Benedict XVI & Vatican Radio & Jesuits

Faces of St? Josemaria Escriva at the entrance of Opus Dei Santa Croce Holy Cross University. He "doctored" his name so many times to make it sound like Spanish nobility. His envy of noble Ignatius is one of the seven capital sins in the Catholic catechism.

Opus Dei Santa Croce University communications center. ALL Opus Dei priests and elite members are trained here on how to speak on TV and do media spin for Opus Dei WORLD DOMINATION agenda.

Jesuit delegates visitng the Vatican Radio (now fully staffed by Opus Dei student
Jesuit Fr. Lombardi is the present "Director of the Vatican Radio" and he is also the public secretary of Benedict XVI. (Pope John Paul II (666 in Latin) had an Opus Dei secretary for 26 years). He gave a private tour to some Jesuit delegates of the General last February 3 and this remark by the Jesuit VR employee and tour guide shows that the Jesuits do not systematically train their students – or themselves – to go and serve at the Vatican Radio.
“To conclude, Fr. Koprowski mentioned the challenges he is facing. He said how much he hopes that more Jesuits, from around the world, could work with RV so that the broadcasting unit could reflect the reality of today’s Catholic world.”
The fact is the Jesuit’s Vatican Observatory was dismantled on the eve of the General Congregation 35 – because there are no Opus Dei astronomers. But the Opus Dei Santa Croce Pontifical University in Rome has been systematically preparing communication students many of whom are now working at the Vatican Radio, and soon the Vatican Television. ALL Opus Dei priests are trained to appear and speak on TV and how to do media spin. That is why Fr. Richard McBrien equated (alive) Fr.McClokey with the (dead) Bishop Fulton Sheen.
Fr. Lombardi is the public secretary of Benedict XVI but he gets all the orders from the papal GAY private secretary, Georg. Lombardi has no access to the pope; he tells the world what papal love-in GAY Georg tells him.
Poor Lombardi and the Jesuits under the tentacles of the Octopus Dei. When will those Jesuits ever learn, oh, when will they ever learn? The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind…the answer is blowing in the wind. No, the answer is in the Galileo Iceberg that has hit the B16-OD Titanic Ship, the Benedict XVI-Opus Dei Titanic Ship...and alas Benedict XVI trembles before GISU!
Visit to Vatican Radio
During their stay in Rome, members of the Congregation can take the opportunity of the time spent in the “Eternal City” to better know some Jesuit institutions. One of them, Vatican Radio, is organizing linguistic visits.
On Sunday, February 3, a French speaking group spent three hours at the famous broadcasting organization – that has been put under Jesuit leadership by Pope Pius XI. Marconi himself, inventor of the radio, was part of the early team.
The Director of Programming, Fr. Andrej Koprowski, welcomed the group and Joseph Ballong, responsible of the francophone programme for Africa, took charge of the visit. Some numbers are impressive: close to 380 professionals work in 40 production groups in 36 languages. Because of the importance that has taken the web page and the internet, they now use 14 alphabets! Every day RV is on the air for 54 hours (according to the various time zones) and produces more than 20 hours of original programming.
The visitors also had the opportunity to spend some quality time with the Director (who is also, by the way, a member of the Congregation), Fr. Federico Lombardi. To conclude, Fr. Koprowski mentioned the challenges he is facing. He said how much he hopes that more Jesuits, from around the world, could work with RV so that the broadcasting unit could reflect the reality of today’s Catholic world.
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