Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Benedict XVI lie about the irrefutable religious truths of the Catholic Church

Benedict said the church's insistence on irrefutable religious truths over relativism had driven the conversion to Catholicism of the 19th century theologian John Henry Newman, who was beatified by the pontiff during his visit to England in September.

Skirting over his other foreign trips this year, the Pope singled out his speech at Westminster Hall, in London, given in front of four former prime ministers, parliamentarians and religious leaders, and claimed that the church had a role in reinforcing the moral values – currently "at risk" – that underpin modern democracy.

See one of the best expose that refutes the Popes pathological lies (done in a more respectful manner) “Why the Catholic Church is not a good moral force for the world today” http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbvr0m_shortfilms

The Intelligence² Debate - Stephen Fry (Unedited)


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