will send the bishops a message that irresponsibility and secrecy will no longer be tolerated


Monday, Nov 10, 11:30 a.m.


Outside the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 W Temple St, in downtown Los Angeles


Three-four members of a new organization called "Send the Bishops a Message" ( and supporters from SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests ( and a Catholic reform group called Voice of the Faithful (


Reasons we are taking this action:

The ongoing failure of Catholic Church officials to protect children from dangerous clerical predators

The bishops' failure to provide acceptable levels of stewardship for Catholics' hard-earned donations

The refusal of Church officials to accept responsibility for their grave moral failures in the clergy sex abuse crisis. They repeatedly "apologize," but neither admit to covering up sex crimes against children nor accept their part in the grave scandal brought down upon Catholics everywhere.

After almost 6 years since the Dallas Charter of 2002, high-level Church officials are still protecting both clerical sexual predators and those who shield these predators

Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony approved a $660 million settlement with clergy sex abuse victims, yet still uses every legal maneuver at his disposal to maintain the secrecy of Church files he agreed to hand over to victims' attorneys as part of the settlement.

Catholics have no elections, recall procedures, or impeachment processes that allow them to replace those who have cost parishioners so much. Withholding donations is the best way for a disenfranchised laity to send, with one voice, a message to church officials in the only language they understand-MONEY!

CONTACT - Frank Douglas, national director of Send the Bishops a Message, 520 404 2489 (cell) or 520 579 9575 (home); Debby Bodkin 949 290 5516; Mary Jane McGraw 818 917 3555; Sam Cordova 818 667 1005

* * *

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this message to a colleague, friend, or family member.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Withhold Donations to Benedict XVI and th Catholic Church; Vote McCain-Palin

Has any American notice how cruel and ruthless the main-stream media has been in battering Sarah Palin and her family? The main-stream media is owned by the Opus Dei and it reflects how Opus Dei has low regards for women and Pentecostals, one of the enemy of the Catholic Church because millions of Catholics are in exodus to the Pentecostal Church and Sarah Palin is a Catholic turned Pentecostal.

Has any American notice how cruel and ruthless the main-stream media has been in battering Sarah Palin and her family? The main-stream media is owned by the Opus Dei and it reflects how Opus Dei has low regards for women and Pentecostals, one of the enemy of the Catholic Church because millions of Catholics are in exodus to the Pentecostal Church and Sarah Palin is a Catholic turned Pentecostal.

The Opus Dei with its founder St. Josemaria Escriva hates women to its core. No women could touch the tomb or coffin of St. Josemaria and that is why it is interred at the main altar of the Opus Dei church in Rome. See the story of Maria Tapia and how she was ruthlessly treated by St. Josemaria.

We featured here how Benedict XVI receives an annual 5 Billion Euros into the Vatican Bank or Bank of the Pope. That is why the Pope dresses up and meet dignitaries each day because they have political immunity and therefore they can carry loads of money without being search and taxed by the Rome immigration and authorities.

A group of Americans are now asking Catholic NOT to DONATE to the Catholic Chruch to send their message across to the hypocrisy and secrecy of the Cardinals and Bishops. To join them go to their website.

A group of reform-minded Roman Catholics has had to it up to here with irresponsible, unaccountable bishops. The group advocates that all Catholics “Send the Bishops a Message” by withholding financial support, whether it is cash, check or credit cards, on designated “Withholding Sundays.”

The continuing failure of Catholic Church officials to protect our kids and provide acceptable levels of stewardship for our hard-earned donations compels us to take this action. These officials shield predator priests. They adamantly refuse to accept responsibility for their grave moral failures in the clergy sex abuse crisis. They promise to release documents as part of legal settlements with clergy sex abuse victims and then they go back on their word. They repeatedly “apologize,” but neither admit covering up sex crimes against children nor accept their part in the grave scandal brought down upon Catholics everywhere. They continue to do business, including the management, or mismanagement, of Church finances, in secrecy.

If you agree that now is the time for sending a message to the bishops in the only language they understand—MONEY, then go to our website at

and join our campaign against irresponsibility and secrecy.

Buy the Obama Nation book to know the real Obama in World Net Daily

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Benedict XVI covered-up John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army for 26 years +

Someday our vision at the last WYD World Youth Day 2002 of John Paul II being dragged by St. Michael the Archangel will also be in art.

John Paul II was too busy adoring himself and publishing books written for him by Opus Dei that he totally refused to face the problem of his John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. There is no excuse, the fact is he had no writings to address this most heinous sin of the Catholic church in modern days. The fact is Opus Dei is only for the elite and has no time and attention to the poor like the Jesuits do.

The John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army is the legacy of the Opus Dei who controlled the Vatican, still does control, and will control until the Vatican's imminenet demise as predicted by Our Lady of Fatima. The Third Secret of Fatima is not being revealed because it points to the Vatican as a black hole in the depths of the earth. Leo X saw this in a vision and John XXIII was sick after reading the Third Secret of Fatima.

How long can Benedict XVI and the Opus Dei think they can fool the 1.2 Billion Catholics. The priesthood and the Eucharist is the greatest lie of Satan and as St. Josemaria Escriva's body is at the altar of Our Lady of Peace church of the Opus Dei in Rome, the Eucharist is a mockery of Our Lady and an insult to her 9-months pregnancy.

There is only ONE Jesus Christ. John Paul II was not Jesus. Benedict XVI is not Jesus Christ, not even an iota close to Christ. Benedict XVI cannot walk on water. Benedict XVI cannot change water into wine…therefore ALL popes and ALL priests cannot change flour-into-flesh-of-Christ. The demise of Vatican and ALL its wealth is imminent as Our Lady predicted in the Third Secret of Fatima


Cardinal Sins
91 x 61
This painting captures the essence of the Clergy Abuse Scandal. The three cardinals represent hear, see and speak no evil. You will notice that each head is missing the related part. The heads are grey to reflect the cardinals being dead from the neck up regarding sexual abuse. The garments are purple representing the aristocratic behavior of the hierarchy and the pain of the passion. The garments are held up by the doves symbolizing the Holy Spirit cleansing his church and the two children are symbolic of the horrors that boys and girls have been put through and the shame that they had to live with.

The Ledge
91 x 61

The painting depicts the addictions used by those who are trying to get away from the pain caused by the center piece, a crooked church. The last escape is being contemplated by the person on the ledge as he looks at his reflection while the world around him is cracking. The pool seems serene and the volcanoes are a reminder that those that take their own lives are supposed to burn in hell. The inspiration for this was a survivor who was contemplating his end.

Silent Screams
46 x 61

Silent Screams was inspired by a poem of the same name. It shows the dichotomy of the life an abused person leads. One side is normal, outward appearances, and the other side is tormented. The eyes are a reflection of the soul. The left eye shows the torment this person lives in while the right eye shows the unnamed perpetrator.

Sin Weighs In
91 x 61

Shows a scale with the bishop as the fulcrum. He is nailed to a cross and weighed down by the pedophile priest who has a child representing both male and female in his arms. The fires of hell and the hands of the damned are reaching up for the priest and the child whose life has become hell because of the abuse. The Eucharist on the left side represents God as being above all this with the problem being the hierarchy of the church and not God.

Living Without Trust
28 x 36

Based on a poem by the same name. The drawing is divided using the grave marked “Trust” as the dividing line between a normal childhood and the abuse. After that time, nothing is normal without the ability to trust. The adults reach out to their inner children in an effort to recapture the trust that was destroyed. They are haunted by the ever present priest perpetrator who hovers over their dead trust,

46 x 61

This painting can be read left to right or right to left, but it is about being torn apart and changing through healing. If you go right to left, you see the tightly wound person unraveling and then taking off as a butterfly. If you go left to right, you see the person coming together into a cocoon and then becoming a butterfly.

Righteous Soles
28 x 36

The crepe soled shoes represent the working people in the pews. It was inspired by a conversation I overheard in a cafeteria. The two middle-aged women in creped soled shoes were discussing the Clergy Abuse Scandal and spelling out the reasons they woud not go back to church. This is the outcome, the people in the pews stepping on the priests and bishops who have violated their trust and left their churches in shambles

From the Saatchi Online Gallery, London.

Not only is Vinnie Nauheimer a wonderful writer, take a look at his talent at painting.

* * *

Video Artist Upload Here

Vinnie Nauheimer

Born in 1949 in the Bronx, NY. Stayed there until I served in the Navy during the Vietnam Nam era. Went to college after the service and spent the next thirty years in sales and marketing.

About the Artist
I started painting in my mid twenties and then stopped by thirty. I started painting again to express my feelings of outrage and anger over the clergy abuse scandal. The collection shown here was my outlet. The inspiration came from personal experiences and those of the many wonderful survivors of clergy abuse that I met in online chat groups and in person. Each of these painting has a poem that goes with it. Some were inspired by the poem and some paintings inspired the poem.


Likewise, the mainstream-media that is owned by Opus Dei has also crowned Obama as president even as Obama’s memoir was written by Ayers.

Science points to Ayers authorship of Obama's 'Dreams'

Jack Cashill
Posted: October 29, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

© 2008

I write this from a hotel room in Washington, D.C., to which city I have repaired in only a semi-successful attempt to bring the news to our truth-phobic national capital.

At the heart of my message is that Barack Obama is an impostor, the Milli Vanilli of politics, a man who has been lip-synching for the last 13 years to lyrics pre-recorded by, among others, Bill Ayers.

Exhibit A in my testimony is Obama's 1995 memoir, "Dreams From My Father." The evidence overwhelms the dispassionate observer that Bill Ayers served as chief book doctor on this fulsomely praised persona-builder.

Now, the science is coming in, from a variety of sources, and it confirms a hypothesis that is evident to anyone who cares to look: Obama had substantial help from Ayers.

Early in this investigation, I had contacted Patrick Juola, one of the nation's leading authorities on data-driven computer analysis. Juola cautioned that in his field, "the accuracy simply isn't there."

He continued, "The best-performing methods we know about can get 90-plus percent accuracy, but can also get 50 percent or less (and we don't yet understand the conditions that cause that to happen), which means that for high stakes issues (such as national politics), the repercussions of a technical error could be a disaster (in either direction)."

Juola added, "A better approach is simply to do what you're already doing (as far as I can tell from the columns you were so kind as to send) – good old-fashioned literary detective work."

That much said, there was a general feeling among people interested in this story that the public would need the confirmation of science, and not just from one source.

Fortunately, five different sets of researchers have taken the challenge to test the hypothesis that Ayers was heavily involved in the writing of "Dreams." And although there are admitted limits to this emerging science, the consensus among these researchers is noteworthy.

I am aware of a fifth stylometric analysis, soon to be released, this one from a British scholar of international repute, but here are some quick summaries from the first four. The authors' contact information could be made available on deep background for serious news sources.

"Using the chi-square statistic," observes one professor, "Obama's and Ayers's books were indistinguishable, while Obama's book was easily distinguishable from books by other authors."

Writes another analyst, using his own proprietary software, "There is a strong likelihood that the author of "Fugitive Days" ghost-wrote "Dreams From My Father" using recordings of dialog (either tape recorded or notes). Alternatively, another scenario could be possible: Ayers might have served as a 'book doctor.'"

One systems engineer writes, "The statistical style analysis performed by our research team suggests that the writing style of 'Dreams From My Father' is significantly more similar to the style observed in 'Fugitive Days' than to the style found in other works by Barack Obama
such as 'Audacity of Hope.'"

He continues, "Even more interesting, when we extract those sections of 'Dreams From My Father' that Dr. Cashill believes to be Ayers' writing and treat this as a unique document, the style analysis software identifies a stronger correlation between this sample and Ayers' 'Fugitive Days' than we see between this same sample and the remainder of 'Dreams From My Father'! Thus we have reason to believe that 'Dreams From My Father' had at least two authors, and one author's measured style features more closely match those of Ayers than they match those of the other author(s)."

"Under the Q-value statistic," argues one university-based analyst who tested "Dreams" against Ayers' 2001 memoir, "Fugitive Days," "segments of 'Dreams' consistently compared as well with 'Fugitive' segments as it did with other segments of 'Dreams' itself. In contrast, 'Dreams' compared poorly with other documents."

Writes another: "The Ayers-Obama matching shows a measurable and substantial effect. It is easily and objectively distinguishable from comparison to a third document. These results achieved through good methodology should readily stimulate scientists skilled in the particular relevant fields to construct their own tests, place objective metrics on the correlation between the Ayers-Obama documents and publish results."

He adds, and I agree, "We strongly think this bears immediate investigation by the academic community at large as the initial data presented is highly suggestive that these two documents share large portions of authorship."

Here is one of the more user-friendly of the studies in pdf format, as well as my summary of the literary detective work that has taken the project this far. Those readers who have influence the media, now is the time to use it.

Read Cashill's three-part series on Obama's "Dreams":

Part 1, "Bill Ayers' motive for penning memoir"

Part 2, "Deconstructing the text"

Part 3, "Real author of Barack book: Why it matters"

Related special offers:

"The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality"

"The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values"

Previous commentaries:

"Ayers' role in Obama's 'Dreams' poised to break out"

"Barack Obama: Ayers' alter ego"

"Test shows Ayers penned Obama's 'Dreams'"

"Nautical metaphors could sink Obama"

"Obama didn't write 'Dreams from My Father'"

"Roots' fraud sets standard for Obama's"

"Obama's poems show real talent level"

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